The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3204 The traitor is also justified

Chapter 3204 The traitor is also justified

King Mahoraka's head exploded, and a large mist of blood fell in the air.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Dragon King's mouth twitched, his fists clenched tightly, looking very angry.

If the head was still there, Mahoraka would have had a chance to live, but now he is completely dead.

How could the Dragon King, who had a very good relationship with him, not be angry, and forced back Ji Yang's avatar who was attacking him with a palm, glared at King Ashura, and shouted loudly: "King Ashura! I will kill you a traitor with my own hands!"

With a loud shout, the Dragon King's body also changed.

The original human body disappeared and turned into a huge snake body.

This is nothing, the point is his head, countless cobra-like snake heads emerged, Ji Yang couldn't count the number, because there were too many.

After a rough look, Ji Yang felt that there were at least dozens of them, maybe even hundreds of them.


The Dragon King who became like this opened his mouth wide and bit towards Ji Yang's avatar.

"Take it... I'll be good, so many heads?"

"Baqi snake? Nine-headed insect? In front of this guy, it's so weak."

But how could Ji Yang let him bite his avatar, with a move of his arm, the avatar disappeared.

But looking at the Dragon King in front of him, Ji Yang was quite shocked.

Although I heard that the Naga is a very strange race, they have a huge snake body, live in the water, have one or several cobra-like heads, and have a strong ability to control water.

But he didn't see that the Dragon King had so many heads.

Having lost the target of the attack, the countless snake heads of the Dragon King looked at Ji Yang's body position.

King Asura also stood beside him.

He has already expressed his loyalty to Ji Yang with his own actions.

Killing King Mahoraga with his own hands, King Asura had no choice at all, he was already a grasshopper tied to the same rope as Ji Yang.

If Huaxia really lost, then he must be miserable.

Although the Dragon King has become what it is now, it seems that his momentum has increased a lot.

But he knew very well that even with this appearance, it was impossible for him to deal with Ji Yang and King Ashura alone.

Asura King's fighting power is no worse than him, and Ji Yang's fighting power is even stronger than him.

One against two would be death, so he didn't dare to move, but just stared at Ji Yang and King Ashura.

"This guy is quite calm, and he hasn't been dazed by anger."

"The Dragon King is very smart. Not only can he control water, move clouds and make rain, but he is also very insidious!"

"Oh? That's right, it doesn't matter if he's insidious or not, just kill him. If he doesn't move, let's move!"

Even though he was so angry, he was able to maintain his calmness.

Such a Dragon King really impressed Ji Yang.

Since he didn't do anything, Ji Yang planned to take King Ashura to take the initiative.


King Asura has no doubts about Ji Yang's thoughts.

Even if there was, he wouldn't say it, he would just do it.

In fact, he himself knew very well that the moment he killed King Mahoraka, he had completely become an enemy with YD and became Ji Yang's subordinate.

But just when the two were about to make a move, dark clouds shrouded their heads, and thunder and lightning fell from the sky, directly striking them.

"Clang clang clang..."

"Boom boom boom..."

The falling thunder and lightning stopped Ji Yang and King Ashura from moving, and the two counterattacked without hesitation for a moment, breaking the falling thunder and lightning one after another.

These lightning bolts are not too much trouble for the two of them, and breaking them is also very simple.

"Di Shitian!"

After breaking the thunder and lightning, Ji Yang and King Ashura fixed their eyes on the person who released the thunder and lightning.

This thunder and lightning did not come from the Dragon King, but from Di Shitian.

He had already blocked all the lightning from Ji Yang's Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique, but when he blocked these lightnings, King Asura had already killed King Mahoraka.

"King Ashura, you traitor, you dare to betray the main god, the main god will not let you go, and the Asura clan will not be let go."

"I really regret it. If I had known today, I should have killed you before."

His own round of lightning attack was blocked by Ashura King and Ji Yang, but Di Shitian didn't care.

The thunder and lightning just now was just the anger in his heart and he released it casually.

And the reason for his anger is because King Asura killed King Mahoraka.

Di Shitian was very unhappy with King Asura and even the entire clan of King Asura, and battles between the two clans also occurred from time to time.

But no matter how he fought before, he had never been so angry with King Asura like today.

No matter how you fight in the past, it is your own business, but now King Asura is betraying him.

Traitors, there are few people who can tolerate them.

"Traitor? Hahaha... you are a traitor to me!"

"For the Asura clan to survive, just be a traitor!"

Under normal circumstances, being called a traitor, many people may be ashamed or something.

But King Asura didn't, instead he refuted Di Shitian loudly with righteous words.

The living conditions of the Asura tribe are too poor. If we cannot give the Asura King tribe a good living condition, the Asura tribe will perish sooner or later.

It is also because of realizing this that King Asura chooses to be loyal to Ji Yang.

Anyway, they all have to be loyal, the three main gods can't meet the needs of the Asura clan, but Ji Yang can, why can't he choose another choice.

"If you don't change your nature, then you go to die... Hong Lei!"

"Asura's saber cut... Di Shitian, let's really settle it today!"

Di Shitian did not expect that King Asura would say such a thing.

To be a traitor is reasonable. To Di Shitian, this is like pouring fuel on a volcano, making him extremely angry.

With a wave of his arm, several thunderbolts hit King Ashura.

Asura King's eyes turned cold, and he rushed forward, breaking through the thunder and lightning, while approaching Di Shitian.

He and Di Shitian have had a long-standing grievance. When they fought against each other before, due to various reasons, they still had to estimate some things.

But there is no need for it now, he will fight Di Shitian to the end today, to have a thorough understanding.

"Since you chose him, then leave this big guy to me."

Whether King Asura can beat Di Shitian, Ji Yang actually feels very uncertain.

Because King Asura was injured by himself before, and now his fighting power is not as good as usual.

Moreover, there was some gap between his fighting power and Di Shitian's. Although it was not very big, it would definitely be more obvious when he was injured and no one else was injured.

Originally, according to Ji Yang's intention, he was the one to deal with Di Shitian.

But now King Ashura didn't even give him a chance to speak, and he had already attacked Di Shitian by himself, so he could only fight with the Dragon King.

As long as I kill the Dragon King, King Asura can persist until then, then I can help him...

(End of this chapter)

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