The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3278 Xuanqing Fog Formation

Chapter 3278 Xuanqing Fog Formation

The drum in Shiva's hand was beating, and when he heard the sound of his drum, his mind would be disturbed at least, and his body would explode and his soul would be scattered.

With the strength of Patriarch Hongjun, of course he would not directly explode his body, let alone lose his soul, but judging by his appearance, his mind should have been affected.

Shiva seized this opportunity and killed him too.

The three-pronged fork and stick, carrying a strong destructive aura and murderous aura, smashed directly at Patriarch Hongjun's head.


"Hahaha... Patriarch Hongjun, die!"

Although Patriarch Hongjun's mind was affected, his primordial energy was still there.

But this time, it may be because Shiva's attack has become stronger, or it may be because Hongjun's ancestor's mind has been affected, and the power to control Hongmeng's Qi Yu has weakened.

The three-pronged fork and stick landed on the Primordial Qi Yu, and the Primordial Qi Yu was broken in an instant.

Seeing that he had broken Hongjun Patriarch's Primordial Qi Guard, Shiva's face showed an unconcealable excited laugh, and he laughed wildly.

This Hongmeng Qiyu just knocked his ax away, how could he kill Patriarch Hongjun if he didn't break it.


When the Primordial Qi Defense was broken, Patriarch Primordial Meng was equivalent to defenseless in the eyes of Shiva. He felt that his attack this time would definitely kill the other party.

But after the Hongmeng Qiyu was broken, Patriarch Hongjun stood there motionless as if he was frightened by this scene, without the slightest reaction.

This scene made Shiva more confident. His three-pronged fork and stick were really impartial and hit Patriarch Hongjun on the head.

The power of Shiva's attack this time was not small. Patriarch Hongjun's head was directly smashed to pieces, but his body was still standing there upright.

"No, I was deceived, this is not his body at all!"

Patriarch Hongjun's head was smashed to pieces by Shiva, but Shiva didn't look happy at all, instead his face became even uglier.

Because ancestor Hongjun didn't see any blood after his head was broken, and some of the aura that circulated in him disappeared in an instant.

Shiva has rich combat experience, so he understood what was going on in an instant.

At the same time as his voice fell, whether it was a smashed head or a headless corpse, they all turned into mud.

Sure enough, what Shiva hit was not Hongjun Patriarch, but a clay substitute made by Hongjun Patriarch with mud.

The body turned into mud, and it was confirmed that it was not the ancestor Hongjun who killed him. Shiva was tense, and he sensed the movement around him.

"Here, ha!"

Shiva didn't know how Hongjun Patriarch used soil as a substitute to escape his attack in front of him.

However, with his perception outside, he quickly found Patriarch Hongjun.

And he can be sure that what he feels is the body, not the substitute.

In fact, speaking of it, there is still a difference between the main body and the double, and the biggest thing is the strength of the breath on the body.

Although the stand-in has the aura of Hongjun's ancestor, it is obviously not strong enough, so it can be felt after careful feeling.

The Shiva just now, to put it mildly, was swollen.

He thought that if he broke Hongjun's Qi Yu, he would definitely be able to kill Hongjun Patriarch, otherwise, if he was serious about locking the opponent's breath, it would be impossible for him to fall into the trap.

"Xuanqing mist array!"

Shiva quickly found Patriarch Hongjun, and at the same time he felt the other party, he attacked the other party.

But his attack was once again in vain.

At the same time, with a light drink, a thick mist began to appear around Shiva.

The rising fog not only blocked his sight, but even affected his perception.

He felt that his surroundings were filled with the aura of Hongjun Patriarch everywhere, as if he had been swallowed by Hongjun Patriarch, which made Shiva's eyes reveal a look of horror.

"What's going on here? My perception is confused, how is this possible!"

The perception is chaotic, and there are ancestors Hongjun's breath in all directions, which is equivalent to not being able to feel the other party.

Because there are the other party's breath in all directions, it is impossible to determine which one is real, because every one is the same.

This time, Shiva really panicked.

Up to now, Shiva knows that he is not as strong as the ancestor Hongjun, and now he can't even grasp the opponent's breath, is there still a fight in this battle?
"I want to leave, I must escape from these fogs!"

Trapped in the fog, Shiva couldn't fight Patriarch Hongjun at all.

He didn't believe that Patriarch Hongjun just created these fogs to affect his perception, and he must have a backhand.

If you escape from these fogs as soon as possible, you still have a chance to survive, otherwise you will definitely die.

"Destroy the shock, travel a hundred miles!"

"How is it possible? How can I still be in this fog?"

Ancestor Hongjun's Xuanqing mist array was just created, and Shiva's area covered by this mist should not be very wide.

Even if it really covers a wide area, it is impossible to cover hundreds of kilometers, right?
But when he used the destructive impact to attack the fog and at the same time performed the magic movement, he found that he was still in the fog.

This result made Shiva completely dumbfounded and shocked.

Was it because the mist covered too much area, or did his spells fail?

"Hahaha... My Xuanqing Mist Array is a space spell. If you want to escape from the Xuanqing Mist Array, there is only one way, and that is to kill me."

"Otherwise, if I don't take the initiative to remove the fog, you don't even think about leaving."

When Shiva was astonished, the voice of Patriarch Hongjun sounded.

This sound was like Shiva's perception of the other party's breath, not from one direction, but from all directions.

You have no way to judge the location of the other party through the sound.

"Ancestor Hongjun, if you have the guts, come out and fight me head-on, don't do these messy things."

"Messy things? Hahaha... I have no choice but to say that my Xuanqing Mist Formation is a messy thing. You are really shameless."

"But if you want to fight me head-on, I can still satisfy you. Here I am!"

Shiva couldn't escape the misty formation of Xuanqing, and couldn't find Hongjun's ancestor, so he provoked him with words.

Ancestor Hong Jun can ignore his words.

But the ancestor Hongjun didn't do this, but really appeared in front of Shiva.


"Boom bang bang..."

"Ah ah ah..."

The ancestor Hongjun said he would appear when he said it would appear.

Seeing Patriarch Hongjun appearing suddenly, Shiva didn't think much, and hit him with a three-pronged fork and stick.

Ancestor Hongjun smiled coldly, quickly dodged his body, and slapped several consecutive palms, and knocked away the three-pronged fork and stick in Shiva's hand, including his tambourine.

All of his weapons were released, and Shiva stood there in a daze.

Ancestor Hongjun slapped out again, sending Shiva flying...

(End of this chapter)

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