The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 325 Pan Xiaoying's Request for Help

Chapter 325 Pan Xiaoying's Request for Help (Fourth Update)
Huang Tianxiong's physical changes, if anyone but Huang Tianxiong thought he knew better, it would definitely be Ji Yang.

Ji Yang has been observing Huang Tianxiong's physical changes. After Huang Tianxiong ate the longevity peach, his energy and energy were obviously different.

All the functions of Huang Tianxiong's body have changed, and they are many times better than before.

"Shouxing's longevity peaches are indeed not covered. Although it cannot make people live forever, it should be no problem to increase people's lifespan by ten or eight years."

Feeling the changes in Huang Tianxiong's body, Ji Yang thought to himself.

The people around were also stunned by the scene in front of them, although he couldn't feel the changes in Huang Tianxiong's body functions like Ji Yang.

But just by looking at Huang Tianxiong's face, one could tell that the other party was different.

This spirit is really good, better than before his body appeared abnormal.

Is an ordinary peach really so magical?
The astonishment of the people around, Ji Yang expressed his satisfaction.

What they see is only the surface, if they know that this peach is the birthday peach of a birthday star.

If eating this peach can prolong your life, will they still say that this peach is not as good as Tang Yin's portrait of a lady?
At that time, not to mention 1000 million, even if it is [-] million or [-] billion, they will probably have to spend their brains rushing to buy it.

According to Huang Tianxiong's thinking, today's birthday party has come to an end.

But now that he is full of energy, the birthday party will naturally be extended.

"Ji Yang, what kind of peaches did you give my dad? Why are they so amazing?"

Seeing Huang Tianxiong chatting with others, he looked completely fine.

Huang Xiaoxin walked to Ji Yang's side and asked curiously.

"The longevity peach of the birthday star."

Ji Yang smiled lightly and said softly.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Huang Xiaoxin rolled her eyes and snorted.

"Liar, it's fine if you don't tell. Why don't you just say it's the flat peach of the Queen Mother."

He is a good man, and he will never lie to his woman.

However, if he told the truth, his wife didn't believe it at all.

These days, it's so difficult to be a good man, even if you don't want to lie to your own woman.

However, although Huang Xiaoxin believed that Ji Yang was not telling the truth, she did not continue to ask.

It doesn't matter where the peaches come from, anyway, Huang Tianxiong is in good health after eating them.

This was enough to make Huang Xiaoxin happy.

"Ji Yang, something happened to Pan Xiaoying."

When Ji Yang was talking with Huang Xiaoxin, Li Zixuan came over with a gloomy expression while holding her mobile phone.

Hearing her words, both Ji Yang and Huang Xiaoxin frowned.

"What happened to Pan Xiaoying?"

Ji Yang looked at Li Zixuan with some doubts.

Li Zixuan didn't speak, but handed the phone to Ji Yang.

Li Zixuan and Pan Xiaoying exchanged phone calls before, and later added WeChat.

Although the two have not been in contact, each other's WeChat has not deleted each other.

Ji Yang looked at the WeChat on his phone, and there was a message from Pan Xiaoying on it.

The message Pan Xiaoying sent was a map showing Pan Xiaoying's location.

There are a few words under the map, it seems that these words were typed hastily
Because these words are basically typos, the words are obviously only half spoken.

It is estimated that someone discovered it while sending a message to Li Zixuan.

"Uncle me, Feng Zhonghai and Pay attention to me"

Seeing Pan Xiaoying asking for help, Ji Yang frowned.

Today it was obvious that Feng Zhonghai had thoughts about Pan Xiaoying.

To use a more popular term at the moment, it is unspoken rules.

Unspoken rules are nothing new in today's entertainment industry.

Some people even take the initiative to seduce directors, producers, investors, etc. in order to get a position.

Liu Yi asked Pan Xiaoying to accompany Feng Zhonghai tonight. This company is not just about eating, drinking, and dancing.

"The head has grown to the buttocks, and now I think of asking us for help."

Ji Yang looked at Pan Xiaoying's message and cursed softly.

Pan Xiaoying must have known the purpose of Liu Yi and Feng Zhonghai for a long time.

But I didn't want to, so I asked Li Zixuan and others for help earlier.

Now it's on the other side's lips, and the other side is going to eat it, so you think of asking for help.

Pan Xiaoying thought Ji Yang was Cao Cao, and when he said Cao Cao, Cao Cao would be right there.

Even if Ji Yang passed by now, Pan Xiaoying might be eaten up and wiped out, so what's the use of going there.

"It's too late, you can stay at Huang's house tonight, I'll save her."

After all, after getting acquainted for a while, it's fine if the other party doesn't look for me.

Now that he has found himself, Ji Yang will help Pan Xiaoying no matter what.

"Be careful yourself."

Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin nodded, and said softly to Ji Yang who was leaving.

Ji Yang drove there according to the address Pan Xiaoying sent.

The address is a villa area, only ten minutes away from where the Huang family is located.

The management of the villa area seems to be quite strict, and it is impossible for Ji Yang to drive in.

However, the outer wall of this villa area is not high, and it is very easy for Ji Yang to climb over the wall and enter the villa area.

Parking the car outside the villa area, Ji Yang easily entered the villa area.

"Damn it, this villa area is quite big."

Looking at the villas on the left and right in front of him, Ji Yang was a little confused.

Although Pan Xiaoying sent a location map, it was not easy for Ji Yang to find Pan Xiaoying with so many villas.

When Ji Yang was looking for Pan Xiaoying's villa, Pan Xiaoying was hiding in the bathroom of the villa.

The shower in the bathroom was spraying water, but Pan Xiaoying didn't take a shower.

Pan Xiaoying was wearing a gift, staring nervously at the bathroom door.

"Pan Xiaoying, you've been washing for half an hour, if you don't come out, I'll go in."

"Young Master Liu, isn't it enough to have me? If you still call me Xiaoying, people will be jealous."

"You're so jealous, why don't you talk to Mr. Feng well."

"Pan Xiaoying, come out quickly, don't you want to be the heroine anymore, come out quickly."

"Boom bang bang..."

After speaking, there was a knock on the door outside the bathroom.

Hearing Liu Yi's shout and kicking the door, Pan Xiaoying's body trembled even more.

Although this Liu Yi is a (gay) guy, he is also interested in women, which is the so-called bi (sexual) love.

After leaving Huang's house, Liu Yi called John, but the phone was turned off.

This made Liu Yi furious and drove the car directly to the villa.

Halfway through, Pan Xiaoying tried to get out of the car, but Liu Yi slapped her and said that if she dared to leave, she would be punished now.

She secretly sent WeChat messages to Li Zixuan, but Feng Zhonghai also found out, and took her mobile phone away and threw it away.

After being forcibly taken to the villa, there was actually a girl in Pan Xiaoying's villa with scantily dressed clothes.

This girl's name is Qin Lei, and she is the girl who called Ji Yang tall, rich and handsome after meeting Ji Yang last time.

Qin Lei is now also a signed artist of Liu's Performing Arts Company.

Qin Lei is here, and she was brought here too. Could it be that Liu Yi and Feng Zhonghai want to...

Pan Xiaoying didn't dare to think about it anymore.

 The fourth one is updated in advance. I have something to do tonight. I will end here today. I will continue to update tomorrow. Thank you for your support.
(End of this chapter)

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