The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3275 Shiva has never felt so powerless

Chapter 3275 Shiva has never felt so powerless
The Underworld and Heaven, so to speak, were attacked by YD and XL gods at the same time.

But compared to Heaven, the situation in Hell was much better from the beginning.

This is not to say that the Chinese gods in the underworld are stronger than the heavenly courts, but that the number and overall strength of the YD and XL gods who came to attack the underworld are somewhat different from those attacking the heavenly courts.

It has to be said that this is a fatal misjudgment by the gods of YD and XL.

They think that there are no more famous gods in the local area than the heavens, so they think that the underworld is easy to deal with, which is really naive.

Although, the number of powerful gods in the Underworld is indeed less than that in Heaven.

But even so, the overall combat power of the underworld is still terrifying.

The XL twelve main gods Hades and the Vulcan Hephaestus have died in battle. At this time, among the gods of YD and XL, only Shiva is the strongest.

Shiva is one of the three main gods of YD, and the main god in charge of destruction and destruction. His fighting power is very strong.

If other gods in the underworld encounter him, the possibility of defeating him is very small, almost impossible.

It's a pity that neither the other gods of XL or YD, nor Shiva himself would have thought that the ancestor Hongjun happened to be here on the day of attacking the underworld.

This is very embarrassing, very helpless.

Although Shiva's fighting power is strong, the situation has not been optimistic when he fought with the ancestor Hongjun.

He has been beaten almost from the moment of the fight, and has always been at a disadvantage.

At this time, Shiva's body became very huge, as high as [-] meters, his whole body became pitch black, and he had three eyes. In one eye at the center of the brow, there was no pupil, but a flame burning in it.

His four arms hold a three-pronged fork, an axe, a club and a tambourine, and a long snake with black scales is wrapped around his neck.

At this time, his breath felt very unstable, and he looked very manic, with a very ferocious and terrifying expression.

"Ancestor Hongjun...ha..."

Shiva's temper is the most irritable among the three main gods of YD.

No matter before becoming the main god or after becoming the main god, he has experienced many battles.

But it was the first time he had been in a disadvantaged situation like today's fight with ancestor Hongjun, which made him very angry.

Although he knew that Daozu Hongjun was a very powerful existence.

But he didn't think that he was much worse than the other party, and he didn't believe that he would be so helpless in the face of him.

So even if he was being pressed and beaten by the opponent all the time, Shiva never thought of giving up for a moment.

Forced to retreat by Taoist Hongjun again, Shiva shouted loudly and rushed forward. The ax and three-pronged fork in his hand hit Patriarch Hongjun.

Looking at Shiva who was rushing, Patriarch Hongjun smiled calmly, and swept out a long sword completely transformed by immortal energy towards Shiva.

The long sword swept across, and the sword energy rushed out, hitting Shiva's three-pronged fork and axe.


Shiva's forward body paused, and after grunting, he began to retreat. The three-pronged fork and ax held in his hand almost flew out of his hand.

Shiva himself can't remember how many times he retreated like this.

But no matter how many times he retreats, Shiva will choose to attack again after standing still.

Same this time.

As soon as his body stood still, Shiva jumped up, and the four weapons in his hand smashed towards Patriarch Hongjun at the same time.

"Destroy Frenzy!"

Shiva's attack, like the one he unleashes, is a complete mess.

But the power of this smashing is really not weak. If it was an ordinary first-rank immortal family fighting against him, under his smashing, the result would be either death or serious injury.


Faced with Shiva's indiscriminate attack, Patriarch Hongjun also chose to avoid it.

Instead of fighting back, he calmly avoided Shiva's attack, making it look like Shiva's attack hit him every time, but in fact they all missed.

"Ancestor Hongjun, don't hide if you have the ability, and see if I don't smash your head."

As soon as Shiva attacked, he kept exhausting his energy, but he still failed to hit Patriarch Hongjun.

This made Shiva look very irritable, and his brain didn't feel bright, otherwise how could he say such childish things.

"The strength is not weak, and the temper is even hotter, but the brain is not bright enough."

"If you don't hide, let you fight? Why don't you say stop attacking and let me give you a sword?"

Looking at Shiva mockingly, Patriarch Hongjun said softly with a sneer.

Ancestor Hongjun still recognized Shiva's fighting power.

Although his strength is somewhat inferior to his own, but compared with his three apprentices (Sanqing), he is not too far behind.

Being able to have such a cultivation level has already been valued by the ancestor Hongjun.

"You... damn... you are decisive in killing!"

Shiva is impulsive, but he is not stupid.

How could he not understand Hong Jun's ridicule?

The four weapons in his hands were raised above his head at the same time, a powerful destructive energy condensed above his head, and then he struck towards Patriarch Hongjun.

This destructive air hit Patriarch Hong Jun, the air twisted and the ground shook, its power was indeed terrifying.

Seeing this aura rushing towards him, Patriarch Hong Jun's eyes were fixed, and he quickly swung out the long sword in his hand.

"Sword of Hongmeng!"

The long sword slashed out, and an arc-shaped sword aura struck at the aura of destruction with the power as if it was about to tear apart the void.


The sword qi hit the destructive qi, and the destructive qi was split into two, then twisted and dissipated.

But the sword energy did not dissipate, but continued to hit Shiva.

"Ha... Destruction Storm!"

Although the sword energy is there, its strength is not as strong as when Patriarch Hongjun swung the sword just now.

But seeing this sword energy, Shiva's eyes were still dignified. He didn't dare to block it casually, but released a powerful spell.

The whole body exudes a powerful destructive aura, as if a powerful force that is about to destroy the world gushes out from the body, forming a black tornado, rolling towards the sword energy.

The sword energy was sucked into it by the black tornado, and shattered under the strangulation of the tornado.

The black tornado continued to roll towards Patriarch Hong Jun.

Ancestor Hongjun retreated back, pinched a finger in his hand, his eyes flashed, and he pointed forward with his sword.

"Sword energy like a dragon!"


A sword energy flew out and condensed into a long dragon. The long dragon roared and rushed directly towards the black tornado.

The long dragon entangled with the black tornado for a while, and finally the long dragon won and broke up the tornado.


The dragon passed through the black tornado and continued roaring towards Shiva.

Looking at the way the dragon opened its mouth and roared, it seemed as if it was going to eat Shiva directly.

"Hmph... Spirit Snake!"


But this long dragon with sword energy couldn't get close to Shiva at all.

Under the obstruction of Shiva's control of the giant snake wrapped around his neck, he was directly broken.

The giant snake flew out at an extremely fast speed, and after breaking through the long dragon, it entangled Shiva again.

The giant snake raised its head, spit out a snake letter, and looked at Patriarch Hongjun coldly with a pair of eyes, with a bit of arrogance...

(End of this chapter)

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