The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3256 Strong beyond imagination

Chapter 3256 Strong beyond imagination
"You actually hide your strength!"

Shaking Mountain Palm was cast, and several palm shadows hit Athena.

Looking at the palm shadows, Athena frowned. The power of these palm shadows had surpassed Ji Yang's previous performance.

This made Athena, who was experienced in combat, instantly understand what was going on.

It turned out that Ji Yang's previous expression was not his strongest state, but something hidden.

This discovery made Athena a little unhappy and uncomfortable.

Although he didn't show his strongest state, he has been suppressing the opponent all the time.

He has been suppressed by himself for so long, and he has come up with a stronger state to face himself, no matter how he thinks about it, he feels uncomfortable.

"Athena, concentrate on receiving my attack, or you will die."

Ji Yang was noncommittal about Athena's answer.

He fixed his eyes on Athena, although Ji Yang felt that even if Athena concentrated on dealing with his Mountain Shaking Palm, her results would not be good.

But if she doesn't concentrate, the ending will definitely be worse.

"You... hum..."

"Holy shield shines...Holy spear sky-shattering strike!"

Ji Yang's warning was well intentioned, but Athena, who was a little displeased, would not accept his kindness.

He glared at Ji Yang angrily, and moved the shield in his hand to block in front of him. The shield flickered and emitted a halo like water waves, protecting Athena.

At the same time, the spear in Athena's hand quickly stabbed several times, each time with the power to pierce the sky.

"Boom boom boom..."

Athena's spear pierced out and met the shadow of the incoming palm, and the palm shadow of Shaking Mountain Palm shattered directly.

The shadow of the palm that was not blocked by the spear hit the shield emitting a halo. The shield vibrated, the halo weakened, and Athena was beaten back again and again.

At the corner of Athena's mouth, there are still blood streaks left, adding a different kind of beauty to her delicate face.

But Athena was just like that, she just blocked Ji Yang's Mountain Shaking Palm with some blood stains from the corner of her mouth.

With this result, Ji Yang didn't know whether to be happy or depressed.

Anyway, the way he looked at Athena revealed a little shock and disbelief.

"You actually blocked my Mountain Shaking Palm?"

It was not wrong for Ji Yang to hope that Athena would not die under his attack, but he did not expect that Athena would be in this situation.

The Mountain Shaking Palm was one of his strongest attacks. Although this attack seemed to have caused some injuries to Athena, it was obviously not serious.

Such a result really made Ji Yang unacceptable, mainly because the blow was a bit heavy.

Although the Mountain Shaking Palm is only the first move of the Mountain Shaking Jue, he can also use the subsequent moves.

The latter move was stronger than the first move, but even so, Ji Yang still felt that even if he used the latter move, he might not be able to beat Athena.

Athena's strength gave him a new understanding.

"It's strange to block your attack. Even if there is a more powerful attack, I, Athena, can block it."

"But I didn't expect that you still have such a powerful attack method, which surprised me."

"The Emperor of the Three Realms, it seems that I have underestimated you. You have been refusing to surrender. Do you think that with such an attack, you can kill me?"

Athena looked at Ji Yang angrily, and her tone of voice became much cooler.

Feeling Athena's anger, Ji Yang gave a bitter smile.

It turns out that Athena, the goddess of wisdom, sometimes thinks too much. This is because she has passed her wisdom.

I didn't show my full strength, not the main reason why I didn't surrender, it can only be said that I kept a hand.

"Don't speak? That's the default."

"Now you should have no reservations, and you should see the reality clearly. Let me ask you one last time, will you surrender or not?"

"If you don't surrender, I'm really going to kill you. My patience has been completely worn out by you."

Ji Yang smiled wryly but didn't speak, which made Athena misunderstand again.

It seems that the wisdom of the goddess of wisdom is not so accurate every time.

Wiping off the blood stains from the corner of her mouth, Athena pointed her spear at Ji Yang, as if if you don't surrender, I'll kill you with one spear.


The result of Shaking Mountain Palm let Ji Yang know that Athena was stronger than he expected.

The god of war Ares, Ji Yang has fought against him, although he is called the god of war.

However, Ji Yang felt that Athena, the Goddess of War (Goddess of Wisdom) in front of him, was more terrifying than Ares in combat power.

But no matter how strong Athena is, it is impossible for Ji Yang to yield to her.

Surrender, Ji Yang can't do it.

"You... well, this is your choice, don't blame me!"

"Holy Spear breaks through the sky!"

Athena said that this is her last choice for Ji Yang.

This is the last choice she really gave to Ji Yang, and she will never say anything like surrender to Ji Yang.

Now that Ji Yang has made his final choice, Athena will not hold back from him.

I have given Ji Yang enough opportunities, if this continues, she will not be able to explain to the other gods of XL afterwards.

Looking at Ji Yang, who Athena felt stubborn, Athena rushed towards Ji Yang.

Although there is a one-letter difference between Holy Lance Breaking Sky Chong and Holy Lance Breaking Sky Strike, the attack methods of the two moves are different, both on the surface and inwardly.

The speed of the holy spear's sky-shattering strike is faster, and one spear pierces more than one spear.

Breaking through the sky with the holy spear, but it was a real spear.

But the attack power of this spear is stronger than the previous Holy Spear's Heaven-shattering Spear.

There is also a reason why Athena would use this trick.

Realizing that Ji Yang has reservations, who knows if he will still use the palm technique just now, or even a stronger palm technique.

It was impossible for Athena to put herself in danger, so she used one of her strongest attacks, intending to kill Ji Yang directly.

Even if he uses the move just now, or even a stronger move, Athena is confident that she will not be in danger under her blow.

"Earth Shake!"

Athena really wanted to kill, and even used the holy spear to break through the sky.

Ji Yang refused to surrender, nor would he be willing to wait for death. He used the strongest blow he could use so far.

The earth-shaking print was printed, the air was twisted, and a huge print was struck towards Athena.

"Ah... break it for me!"

The Earth Shaking Seal is an attack more powerful than the Mountain Shaking Palm.

Athena looked at the printing of the call, and her eyes obviously changed. She also felt the strength of the blow, but she did not choose to back down, but continued to move forward bravely.

She had thought that Ji Yang might have a stronger attack method, and now it confirms her idea.

So she is not afraid, she has confidence in her Holy Lance Breaking the Sky.


The spear collided with the Earth Shaker, the soil flew around, the air vibrated, and the air waves from the explosion made Ji Yang's feet unsteady and his body fly upside down.

But his eyes were staring at the center of the air wave. He was waiting to see what consequences Athena's shaking of the earth mark would bring to Athena...

(End of this chapter)

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