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Chapter 3231 Copper skin and iron bones don't want to live

Chapter 3231 Copper skin and iron bones don't want to live
Using the 72-change fixed body spell, several acupuncture points on Ares' body were sealed.

Ji Yang was somewhat surprised that he was able to break through the acupoints and make his stiff body start to move.

It's not that Ji Yang didn't think that Ares might get rid of the shackles of the body, but the speed of the opponent's breakthrough in the acupoints was faster than he expected.

But it didn't matter, Ji Yang had already figured out how to deal with Ares before he stopped.

Even if he broke through the acupoint faster than he expected, it is still impossible for him to have a chance to come back.

"Ares, don't resist, you can break through my immobilization method, and I can seal your acupuncture points again!"

"Of course, this can only restrict your body, but it cannot directly kill you, but it is enough."

What Ji Yang did first was not to kill him immediately, but to seal several of his acupuncture points again.

This made Ares, who had just moved, froze again.

"Damn... When I can move my body, I will definitely kill you!"

"You have no chance, Immortal Pot, hit me... hit me hard!"

"Okay... smash..."

After breaking through a few acupuncture points, his body was sealed again. Ares was depressed and angry.

But when he roared, Ji Yang smiled faintly.

Ares wanted to be able to move his body again, but Ji Yang would never give him this chance again.

With a smile on his face, Ji Yang shouted to Hu Zhongxian at the same time.

Hearing the words, the Immortal in the Pot, with an excited smile on his face, summoned several mountains and threw them at Ares.

When you can move, my upper peak is useless to you.

Now that you can't resist, I won't smash you into meatloaf yet.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Ah ah ah..."

Unable to move his body, Shangfeng hit again, Ares could not resist or dodge, he could only be smashed silently.

One mountain after another fell on Ares' body, and Ares let out screams of pain.

Although he can't resist or dodge, as the XL God of War, his physical body is already very strong.

Although the first few peaks hit him in great pain and screamed in pain, they failed to press him directly under the peaks. Instead, the mountain collapsed and rubble splashed everywhere.

But no matter how strong Ares' physical body is, he can't hold back one mountain after another.

You can't dodge, you can only carry the mountain hard. Ares was okay at first, but then he couldn't stand it.

First, the qi and blood in the body were churning, and the air in the body could not be well circulated, and the skin on the surface of the body was also bloody and bloody.

His body, which was enlarged under the enthusiasm of fighting, could not maintain it at this time, and finally returned to its normal size.

"This time I see you are not dead!"

Ares became normal size, and Immortal in the Pot controlled a mountain hundreds of meters high and threw it directly.

To be honest, Immortal in the Pot really admires Ares.

Just relying on his physical body, he forcibly took over dozens of peaks from himself. This level of strength is truly terrifying.

But he is an enemy, not a friend, and he admires him in his heart, and he should be smashed or smashed.

And the stronger he is, the more he can smash, who makes him an enemy.

"Do not……"


Ares naturally knows best about his own situation.

Looking at the mountain peak falling from the sky, a voice of unwillingness burst out of his mouth.

But his voice couldn't stop the mountain peak from falling, and he was still completely crushed by the mountain peak in the end.

"Phew... I'm exhausted. This guy is worthy of being the god of war. He can't even move, and he can last for so long."

"But it's okay, no matter how strong he is, he will still be crushed into a meat sauce by me!"

Seeing that he was going up the peak and finally pushed Ares down, the Immortal in the Pot exhaled and sat down on the ground.

From the beginning to the present, he has summoned a total of many peaks, large and small, to smash Ares, and he has lost count.

Anyway, I am very tired now, very tired.

"Hu Zhongxian, it seems that you are really tired, and you don't even feel that he is still alive."

Looking at the weak Hu Zhongxian, Ji Yang also knew that he was working hard.

However, although he didn't want to talk about some things, he still felt that it would be better to tell Hu Zhongxian.

The fairy in the pot thought that if he succeeded in suppressing Ares, the other party would be dead. He was really a bit naive.

"What did you say? He's not dead yet?"

After hearing Ji Yang's words, Hu Zhongxian was shocked.

After spending so much energy on his own, Ares is not dead yet.

Quickly releasing his perception, a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

He felt that under the upper peak, although Ares' aura was weak, it still existed, and he was really not dead.

"He really didn't die. Is this guy's body made of copper and iron?"

"Aris is one of the XL twelve main gods of war, and it is not impossible to have copper skin and iron bones."

"Hmph, but even if you are made of copper and iron, you will never leave here alive today!"

Monkey King was crushed by Tathagata under Wuzhi Mountain back then, so why was Ares crushed into meat sauce?

Immortal in the pot just felt that Ares was okay, but Ji Yang felt more than that.

Not only is Ares not dead, but all the acupuncture points on his body have been completely broken. He is rapidly accumulating strength, and it seems that he wants to break through the upper peak that is pressing on him.

Feeling that Ares was about to break through the peak, Ji Yang's Xuandi Qi began to circulate in his body, speaking in a firm and cold voice.


"He actually rushed out!"

The ground shook, the upper peak shook, and Ares was covered in blood, like a blood man. After hitting the upper peak with a big hole, he rushed out.

Although he felt it, but seeing it with his own eyes, Immortal in the Pot was still taken aback by Ares at this time.

"Both of you, you have to die today, you both have to die!"

Ares has never been in such a mess like today. Ares, who has no part of his body intact, looked at Ji Yang and the Immortal of the Pot with a ferocious expression, and roared loudly.

The spear and shield in his hand had disappeared.

But even after losing his spear and shield, Ares, who was so angry, still rushed towards Ji Yang and Immortal Hu Zhong.

"Ares, you will be the only one who dies today."

"Shaking the sky... Shaking mountains and breaking seas!"

"Boom boom boom..."

Watching Ares rushing towards him, Ji Yang was ready to make a move. Dozens of palm shadows blasted towards the rushing Ares with overwhelming force.

Shaking the sky is very powerful, and consumes a lot of energy.

When Ares was in full bloom, even if he really used the Shaking Sky Art, Ji Yang couldn't guarantee that he would be able to kill the opponent, so he was useless for a long time.

But even though Ares still looks brave now, he is actually at the end of his battles. His spear and shield are lost, his body is seriously injured, and his breath is weak to less than one-third of the previous level.

Ares in this state is absolutely impossible to withstand the shaking mountains and seas of Shaking the Sky...

(End of this chapter)

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