The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3296 The way to kill Vishnu

Chapter 3296 The way to kill Vishnu

"What's wrong with you, you're still talking big here, master, let me get to know him directly!"

Although Vishnu was not directly killed, his lung was also injured.

At this time, he would cough up blood if he said a few words. It is conceivable that his current situation is not optimistic.

It can be seen that Vishnu's attitude at this time and his physical condition seem to be two different things.

Although his body was injured and he was coughing up blood, he was still screaming loudly.

With his attitude, Master Tongtian frowned and did not speak, but Ji Yang couldn't help it.

When you were in your prime, I was not your opponent. Now that you are like this, can I still not deal with you?

Thinking this way in his heart, while speaking, Ji Yang held Xuanyuan Sword and walked towards it, intending to kill him with one sword.

Ji Yang held the Xuanyuan Sword and wanted Vishnu to approach, but Vishnu had no fear on his face.

Looking at him, he didn't look like he was about to be killed, which made Ji Yang feel a little confused and became more careful.

Could it be that Vishnu has come to this time, what other cards are there?
"Come back...he's right, it's really not easy to kill him!"

Ji Yang approached carefully, not fast.

But the distance between him and Vishnu is only tens of meters, no matter how slow he is, he will always get closer.

Just when Ji Yang was 30 meters away from Vishnu, the Master of Tongtian suddenly stopped him.

"Master, he's already like this, even if he still has the hole cards, it's not difficult to kill him, right?"

Master Tongtian asked Ji Yang to leave more than once, but Ji Yang never left.

He wasn't sure to leave, and Master Tongtian didn't continue to talk to him about this matter.

At this time, being stopped by the leader of Tongtian, and hearing that the leader of Tongtian agreed with the words that Vishnu is not easy to kill, Ji Yang was very puzzled.

He was right to be worried that Vishnu still had cards, but he felt.

With Vishnu's current state, even if he has a hole card to play, and he and the leader of Tongtian who have been staring at him all the time, Vishnu will come up with some tricks.

"Whether he has a hole card or not, as a teacher, I don't know now, but it is really not easy to kill him."

"Your life spells are very powerful. I can feel that your life force has been depleting rapidly. This should be caused by you using some kind of forbidden spell, at the cost of your life."

"The paradox is that your life force is consumed very quickly, but your life force continues to grow while your life force is being consumed. I think this is related to your life spell, or in other words, your power as a god is related to your life force. Right?"

Ji Yang stopped and asked the Master Tongtian suspiciously.

After the Master Tongtian answered him casually, he spoke to Vishnu.

Although his words were all speculative, they sounded very firm.

Injured by the Four Swords of Jade Immortals, because of the particularity of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals, even if there is a healing spell to heal, it will be more difficult than normal wounds.

But after Vishnu's body was pierced and his lung was injured, his injury was well controlled, and his lung was healing rapidly.

The powerful breath of life emanating from his body is not only consuming but also growing, which made Master Tongtian have some special views on him.

"Worthy of being the leader of Tongtian, he has a keen insight and a thorough understanding."

"That's right, vitality is one of the powers mastered by the Lord God. Don't say that I avoided your attack this time and didn't pierce the heart. Even if I did, I wouldn't die!"

"Kill me...hahaha..."

Vishnu was very honest and did not deceive the Lord Tongtian.

Without even thinking about it, he admitted everything that Master Tongtian said.

One of the reasons why Vishnu dared to perform forbidden techniques at the cost of his life was that he had mastered the power of life.

As long as he can survive today, he won't die in Huaxia Court.

Then he can use the life power he has mastered afterwards to let himself gain more life and let himself continue to live.

Although this is very risky, there is still a chance of survival if he uses it, he would have died before.

He dared to admit this to Master Tongtian now because he felt that Master Tongtian knew his secret and could not kill him. He was so confident.

"Grasp the power of life, immortality... good!"

"You are so confident, do you think that the leader can't kill you?"

Vishnu's self-confidence is justified.

If it was someone else, even if Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun came to deal with him, they might not be able to kill him.

But when Vishnu met the Lord Tongtian, others could do nothing, but the Lord Tongtian had a way to deal with him.

"Of course, isn't that so!"

"It's not that easy to kill me. When I recover from my injuries, I can continue to fight with you!"

Vishnu's heart trembled when he heard the words of Master Tongtian, and his eyes were a little dazed.

Obviously, the words of Master Tongtian had some effect on him, and he was a little panicked.

However, he refused to admit defeat, insisting that the leader of Tongtian could not kill him.

"Little apprentice, do you think you can kill him as a teacher?"

Vishnu pretended to be confident, seeing Master Tongtian smiled, and turned to look at Ji Yang.

Ji Yang looked at Master Tongtian seriously, and nodded fiercely: "Yes!"

The simple word "able" represented Ji Yang's confidence in the Master Tongtian.

He believed that even if Vishnu was difficult to kill, he would definitely be able to get rid of him by relying on the means of the Master Tongtian.

"Hahaha... You are right, there is a way for the teacher."

"Isn't it just that you are in charge of the power of life? If I prevent you from using these powers, how can you still live?"

Ji Yang's answer was within the expectations of Tongtian Sect.

Whether it's for the sake of face or genuine trust, Ji Yang will definitely not tear himself down at this time.

But what Ji Yang said, no matter what the reason is, his answer is not wrong.

It is not easy to kill Vishnu, but the Lord Tongtian has a way.

"Impossible, you can't kill me... Life guard, super strong self-healing!"

The Master Tongtian had a confident expression on his face, and Vishnu naturally refused to accept it.

But he didn't accept it in his heart, but his reaction showed his panic.

He released his spirit as much as possible, restored his physical condition, and healed his injuries.

"Little apprentice, remember, no matter what power the opponent has, if you want to use it, you have to rely on the strength in your body and rely on your soul!"

"Destroy his three flowers, eliminate his five qi, lock his three souls and seven souls, and he will not be able to use his own strength. Do you think he can still live?"

What Vishnu did, Master Tongtian didn't seem to see it.

He just looked at Ji Yang, and while talking to himself, he called out three white jade chains.

Seeing the three white jade chains, Ji Yang's eyes narrowed and a smile appeared on his face.

He knew what the Tongtian Sect was mainly doing. The Master Tongtian was planning to use a heart-piercing lock to destroy Vishnu's top three flowers, eliminate the five qi in his chest, and lock his three souls and seven souls...

(End of this chapter)

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