The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3285 Yuanshi Tianzun's situation is bad

Chapter 3285 Yuanshi Tianzun's situation is bad

Zhutian Qingyun's defense relied on golden lotuses, golden lamps and other objects that fell from the clouds.

If these things are missing, Zhu Tian Qingyun's defense will be greatly reduced, and loopholes will appear.

After a fierce attack, Vishnu finally broke a golden lotus when Zeus entangled Yuanshi Tianzun so that he had no time to attack him.

"Hoo hoo... Although I spent a lot of energy, I finally broke this golden lotus."

"Yuanshi Tianzun, let me see how you can block our joint efforts...Look at the sword!"

Breaking the golden lotus is not an easy task.

Even if ordinary gods know that they can attack Yuanshi Tianzun by breaking the golden lotus, golden lamp, etc., they are not broken at all.

Now Vishnu has lost a lot of strength and broke the golden lotus. He is a little wheezing and tired.

But on his face, there was a smug smile.

It took a lot of immortal energy, but the goal was achieved.

As long as there is a loophole to attack Yuanshi Tianzun, with the joint efforts of Vishnu and Zeus, he can definitely be killed.

Vishnu broke the golden lotus and began to join forces with Zeus to attack Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned, and the pangu flag in his hand was whirring, blocking the attack of the two.

Although, breaking a golden lotus only gave Zhutian Qingyun a small loophole.

But it is this small loophole, if Vishnu and Zeus seize the opportunity, it will also bring him serious damage.

At that time, I would be in danger.

So Yuanshi Tianzun was very careful at this time, not daring to be careless in the slightest, and he seemed very passive.

"Hahaha...Okay, great."

"Vishnu, you've done a great job. He's completely beaten by us now. He won't last long!"

Zeus was suppressed and beaten by Yuanshi Tianzun for a long time, and he was full of anger.

Now that he can finally gain the upper hand in turn, Zeus is not to mention how excited he is.

He swung the scepter in his hand and hit it, the speed was so fast that he couldn't see it clearly, but he could only see a large cloud of thunder that lasted for a long time.

"It's better not to be too happy too early. Although he is being suppressed and beaten by you and me now, he hasn't messed up yet."

"Although there is a loophole in his defense, we haven't found a chance to use this loophole to hurt him, so we can't relax until the last moment."

Vishnu wasn't trying to beat Zeus.

It's really Zeus at this time, who looks a little embarrassed.

If you don't remind him a few words, Vishnu is afraid that Zeus will be too excited, which will affect the battle instead.

"Vishnu, I am the god king of XL, I know it well, you don't have to worry about me."

"You should pay more attention to yourself, don't wait for the boat to turn over in the gutter."

Zeus was still cheering for Vishnu just now, and now he is starting to hate Vishnu again.

But this time, Vishnu did not go to fight with Zeus.

Vishnu understood Zeus' temper, and if he kept bickering with him, it would definitely be endless.

Because Zeus will never admit defeat, no matter whether he is right or wrong.

Now that we finally have a chance to defeat Yuanshi Tianzun, it is better to concentrate on dealing with Zeus and Yuanshi Tianzun.

If there is anything unhappy, I will settle it with Zeus after the event.

"See the Holy Lightning Cover!"


Vishnu ignored Zeus and just continued his attack, and Zeus didn't bother Vishnu anymore.

It's interesting to fight each other, the other party ignores you, and even loses the interest to continue fighting, so why bother.

He also focused on Yuanshi Tianzun and launched an attack on him.

Zeus's Holy Lightning Cover was not used to protect himself, but was placed around Zhutian Qingyun.

The golden lotus was broken, and there was a loophole, but Zeus and Vishnu never seized the loophole to attack Yuanshi Tianzun.

Now the holy thunder covers Zhutian Qingyun, and the thunder and lightning spread around the periphery of Zhutian Qingyun. It can be said that every part of Zhutian Qingyun is eroded by lightning.

In this case, as long as Zhutian Qingyun is wrong in the slightest, the thunder and lightning can sneak in, pass through Zhutian Qingyun's protection, and hit Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Hmph, that's a good idea, break it for me!"

It is true that Yuanshi Tianzun relied on Zhutian Qingyun to protect himself, but it does not mean that he would not be able to do without Zhutian Qingyun's protection.

Several bolts of lightning passed through the loophole broken by Jinlian and attacked Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't see the slightest panic, and the immortal energy in his body was released, shattering the incoming thunder and lightning.

"It's hard to break through your defense, but I can't waste my strength... Life is blooming!"

Zeus no longer hated himself, but began to attack Yuanshi Tianzun, and Vishnu smiled knowingly.

Sometimes, this method of responding to all changes with the same change is still very useful.

If you don't care about Zeus, he will stop himself.

I don't want to fight with Zeus, the purpose is to let the other party focus on Zeus, now the goal has been achieved, but the effect of Zeus's attack is not satisfactory.

Vishnu's eyes froze, and the spirit in his body poured into the holy thunder cover covering Yuanshi Tianzun like a wave.

Blooming Life, as you can tell from the name, this is a spell that enhances vitality.

But at this time, Vishnu burst out with vitality, not to enhance the vitality of Zeus or himself, but to assist the holy thunder and enhance the power of the holy thunder.


Under the burst of life, the power of the holy thunder increased greatly, and the attack became much more violent.

If facing these holy thunders alone, Yuanshi Tianzun would still not take them seriously.

But the problem is, what he has to resist now is not only the lightning, but also the attacks from Zeus and Vishnu.

Moreover, when the holy thunder passed through the loopholes of Zhutian Qingyun, the scope of the loopholes was enlarged, which gave Zeus and Vishnu more opportunities to attack.

In terms of cultivation, Yuanshi Tianzun is no worse than either Zeus or Vishnu. In terms of one-on-one, he is also confident that he is better than any of them.

But now two-on-one, and Zhutian Qingyun's damage, Yuanshi Tianzun's situation is getting worse and worse.

"I, Yuanshi Tianzun, am I really going to lose to these two foreign gods today?"

Holding the innate magic weapon Pangu Banner in his hand, while resisting the attacks from Zeus and Vishnu, Yuanshi Tianzun frowned and murmured softly.

Although Zhutian Qingyun is missing, he still has the Pangu banner, but the magic weapon in the hands of Zeus and Vishnu is no worse than the Pangu banner.

You can't get any bargains for anything, even if you are as strong as Yuanshi Tianzun, you will get a big head because of one hit and two.

He realized that his situation was not good, and he didn't want to lose the battle, but now he really felt a little powerless to change the disadvantage.

"Zeus, if you have a chance, increase your lightning attack!"

"Just now you blocked my Sky-breaking Arrow, this time I will give you a taste of my Sky-breaking Arrow!"


With the joint efforts of Vishnu and Zeus, Vishnu seized a good opportunity to make a move.

Zeus released more lightning to entangle Yuanshi Tianzun, the bow in his hand was tightened, and the sky-breaking arrow was shot out, which was more powerful than the sky-breaking arrow.

The golden arrow shot out, directly passing through Zhutian Qingyun's loophole, and when it was about to hit Yuanshi Tianzun, it was blocked by a flying sword...

(End of this chapter)

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