The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3262 Queen Mother VS Hera

Chapter 3262 Queen Mother VS Hera
"Hera, the queen? I haven't heard of it."

Hera obviously knew about the Queen Mother, but the Queen Mother didn't know her.

China has been restricted by the law of the Three Realms for thousands of years, so it cannot communicate with the outside world normally.

Huaxia didn't intend to attack YD and XL, so naturally they didn't investigate their gods.

And Hera knew about the Queen Mother, that was investigated before, so it's not surprising.

"It doesn't matter if you didn't know before, and it doesn't matter if you don't know in the future."

"You just need to know one thing, and that is that you will die at the hands of this queen."

The queen mother didn't know who she was, and Hera wasn't angry.

She just looked at the queen mother with a sneer, and her aura began to increase.

Hera, one of the twelve main gods of XL, is also the only legal wife of Zeus, and is honored as the Queen of Heaven.

She has a high status in XL, second only to Zeus. She is the protector of marriage and women in XL, and is in charge of marriage and childbirth.

Hera's jealousy is very strong, Zeus is very romantic, and there are countless women who have affairs with him. For these women, Hera has never been soft, and I don't know how many punishments.

But when she faced the Queen Mother today, she was quite magnanimous, and she didn't get angry because the Queen Mother didn't know each other.

Because she knew that the queen mother's words were not mocking herself, but that she really didn't know.

Otherwise, she would be angry at this time.

"Kill me? The tone is really serious."

"If you offend my Heavenly Court, you still dare to speak so brazenly. Today, my queen mother will tell you what is beyond the sky."

What is Hera's identity? The Queen Mother has no choice but to do so at this time.

But the strength of the aura emanating from the other party was telling the queen mother that this was a strong man no weaker than her own cultivation base.

Therefore, although the queen mother is not weak in momentum, she is also very bold in her speech.

But when she did it, she was still very cautious.

With a flick of the wide sleeve robe, two bursts of vigorous energy were released, and they hit Hera.

"There is a sky beyond the sky, that's a good thing to say, but it should be said to you later."

"Ha ha!"

Hera's face remained unchanged after two bursts of energy came.

Drink lightly in the mouth, push out with two palms, and two strong winds howl out.

It was a head-to-head confrontation with the strength of the Queen Mother.


Strength and wind collide and dissipate each other, regardless of superiority.

The Queen Mother was not surprised by this result, and Hera was not surprised either.

It's not that the two have just fought each other, and they have some idea of ​​how capable each other is.

This level of collision is simply pediatrics, and no one can take advantage of it.

"Mother Yi Tianxia!"

"Heavenly Empress Divine Power!"

Knowing that they can't hurt each other, but still doing this, the two are just expressing their attitudes to each other.

As the strong wind and energy dissipated, both the Queen Mother and Hera shook their bodies, and after each other's momentum increased a little, they rushed towards each other.

At this time, the two of them used spells to enhance their aura and strength.

The two fought again, and both could feel that the other was much stronger than before.

But the opponent is strong, and he is not weak.

The queen mother of China and Hera, the queen of XL, have the same status in their own country.

They are both the head of the female fairy, and both are the patron saints of women, and the power they control is also similar.

So when the two fought against each other, they couldn't tell who was superior and who was inferior.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Boom bang bang..."

The fight between the Queen Mother and Hera wasn't very intense, nor was it very gorgeous, but it was this kind of non-violent collision, but there was a crisis everywhere.

Neither of them dared to be careless, because if they were careless, they would be in danger.

"You are the first goddess who can compete with this queen."

"Really? Shouldn't I feel honored?"

The queen mother smiled when she heard Hera's words.He replied in a calm tone.

At first hearing her words, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with her.

But Hera frowned when she heard it.

Because she felt that what the Queen Mother said was sarcasm.

"Hmph, yes, this is your honor."

"Shenguang fluctuations!"

As I said earlier, Hera was very jealous.

Feeling the sarcasm in the Queen Mother's words, her expression turned cold instantly.

Nose snorting coldly, the palm of the hand retreated towards the Queen Mother, circles of dazzling light, like water waves, hit the Queen Mother.

"I don't care for this honor. Give it to whoever wants you."

"Feng Luan bodyguard!"

The Queen Mother looked at the incoming divine light, and stretched her arms forward.

An illusory caravan completely condensed with immortal energy appeared on the surface of her expression, protecting it within.

The divine light hit the luanjia, but the luanjia shook but did not break, blocking Hera's attack.

"You don't want it, I will give it to you later."


Seeing that her attack was ineffective, Hera stared.

The spirit surged in the body, and golden lights shot towards the Queen Mother.

These golden lights are much more powerful than the fluctuating air just now.

Such a powerful golden light hit the Xianqi Luanjia, and the Xianqi Luanjia shook violently, and it seemed that it would not be able to hold it.

"I said no, I just don't."

"Fengyi Tianxia!"

Mother Yitianxia is an auxiliary spell that can enhance one's various abilities.

And this Fengyi Tianxia has the effect of attacking.

Immortal energy gushed out like a wave, and after breaking all the golden light from Hera's body, he continued to hit the opponent.

"What, ha!"

Hera didn't expect that not only was her attack broken by the queen mother, but the opponent's attack would continue to hit her.

This made Hera unable to make an effective magic resistance for a while, and could only use his air to move his hands, and forcibly received the remaining prestige of Fengyi Tianxia.

Since it is Yu Wei, the power is naturally weakened.

Even so, Hera's hard connection is very uncomfortable.

"Boom boom boom..."

After a hard fight, Hera backed back again and again, and the whole person looked a little embarrassed. The sleeves on both arms were severely broken, and there were some wounds on the exposed skin.

"Damn Queen Mother, I will never let you go today."

"The queen is furious!"

Hera looked down at her smooth arm, and there were several wounds.

A pair of eyes glared at the queen mother, her body's aura increased sharply, her palms shot continuously in the air, and palm shadows hit the queen mother one after another.

At this moment, she was really angry.

"Your air is really small enough, it's just a few minor injuries, and you're so angry."

"If your injury is serious, you won't be blown up by yourself."

"Blue wave chain!"

Looking at Hera mockingly, the Queen Mother's body was filled with immortal energy.

Immortal energy rippling, colliding with Hera's palm again and again...

(End of this chapter)

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