The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3235 These guys are useless

Chapter 3235 These guys are useless

"Woo... Chirp... Quack..."

A burst of weird sounds appeared from the rotating golden light, and then a few golden air masses flew out from the rotating golden light.

The weird sound sounds like the cry of an animal, and the sound comes from the air mass.

It can be vaguely seen that there is something in the group.

Although I can't see what it is, it should be some kind of animal.

"Wolf, eagle, crow!"

"And swans and snakes!"

Wrapped by the golden air mass, it is impossible to directly see what is inside.

But this is not a big problem for Monkey King and Yang Jian.

One of them has golden eyes, and the other has heavenly eyes.

The two of them used their magical powers to directly see through the golden air mass.

"They are my pets and my companions."

"You join forces to fight me, I have to call some helpers, don't I?"

At the beginning, Apollo didn't think about letting these pets he raised come out.

But as the fighting time lengthened, Apollo gradually felt that it was a bit disadvantageous to fight against Monkey King alone.

It's not that I'm not strong enough to resist the two alone, it's just that it's not so easy.

If you have a helper to help you block one person, and you can deal with the other with peace of mind, it will be much easier to solve.

"Are you the only one with partners? Chirp..."


Looking at the group of pets summoned by Apollo, Yang Jian had a sneer on his face.

A whistle sounded, and a black figure rushed towards him.

In terms of partners, Yang Jian has never been afraid of anyone. His Xiaotian dog is a top-level beast, and its fighting power is very sturdy.

Originally seeing Xiaotiangou fighting in other places, and adding that he and Sun Wukong fought one against another, Yang Jian didn't intend to let him come over.

But now that Apollo has a proud expression on his face, as if he can call a pet, Yang Jian is a little unhappy.

"A divine beast that can speak human language?"

Apollo's pets are naturally not comparable to ordinary animals.

These pets followed him and were nourished by his aura, and they all had good fighting power.

But their spiritual wisdom is not yet open, and they cannot speak human language.

Seeing Xiao Tiangou rushing towards him, he greeted Yang Jian in human language, Apollo looked a little envious.

Being able to speak human language not only means that it has opened up its intelligence, but also means that it is different from ordinary pets. This is a real beast.

"'s the same thing. Although my old grandson has no partners, my old grandson can change... I will change!"

When Sun Wukong saw Apollo and Yang Jian, he called his pets (partners) out. If he didn't move, wouldn't he appear weaker than them.

Although Sun Wukong has no pets (partners), he has monkey hair.

Pulling out a monkey hair and blowing it, a clone exactly like Monkey King appeared beside him.

"This monkey is so supernatural?"

"Did the two of them not show their full strength just now, did they still have reservations?"

The appearance of the Roaring Dog surprised Apollo for a moment, and even envied him, but it was okay.

But when he saw Monkey King's clone, he frowned.

Because this avatar, whether it looks or feels, is an entity, not that kind of illusory existence.

Moreover, although the aura emitted by the avatar is slightly different from that of the main body, it is still very strong.

This made Apollo feel that the Monkey King and Yang Jian he had fought against before were not the strongest, they should have retained their strength.

"Yang Yan is really hot... Come on, partner!"

"Oh... Chirp..."

Although Apollo felt that Monkey King and Yang Jian should have retained their strength.

But he himself didn't show all his skills, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

Who is the final victor in the end can only be known at the end.

The energy in the body was running, and the pets he summoned, with the real fire of Yang Yan burning on their bodies, rushed towards Monkey King and Yang Jian.

"Shoutiangou, don't let me down."

"Master, don't worry... woof woof..."


A few pets rushed over, but Yang Jian and Sun Wukong didn't intend to pay attention to them.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have called one Xiaotiangou, and the other used monkey hair as a clone.

Seeing these pets rushing under Apollo's instruction, Yang Jian and Sun Wukong signaled to each other, and the clone and Xiaotiangou rushed towards them.

These pets are not mythical beasts, but it is not in vain to follow Apollo.

Coupled with the real fire of Yangyan burning on their bodies, each of them is not weak in combat power.

After meeting Monkey King's avatar and Roaring Sky Dog, the two sides fought together, and they didn't lose the wind for a while.

"These bastards are useless, what skills do you have, show them all."

Several pets were blocked, Monkey King raised his eyebrows at Apollo.

Even if Sun Wukong doesn't need a clone, and Yang Jian doesn't call Roaring Sky Dog, if these pets want to fight them, it's just death.

Sun Wukong really doesn't pay attention to such a low-level method.

"Hmph... Then let me show you the true power of the Sun God."

"Avatar of the sun...ha..."

The pets he summoned, Apollo didn't expect them to be able to directly defeat Monkey King and Yang Jian.

He just hoped to use them to restrain his opponent and make his attack more smooth.

But now seeing the pets who are completely unable to get out of the melee with Monkey King's clone and Roaring Dog, it is obviously impossible to even get involved.

This made Apollo somewhat uncomfortable, but it couldn't affect his battle.

Just now, he already thought that Sun Wukong and Yang Jian didn't show their full skills.

That being the case, I have to show my true skills more.

By doing this, on the one hand, it is to force Monkey King and Yang Jian to no longer hide their strength, and it is also to make themselves fight better.

"Three eyes, he grows bigger."

"It's not just getting bigger, but the aura has also increased. Dead monkey, if we don't show some real skills, we will suffer a lot."

The real body of the sun not only increased Apollo's aura, but also made the Yang flames all over his body more vigorous.

His divine body also grew to tens of meters high under the wrapping of Yang Yan.

Looking down at Sun Wukong and Yang Jian, they are so insignificant.

"I'm going to crush you!"

Looking at the tiny Monkey King and Yang Jian, Apollo raised his big feet wrapped in flames, and stepped on Monkey King.

He felt that if he stepped down with his foot, he would not only crush Sun Wukong flat, but also burn him to ashes with the Yang Yan on his feet.



Going down, Monkey King didn't dodge or dodge, and Yang Jian didn't pay attention, just watching Monkey King being firmly stepped on by the opponent.

But Apollo's expression was not happy at all, but rather puzzled.

His foot seemed to be stepping on Monkey King, but Apollo didn't feel like stepping on him at all, which made him very puzzled...

(End of this chapter)

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