Chapter 3214

"Hades, the fighting power of your XL gods doesn't seem to be very good."

"After fighting for so long, they are still hovering on the edge of the Huaxia Hell, and have not really penetrated into the interior."

"I heard that there is an [-]-story hell in Huaxia Difu, where all the ghosts who have committed serious crimes are imprisoned. I really want to go and see it."

Shiva is one of the three main gods of YD, and he is also the leader of YD gods who attacked the underworld this time.

Looking at the ordinary gods of YD and XL who were fighting with the soldiers of the underworld, Shiva looked at Hades, the XL king of the underworld, and said in a strange voice.

After understanding Shiva's words, Hades frowned, with dissatisfaction flickering in his eyes.

But before he could open his mouth, the XL fire god Hephaestus beside him had already opened his mouth to express his dissatisfaction.

"Shiva, our XL gods are not very effective in combat, why do you YD ask us for help? Does this mean that your YD gods are weaker?"

"We at XL are just cooperating with you to help you. Your YD gods are the main ones, and we are the assistants. Up to now, we are still on the edge. The problem is not with us, but your YD gods are too rubbish."

For the XL gods, people have the impression that the male gods are handsome and the goddesses are beautiful.

But Hephaestus, the God of Vulcan, one of the twelve main gods, is an exception. He not only has an ugly face, but also has a lame leg.

Although Hephaestus's appearance is not good, his soul and intelligence are very outstanding. He is the god of fire, the voice of smelting, and the patron saint of blacksmiths. He not only built the palace of the gods, but also many The gods made weapons and items.

The thunder and armor of Zeus, the bow of Cupid, the chariot of Hercules, the golden and silver arrows of Eros, etc.

So although his appearance is not pleasing, the ability he possesses makes him have a good position among the twelve main gods.

However, his temper, like the flames he has mastered, is a little irritable.

In Shiva's words, Hephaestus certainly couldn't listen to the belittling of XL gods.

He not only refuted Shiva, but also said bluntly that YD God is too rubbish.

"Hephaestus, you ugly guy, pay attention to your words, find out who you are talking to, and anger the Lord God, the consequences are not something you can bear."

Shiva also has a bad temper. Hearing what Hephaestus said, his expression immediately became ugly.

He spoke to Hephaestus in a cold voice, with a strong sense of threat in his words.

If it weren't for the cooperation between the two parties in front of them, Shiva would have to worry about YD's interests, and now he would definitely attack Hephaestus directly.

Although both parties are called the main gods of their respective regions, Shiva did not regard Hephaestus as a god with the same status as himself.

From Shiva's point of view, among the XL twelve main gods, there is absolutely no more than one hand that can be admired by him, and Hephaestus is not included among them.

"Shiva, do you want to destroy our cooperative relationship now and fight with me?"

Although because of his own ability, he became one of the twelve main gods.

But it is impossible to say that Hephaestus didn't care about his appearance at all.

Being called ugly by Shiva and threatening in his words, Hephaestus began to have flames beating in his eyes, as if he wanted to fight directly with the other party.

"If you fight, I, Shiva, will be afraid that you will fail!"

Shiva refrained from doing anything directly because of the overall situation.

Now Hephaestus actually wants to be with him, so he doesn't mind satisfying the other party.

"Shiva, the bigger picture matters."

"Hephaestus, I don't know how Zeus ordered you, but what I want to say is that this is an opportunity for both parties to cooperate and win-win. Don't ruin XL's major event because of your bad temper."

Hades, the king of the underworld, is not only one of the twelve main gods of XL, but also the brother of the god king Zeus and the sea god Poseidon, the king in charge of the underworld, and one of the three giants of XL.

Although Zeus is the king of gods, Hades is no worse than Zeus in any aspect, and he has never helped the other side to see him as a king of gods.

This time he will come to China, not because of Zeus's order, but because he saw the benefits in this matter, such as the hell in front of him.

If you don't come, you won't get anything afterwards, then Zeus will really be stronger than yourself.

So when Hephaestus first quarreled with Shiva, he was happy to see it, but he just watched the show but didn't speak.

But when he saw that Hephaestus was going to fight Shiva, he couldn't help but speak.

If Hephaestus and Shiva fight, they will destroy the cooperation and make themselves come to China for nothing.

"Hades, I'll give you face, don't argue with him for the time being, Hephaestus, after the matter in Huaxia is settled, I will settle today's account with you."

As I said just now, there are not many XL main gods who can be seen by Shiva, but Hades is definitely one of them.

Whether it is his mastery of the underworld or his own power, it is enough to get Shiva's attention.

So when Hades opened his mouth, Shiva was very face-saving, restraining his breath and temporarily reconciled with Hephaestus.


Hephaestus is not a god of the underworld, he is under the control of Zeus, not Hades.

But after Hades spoke, Hephaestus was obviously afraid.

Seeing that Shiva had compromised, he took advantage of the situation to restrain his breath and temporarily reconciled with the other party.

The cooperation between XL and YD is basically at odds with each other, they just take what they want.

So don't look at the surface, the two sides seem to have nothing to do, in fact, they have their own ideas about the aftermath.

"Shiva, Hephaestus, we can no longer wait here."

"The gods of XL and YD are not attacking smoothly, not because our people are weak, but because the gods of Huaxia Hell are indeed very strong in combat."

"Especially those few people, we don't know how many gods we have killed. Judging from their appearance, they are planning to break the teleportation light beam. We must take action to stop them."

Both of them were very self-confident, and Hades nodded in satisfaction.

Scanning the battlefield with his eyes, Hades frowned and said.

Everyone knows how powerful the people they bring are.

So as soon as Hades' words came out, Shiva and Hephaestus frowned, and then nodded in agreement.

"That old guy's aura feels very powerful. A few of my capable men died in his hands. He left it to me to deal with it!"

Shiva chose one person first, and he didn't care whether Hades and Hephaestus agreed or not, his body disappeared in place, and he rushed towards the opponent.

Hades and Hephaestus saw that Shiva had moved, and after they looked at each other, they disappeared in place.

By the time the two reappeared, they had each arrived near a chosen Chinese fairy...

(End of this chapter)

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