The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3289 Seizing the Conch

Chapter 3289 Seizing the Conch

"Boom bang bang..."

"Although these guys are vulnerable, they will continue to consume my immortal energy, which is too bad for me."

Whether it is a mud giant or a water giant, in front of the leader of Tongtian, they can all be solved with a sword.

But every time the sword is swung, it consumes the strength of Tongtian Cult Master, although the energy consumed is very little, almost nothing.

But little can add up, I don't feel much now, but if it lasts for a long time, it will be very troublesome after all.

Moreover, the earth giants and water giants that were dealt with by Tongtian Jiaozhu with a sword did not disperse directly, but after a few breaths, they condensed into their original appearance again and continued to attack Tongtian Jiaozhu.

The feeling of being unable to finish killing and killing endlessly made Master Tongtian realize that it is not enough to just deal with these earth giants and water giants.

He has to cut off the root, which is Vishnu who is blowing the conch.

Not to mention killing Vishnu, but at least destroying his conch first.

As long as the conch is destroyed, the earth giant and water giant will be self-defeating.

"Beep beep..."


Vishnu's conch sounded like a battle horn on the battlefield.

Lying down and standing up again, the earth giants and water giants who had been destroyed and reunited roared wildly and rushed towards the leader of Tongtian.

Vishnu's eyes flashed brightly when he saw Master Tongtian destroying the earth giants and water giants rushing towards him, but looking at him.

Everyone is a sensible person, he knows that the Master Tongtian wants to do it himself.

He felt that it was meaningless to just kill the earth giants and water giants. Only by targeting himself could he completely solve the predicament in front of him.

"If you want to attack me, I won't give you a chance."

"Beep beep..."

Aware of the thoughts of the Lord Tongtian, the rhythm of Vishnu blowing the conch has undergone some changes.

As the voice of the conch shell changed, the earth giant and water giant, which were just attacking wildly, started to cooperate with each other, which was a bit tactical.

And not only that, after listening to the sound of the conch that changed the rhythm, Master Tongtian felt a sharp pain in his heart, his blood felt a little congealed, and his body became less flexible than before.

"Sure enough, his thing can not only make these things in front of him, but also affect people."

"Five energies towards the Yuan, protect the gods and protect the heart!"

The body was affected by the sound of Vishnu's conch, and the master of Tongtian drank lightly.

Temporarily retracting the Immortal Trapping Sword and Immortal Absolute Sword in his hands, his hands quickly formed seals, the vigorous immortal energy was released and then restrained, and the discomfort in his body disappeared instantly.

No matter how Vishnu's conch sound changed, it failed to have any impact on it again.

"Master Tongtian, sure enough, he has some means to dispel the influence of the conch's voice on him so quickly."

"But even so, I still won't let you get close to me... The sound of the screw is passionate!"

"Boom rumble..."

My own conch only affected Tongtian Cult Master for a moment, and then was dispelled by Tongtian Cult Master, and made myself no longer affected by the conch's voice.

This made Vishnu look a little more solemn at the Lord Tongtian, and at the same time, the rhythm of blowing the conch changed again.

The change in the rhythm of the conch this time not only affected the earth giants and water giants who had already used tactics to attack the leader of Tongtian, but also called out more earth giants and water giants.

In a short time, hundreds of earth giants and water giants appeared.

With so many water giants and earth giants appearing, the face of Tongtian Cult Master froze.

There are too many ants gnawing dead elephants, such a large number of earth giants and water giants, if you are not careful, you will easily suffer.

And it seems that this is not over yet, and new earth giants and water giants continue to appear.

"No, I must break the magic conch in his hand as soon as possible, otherwise if this continues, I will be exhausted even if I am exhausted."

"The Four Swords of Immortal Execution, Execution of the Eight Desolations!"

Cut them one by one. I don't know how long it will take to finish cutting all the earth giants and water giants. This is not counting their regenerative ability.

So Master Tongtian didn't waste any more time, but chose to destroy all the earth giants and water giants with one move.

The four swords of Zhu Xian were held in his hand at the same time, and then he threw them into the air.

The four swords of Zhu Xian spun in the air, instantly turned into countless handles, and then flew in all directions.

"Puff puff……"

"Boom boom boom..."

Countless swords flew in all directions, killing all the water giants and earth giants in an instant.

Using this move consumes more energy than cutting with one sword at a time.

But the effect is undoubtedly better.

All the water giants and earth giants were killed in an instant, and there was no obstacle between the Lord Tongtian and Vishnu.

Before these earth giants and water giants stood up again, the body of the leader of Tongtian disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Vishnu.

"Earth Sha Push Mountain Palm!"


"Wow... poof..."

The Lord Tongtian used the four swords to destroy all the water giants and earth giants in an instant, which surprised Vishnu.

He even didn't expect that the leader of Tongtian would come to him so quickly.

So when the Master Tongtian hit him with the Earth Shatui Mountain Palm, Vishnu couldn't react at all, and was hit hard by the palm.

The body was hit hard, Vishnu screamed in pain, vomited blood, and flew upside down dozens of meters away.

The divine snail held in his hand was also carelessly released from his hand when he was blown away with a single palm.

"My conch!"

Standing still, Vishnu looked at the conch that had been released, his eyes tightened.

The body rushed forward quickly, trying to pick up his conch.

Although it is said that Vishnu's physical body is strong, even the Shatui Mountain Palm, which is used by the Lord of Heaven, failed to kill him directly.

But the injury in his body is not serious at this time.

He still couldn't do it if he wanted to boost his energy in an instant and rush out quickly.

After taking two steps, Vishnu felt his legs go limp, and he half-kneeled on the ground.

"This thing belongs to the leader!"

"Master Tongtian, give me back the conch, give me back!"

Vishnu half-knelt on the ground and lost the chance to retake the conch.

Looking at the Master Tongtian who had already held the conch in his hand and looked at him with a sneer, Vishnu shouted loudly.

This conch is one of the strongest magic weapons in the hands of Vishnu, and it is one of his status symbols.

Now it has fallen into the hands of Master Tongtian, how could he be willing to accept it.

"Repay you? Hahaha..."

"If you want your conch, then you can shoot it yourself. If you don't have the ability to grab it, it will belong to the leader from now on."

Vishnu asked the Lord Tongtian to return the conch to him, and the Lord Tongtian couldn't help laughing.

What an international joke, I finally got the conch, how could I return it to him casually.

Although how to use the conch, the leader of Tongtian still doesn't know.

But you can study it slowly, even if you don’t understand it, it’s okay to keep it as a collection, anyway, if you think it’s impossible to return it to Vishnu directly...

(End of this chapter)

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