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Chapter 3233 What Do You Think Of Me?

Chapter 3233 What Do You Think Of Me?
"Choose my old grandson, do you think my old grandson is easy to bully... Hehehe..."

Apollo didn't choose Sun Wukong as the target of attack because he thought Sun Wukong was easy to deal with.

According to what Sun Wukong didn't know what he thought, Sun Wukong seemed very unhappy when he saw that Apollo chose himself as his opponent to attack.

After baring his teeth and clucking a few times, he swung the golden stick in his hand to block Apollo's attack, and then took the initiative to attack, attacking him with a mess of sticks.

"Clang clang clang..."

Monkey King attacked fiercely, Apollo swung his sword to block, and dozens of moves collided in an instant.

Sun Wukong is indeed weaker than Apollo in terms of cultivation alone.

But in terms of combat effectiveness, it is actually no worse than the opponent.

With a wishful golden cudgel in his hand, after this attack, although Apollo blocked it, his face became more serious.

"What a powerful monkey, the attack is fierce, and the stick is powerful."

"This level of combat power is comparable to our twelve main gods."

The XL twelve main gods have strong and weak combat power.

Among the twelve main gods, Apollo's combat power is very high, not weaker than the god of war Ares.

If this is not the case, let alone fight against Monkey King and Yang Jian with his own strength.

Even one of them is enough for him.


"Boom boom boom..."

On Apollo's side, because of Sun Wukong's fighting power, he was a little shocked.

Yang Jian had already attacked from behind, swiping the three-pointed and two-edged knife across, looking as if he wanted to cut off Apollo directly in the middle.

Apollo's reaction was quick, his body turned around, and the two long swords were guarding his waist, blocking the attack of the three-pointed double-edged knife. There was a roar, and a circle of flames splashed.

"The combat power of this three-eyed monster is comparable to that of this monkey."

"Who are they from Huaxia, and how can they have such a strong fighting power."

Although he blocked Yang Jian's attack, Apollo also felt Yang Jian's momentum and strength.

Another powerful opponent comparable to the XL Twelve Lord Gods, which made his already solemn face look even uglier.

Although his so-called rivalry refers to the one with the weakest fighting power among the twelve main gods.

But facing two of them at once, even Apollo felt a sense of crisis even if he thought he was strong in combat.

"Yang Jian, can you do it, and you miss the sneak attack?"

"Dead Monkey, you have the ability, you have the ability to confront him with hundreds of moves, but you have not gained the upper hand?"

"You... giggle... When the crisis in the Three Realms of China is resolved, my old grandson will have to fight with you."

"I will accompany you at any time, but let's deal with him first... Banyue Zhan!"

Although Sun Wukong and Yang Jian are now joining forces to fight against the enemy, the relationship between the two is really not harmonious.

It's not a day or two that we don't like each other.

Whenever there is a chance, everyone wants to hit the other side.

Seeing that Yang Jian failed to attack from behind, Sun Wukong couldn't help yelling at him, but Yang Jian didn't show weakness and yelled back at him.

They fought each other, but they didn't attack each other.

What is the most important thing, the two of them know quite well.

"Yangyan body protection!"


Erlang Shen performed a move of Half Moon Slash, a burst of half moon energy tore through the air and hit Apollo.

A burst of fiery golden light glowed on Apollo's body, directly blocking this energy.

As Apollo, the sun god, the golden light shining on his body at this time is the way to protect himself from the sun's flames.

"If you say you can't do it, you are still not convinced. Look at my old grandson's close call!"

Erlang Shen failed to attack again, and Monkey King taunted him.

Then he swung the golden cudgel in his hand and threw it at Apollo.

This stick was thrown out very powerfully, and it seemed very powerful.



With such a blow, Apollo still blocked it with Yangyan bodyguard.

However, compared to Yang Jian's Half Moon Slash just now, Monkey King's stick is indeed much more powerful.

It's good that Yang Yan's bodyguard protected him, but he was still forced to take a step back and let out a muffled groan.

"Well, my old grandson is better than you, you are not convinced!"

When he made a move, Sun Wukong couldn't guarantee that his own stick would be more effective than Yang Jian's attack.

Now when he saw Apollo retreating, he was overjoyed and raised his eyebrows at Yang Jian.

"Dead monkey... look at my sky-shattering strike!"

Sun Wukong's provocation made Yang Jian's face darken.

Immortal Qi circulated in his body, and he pointed at Apollo fiercely with the three-pointed and two-edged knife in his hand, a powerful golden light shot out, and Apollo struck.

"Yang Yan Slash!"

"Boom boom boom..."

Apollo felt that Yang Jian's blow was powerful, so he no longer relied on Yang Yan to defend himself.

Instead, he waved the golden sword in his hand, bringing out a piece of golden light, and had a head-to-head confrontation with the golden light that was shot.

The golden light collided, and the aftermath overflowed, but Apollo's body did not see the slightest movement.

"Hahaha...Yang Jian, just ask if you accept it or not?"

"Convincing you? Dead monkey, go dreaming. The moves he used this time are different, and the power is naturally different. How can we compare?"

"If you want to compare yourself with him, it depends on whose hands he died in the end!"

Yang Jian's attack was broken again, and Monkey King slapped his legs and laughed.

Yang Jian's teeth were itchy when he laughed, but he had nothing to do with him.

Yang Jian is very clear about Sun Wukong's temper, if he keeps arguing with him, he really won't get any benefits.

But what he said is true, the power of any move is not the same, you can't ask to compete with different moves.

After the words fell, Yang Jian shook his body and rushed directly to Apollo.

"Okay, then it depends on whose hands he died in the end."

It's no fun to fight to win or lose. The real competition between Sun Wukong and Yang Jian is to see who is more capable.

Seeing that Yang Jian had rushed towards Apollo, Monkey King was no slower than him.

With the wind under his feet, he also rushed towards Apollo.

"You two guys, what did you do to me, Apollo?"

"You want to kill me, do you really think you can do it!"

"Yang Yan's body protection... Yang Yan's double sword slash!"

Apollo heard what Sun Wukong and Yang Jian said.

What do they mean? Whoever kills himself is considered to be the most capable person.

But where did they get their self-confidence? They were so convinced that they could kill themselves.

Or is he really that weak in their eyes?
As the majestic Twelve Lord Sun God, how could Apollo have been so angry.

Angrily looking at Sun Wukong and Yang Jian who were rushing towards him, he first used the Yangyan bodyguard to strengthen his defense, and the two golden swords in the pair danced wildly, and took the initiative to attack them.

"Clang clang clang..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Apollo shot angrily, slashing with both swords brought up a large area of ​​Yang Yan, and blocked the joint attack of Monkey King and Yang Jian.

The more Sun Wukong and Yang Jian fought, the more frightened they became, and the importance they attached to Apollo was also increasing...

(End of this chapter)

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