The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3206 Can't waste your self-destruction

Chapter 3206 Can't waste your self-destruction

"What a strong flame...but don't underestimate this Dragon King!"

"Roar...a hundred dragons soaring into the sky...roar..."

From the moment Ji Yang's purple fire was cast, the Dragon King felt that it was unusual.

But he felt that no matter how strong these flames were, with his ability to control water, he could completely extinguish the flames.

When he first changed the water column into a water dragon, he really had an advantage.

But within a few seconds of occupying the upper peak, the flames began to counterattack, and finally completely trapped themselves.

The eyes of dozens of snake heads shone with cold light, and the Dragon King roared unconvinced, his body was completely wrapped in water waves at this time, and hundreds of water jets turned into water dragons, rushing towards the flames that trapped him.

Bailong soaring to the sky is one of the strongest attacks of the Dragon King.

Regardless of the considerations, the Dragon King knew that he could not lose to Ji Yang.

It's not just a matter of face, it's not a question of whether YD can win, but it's that if he doesn't defeat Ji Yang, he will definitely lose his life.

So he didn't think too much about it, and didn't use some trivial moves to fight Ji Yang, but directly used his strongest attack.

Hundreds of water dragons rushed into the flame cage, which seemed to be in great condition, and its power was also very terrifying.

The moment the flame cage was hit, the flame cage was broken by him.

"Hundred Dragon Charge!"

"go to hell!"

After destroying the flame cage, the hundreds of water dragons seemed to have suffered no loss.

Dozens of snake heads looked ferociously at the hundreds of water dragons that had not dissipated, and controlled these water dragons to rush towards Ji Yang.

The hundreds of water dragons gathered by the Dragon King were not just for breaking the flame cage, he also wanted to use these hundreds of water dragons to end his battle with Ji Yang, and he wanted Ji Yang's life.

Bailong Chongsha is the same as Bailong Chongtian, it is the strongest attack method of the Dragon King.

It's just that Bailong Rush feels more killing effect, and the destruction is stronger.

" want to kill me with these broken water jets, you really think highly of yourself."

"Earth Fire Art Resurrection!"

Hundreds of water dragons rushed towards him, which looked really scary.

But Ji Yang is not the Xiaobai he used to be, he has seen too many big scenes, and it is not the first time he has encountered such a dangerous scene.

So on his face, there was no sense of urgency at all, but a somewhat disdainful sneer on his face.

The Bailong soaring to the sky just now did break the flame cage, but it didn't completely extinguish all the purple flames.

Looking at the sparse purple fire, Ji Yang released the earth fire formula again, and these sparse purple fire ignited instantly.

Although the intensity of the purple fire ignited did not reach the strength of the previous earth fire cage, it was even affected by the impacting water dragon and became shaky.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the purple fire is still burning.

Because Ji Yang didn't just use Zihuo to deal with the Dragon King this time.

"Zi Lei is released!"

Dark clouds condensed in the sky above the Dragon King, and purple thunders fell from the sky under Ji Yang's control, towards the Dragon King.

Seeing these lightnings, the Dragon King reacted quite quickly. With his huge body, he jumped up and down, dodged left and right, and perfectly avoided all the lightning.

"I said don't underestimate me, these lightnings can't hit me."

Dodging the thunder and lightning, the Dragon King looked at Ji Yang arrogantly, and shouted arrogantly.

At this moment, he felt particularly hung up.

He felt that it was wrong for him to attach importance to Ji Yang before, and the other party was not his opponent at all.

"Hit you? Did I say I would hit you?"

"What I want to fight is my Purple Fire!"

With Dragon King's arrogant expression, Ji Yang gave him a second-hand look.

If Ji Yang really wanted to hit the Dragon King with Zilei, did he think he could dodge it so easily?

"What did you say……"

"Boom boom boom..."

Ji Yang's eyes and Ji Yang's words made the Dragon King stunned.

He didn't understand what Ji Yang meant.

But in an instant, he understood what was going on.

I saw the purple thunder I avoided falling on the ground, and after meeting the resurgent purple fire on the ground, they merged with each other and exploded.

A huge explosion sounded, and the violent power of the fusion of flames and lightning raged.

That's right, what Ji Yang really wants to do is to use the sky thunder to hook the earth fire.

"Boom bang bang..."

Under the thunder and fire, the hundreds of water dragons controlled by the Dragon King were blown away one by one, and none of them could get close to Ji Yang.

The Dragon King also uttered a pitiful scream under the flames of the sky and the dragon.

With his huge body, it was not easy to avoid the thunder and lightning falling from the sky. It was impossible to completely avoid such a large area of ​​thunder and lightning.


Unable to completely avoid Tianlei Goudihuo, he simply did not dodge, but aimed at Ji Yang's direction and rushed out all the way.

To be honest, the dragon king's vitality is really strong.

Looking at the Dragon King rushing out of the thunder and flames, his body was full of blood holes due to the violent power of the lightning and flames just now, and dark blood flowed out of the blood holes.

At least two-thirds of his dozens of snake heads were blown up.

There are still many snake heads left, and many of them are dilapidated.

But just like this, the Dragon King still rushed out of the sky thunder and hooked the ground fire, and rushed towards Ji Yang.

The aura on his body is exploding at a terrifying speed, his body and the rest of his snake head are feeling swollen.

Seeing his appearance, Ji Yang's eyes froze. He was planning to blow himself up and die with himself.

After all, the Dragon King is the leader of the eight tribes of Tianlong, and his strength has reached the level of a first-rank immortal.

If he blew himself up, he was not joking.

If he got close to him, even if he didn't blow him to death, his injuries would not be light.

The Three Realms of China are suffering from foreign enemies, and they still have a lot to do, so how can they be seriously injured, so Ji Yang absolutely cannot let the Dragon King get his wish.


"Boom boom boom..."

Several fire walls were released, and Ji Yang's body retreated rapidly.

But his wall of fire couldn't stop the dragon king rushing towards his death at all, he didn't care how much pain he would feel after the wall of fire burned, he just wanted to get close to Ji Yang and die with him.

"Explode yourself, then I will fulfill you!"

"But you blew yourself up, I can't waste it!"

The Dragon King's self-explosion power will be very strong, Ji Yang knows it very well.

But he tried to block it, and it was not impossible, such as guarding the East Emperor Bell, or hiding directly in the world in the pot, etc., but he did not do this, but retreated all the way, all the way to the side of the teleportation beam, and then stopped body.

With a strange smile on his face, he looked at the Dragon King who had already chased to the teleportation beam, the Xuandi Qi in his body was circulating, and in the process of dodging, he pushed out two palms that had already been prepared.

"Earth Sha Push Mountain Palm!"

"Boom boom boom..."


The two palms hit the Dragon King impartially, and at the same time, the Dragon King screamed and pushed his body into the teleportation beam...

(End of this chapter)

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