Chapter 3260
After Athena really touched Taishang Laojun, she fully realized the gap between herself and the other party.

The heyday state is worse than the other party's own, let alone the current state.

"Am I really going to surrender?"

Face and dignity are important, but life is even more important.

If life is gone, everything is gone.

Athena is the goddess of wisdom, she knows this very well.

But she really didn't want to surrender.

So far, no matter whether it is the gods of XL and YD, or the gods of China, no one has surrendered voluntarily. They are all willing to die in battle, and they have not said a word of surrender.

Let her be the first person to surrender, she can't do it.

"Don't think so much, if you want to surrender, then surrender."

"Although I promised my nephew not to kill you, it's hard to guarantee that I won't miss it. When the time comes, I will die here, but the gain outweighs the loss."

People become smart when they grow old, even an ordinary person will be very shrewd after living for a long time.

What's more, it's a great power like Taishang Laojun who has lived for an unknown number of years.

Seeing Athena's tangled expression, Taishang Laojun knew that the head-on collision just now had brought a lot of shock and pressure to the opponent's heart.

Now Athena must be struggling with how to choose, whether to continue fighting.

"If you miss, it's my fate. Taishang Laojun needless to say, it is impossible for me to surrender, look at the spear!"

Athena was tangled in her heart, but she quickly made a decision.

As one of the twelve main gods of XL, she represents not only herself, but also the gods of XL.

There are still many XL gods in the battle at this time, if I surrender, it will definitely bring a negative blow to the morale of the XL gods.

At that time, more XL gods will die in Huaxia Family.

So she can't surrender no matter what.

With her mind down, Athena no longer entangled, looked at Taishang Laojun, and stabbed him with the spear in her hand.


When the spear came, Taishang Laojun raised his sword to block it, and shook his head with a sigh.

"Since you have made such a choice, I will also respect your choice. I will not talk to you about surrender again, and I will try to save my life as much as possible."

"If you really killed you by mistake, that's your own choice."

Knowing that he is invincible, he still has to fight to the end.

Taishang Laojun admired Athena's choice.

After he finished sighing, Taishang Laojun's expression became serious, he stopped talking nonsense, and raised the seven-star sword in his hand to push the spear away.

Then he swung his sword and took the initiative to attack Athena.

He respects Athena. Since he respects the other party, he can't give in everywhere, but face it seriously.

"Clang clang clang!"

"Boom boom boom..."

Taishang Laojun shot Athena seriously, and Athena didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

She kept releasing the air in her body, keeping herself in the best condition, and fighting with the Taishang Laojun.

The two men exchanged swords and spears, and the fight was very fierce.

Where the two fought, the air shook and exploded, and the ground was filled with broken rocks. Wherever they fought, none of the land was intact.



Although Athena was serious enough at this time, she didn't dare to hold back anything.

But her state is not fake, and it is only relatively speaking if she wants to maintain her best state.

And even if it's relatively in the best condition, it still won't last long.

Under the serious attack of Taishang Laojun, he was soon at a disadvantage.

The Seven Stars Sword slashed on her spear, and the spear shook. Athena obviously felt exhausted.

"Seven Stars Break the Cloud!"

Athena retreated exhausted, Taishang Laojun didn't intend to just let it go.

He said that he would no longer say something like surrender to the other party, so he would not say it.

He will only defeat Athena with practical actions, forcing her to surrender.

The Taishang Laojun flew up, and the Seven Star Sword fell from the air, striking Athena.

With a move of Seven Stars Poyun, Taishang Laojun planned to use this move to end today's battle with Athena.

"Guardian of the Holy Shield!"

The Seven Stars broke through the clouds, and the Seven Stars Sword flew across the sky like a shooting star, striking Athena.

Seeing Taishang Laojun's sword, although Athena was exhausted, she still did not give up.

Whether captured alive or killed in battle, Athena will resist until the last moment.


"Crack... bang..."

Athena's holy shield was already full of cracks under Ji Yang's earth-shaking seal.

With the help of the protection of the holy shield, she fought the Taishang Laojun again.

At this time, the Holy Shield could no longer hold on anymore, and was shattered to pieces under Taishang Laojun's move of Seven Stars Breaking Clouds.

Seeing the shattering of the Holy Shield, Athena showed a wry smile on her face.

The holy shield was broken, and the defensive magic weapon she relied on most was destroyed, and she really didn't have the strength to fight anymore.

"Uncle, don't kill her."

A sword shattered the holy shield, and the seven-star sword of Taishang Laojun was also bounced back.

But the purpose of this trick was still achieved.

Athena was already powerless to fight anymore, and she was powerless to resist whatever Taishang Laojun wanted to do to her.

Just when Taishang Laojun was about to strike again, Ji Yang's shout sounded.

Ji Yang, who was recovering from his injuries, saw the destruction of the Holy Shield. He was afraid that the Supreme Lord would control his emotions and kill Athena directly.

"I said you boy, you are really a kind of love."

"I told you, I won't kill him, why are you shouting!"

Hearing Ji Yang's shout, Taishang Laojun paused and drank a few words to him.

As long as Athena does not resist, he may kill by mistake.

Ji Yang's worry is really unnecessary.

"Athena, you are defeated."

After lightly drinking Ji Yang, Taishang Laojun put the Seven Star Sword towards Athena's neck, and said softly with a smile.

Athena pursed her lips tightly and didn't say much, but her eyes turned to where Ji Yang was.

Her eyes felt a little complicated, and she felt that she wanted to say something to Ji Yang, but her lips trembled a few times, but she still didn't say anything.

In the end, he simply withdrew his gaze and looked up at Taishang Laojun.

"Thank you Taishang Laojun for being thin and merciful, but I, Athena, are not greedy for life and afraid of death, I appreciate this kindness!"

After speaking to Taishang Laojun in a loud voice, Athena's eyes flashed with determination.

With a movement of his neck, he actually wanted to kill himself with the help of the Seven Star Sword on his neck.

"Fixing technique!"

When Taishang Laojun saw Athena's actions, his expression was shocked.

Fortunately, his reaction was too fast. Although a bloodstain was left on Athena's neck, it was not deep enough to kill her.

The body-holding technique was used to freeze Athena's body, and the Taishang Laojun also breathed a sigh of relief.

"You have a strong temper...Boy, this female fairy is not easy to deal with, you should work harder."

Stabilizing Athena's body, Taishang Laojun flicked his sleeves, and a gust of wind blew up Athena, who was motionless, in front of Ji Yang...

(End of this chapter)

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