The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 330 This Is Lowering the Level of Xiaolongnv

Chapter 330 This Is Lowering Xiaolongnu's Class (Fifth Watch)
This time being swept by Zhu Tiehei's rake, Ji Yang's tears of pain almost flowed out.

If Ji Yang hadn't quickly blocked Zhu Tiehei's rake with the black sword, the current Ji Yang would have been disemboweled.

Ji Yang was swept by the black rake teeth of the pig iron, the wound was turned fleshy, and the bright red blood stained the whole stomach, which looked very hideous and terrifying.

This time Ji Yang was seriously injured, and his face instantly turned pale.

The body consumes a lot of immortal energy, and now it is a huge burden to use immortal energy to heal the wound.

Zhu Tiehei was happy at this moment. After fighting for so long, although he had great strength, he was not fast enough, so he couldn't hit Ji Yang.

He was very depressed. He finally found a chance just now. Although he couldn't use his full strength, he still hurt the opponent.

Seeing Ji Yang's pale face, he felt very proud.

"Little Taoist, keep hiding this time."

"What's the use of wasting energy, obediently follow me back to the cave, I might give you a good time."

"Being nailed by me was almost disembowelled. It doesn't feel good."

Looking at Ji Yang proudly, Zhu Tiehei didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue him.

In his opinion, Ji Yang has been seriously injured, he is the meat on his chopping board, he can cut and eat it anytime.

So he was not in a hurry to kill Ji Yang, but was going to tease him instead.

Looking at Zhu Tiehei's proud pig's head, Ji Yang was very upset.

Why does he feel that he is a little mouse now, and the other party looks like a big tabby cat.

The look in his eyes was like he wanted to have enough fun before eating himself up.

"Male Gobi's, it's really Laozi's fault, right?"

Zhu Tiehei's appearance made Ji Yang angry, he took out the super healing medicine from the Qiankun storage ring, and stuffed two directly into it.

He was going to take the special healing medicine, and then continue to fight with the opponent.

This special-grade healing medicine is fused with immortal energy, and the effect of the medicine is very strong.

His wound had stopped bleeding and was showing signs of healing.

The speed of wound healing surprised Ji Yang.

In fact, he just wanted to control the injury with the super healing medicine, but he didn't expect that the effect of the super healing medicine would be doubled under the action of immortal energy.

This unexpected joy made Ji Yang feel a lot more comfortable.

Ji Yang is joy, but Zhu Tiehei is worry.

He didn't know what Ji Yang ate, it looked like a elixir.

But the effect of this elixir seems to be too good, and the wounds began to heal quickly.

Could it be that he guessed wrong, the wound from the nail just now was not serious?

Although Zhu Tiehei is not a smart monster, but he has been able to cultivate to this day, so his spiritual intelligence is naturally not bad.

Seeing Ji Yang's wound healed quickly, Zhu Tie's black eyes glared, he raised the rake in his hand, and threw it at Ji Yang.

Now that Ji Yang's wound has not completely healed, he is taking advantage of Ji Yang's illness to kill Ji Yang.

Seeing Zhu Tiehei hitting him with a nail and rake, Ji Yang frowned.

Although his wounds began to heal quickly under the super healing medicine, the immortal energy in his body was really consumed just now.

Wanting to bring up the fairy spirit, it seems a little too late to face Zhu Tiehei head-on.

Seeing that Zhu Tiehei's rake was about to hit Ji Yang, a white light shot out from Ji Yang's sleeve in an instant.

"Heal your wounds first, and I'll deal with him."

The one who shot out was Xiaolongnv.

At this time, she didn't have to look for any suitable opportunity to make a move.

If you keep searching, Ji Yang will probably be done.

Ji Yang didn't speak, but closed his eyes instead.

It's shameful to waste energy at this time, it's better to recover your body quickly.

When he recovers, he joins forces with Xiao Longnv to unleash the strongest power of Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Art.

The Nether Wind and Thunder swordsmanship was most powerful, and he wanted to see if Zhu Tiehei could block the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky.

Xiao Longnv flashed out suddenly, Zhu Tiehei was also taken aback.

Xiao Longnv's speed was faster than Ji Yang's Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique, and when she shot out, it was a white light.

Zhu Tiehei didn't see Xiaolongnu clearly at all, he thought Ji Yang used something to attack him.

Zhu Tiehei wanted to block the little dragon girl with the rake in his hand, but because the rake hit Ji Yang with too much force, it was so easy to change his moves.

Xiao Longnu's speed was so fast that he had no chance to change his moves.



Before Zhu Tiehei had time to change his moves, Xiao Longnu had already arrived in front of him.

This time Zhu Tiehei saw it clearly, it turned out that what snaked out of Ji Yang's sleeve was a small white snake with a strong aura.

It's just that Zhu Tiehei just saw Xiaolongnu clearly, his face hurt and he fell to the ground directly.

It turned out that the little dragon girl slapped Zhu Tiehei's face with his tail. His nose was blown open by the little dragon girl, and his face was covered in blood.

He is a wild boar demon, with rough skin and thick flesh, and strong body defense.

If it wasn't for this point, Xiao Longnu's tail going down just now would not be as simple as a nose blooming.

Xiao Longnu didn't expect that she could kill Zhu Tiehei with one tail, if he died so easily, Ji Yang wouldn't be hurt either.


Zhu Tiehei's nose was blown open, and he screamed in pain.

Covering his nose with one hand, blood flowed from his fingers, Zhu Tiehei swung the rake at Xiao Longnu.

Xiao Longnv originally wanted to take advantage of Zhu Tiehei's nose being smacked by herself, so she planned to give him two more slaps.

But Zhu Tiehei's reaction speed was much faster than she thought, and her plan could only fail.

Zhu Tiehei swung the rake over, Xiao Longnv twisted her body and dodged away.


The rake fell to the ground, making a deep hole and splashing mud.

Zhu Tiehei got up from the ground when the rake fell.

His nose was smashed, Zhu Tiehei was in pain, but more angry.

A little white snake more than one meter long actually scratched itself, which is a shame to Zhu Tiehei.

Even if I faced a snake demon with a length of more than ten meters, or even tens of meters, I didn't have such a miserable experience.

Today I was hanged by a little white snake more than one meter long

If this matter gets out, how can he hang around in the Yaozu in the future.

"The little snake demon who didn't even turn into a human form actually hurt me. I'm going to skin you today."

Although Xiaolongnv looked like a little white snake more than one meter long, Zhu Tiehei didn't really think of her as an ordinary little white snake.

The little white snake had a strange aura, which made Zhu Tiehei regard her as a snake demon.

"I'm not a snake demon!"

Xiao Longnu is already very upset because she has changed from a dragon to a snake, and now she is banned from displaying her full strength.

Now Zhu Tiehei calls her a snake demon, isn't that lowering her class?

With two snake eyes staring, Xiao Longnu pounced like a pig iron black.

Although Zhu Tiehei has great strength, his speed is not good.

However, Xiao Longnu's speed was so fast that Zhu Tiehei couldn't hit Xiao Longnu, and was beaten several times by Xiao Longnu instead.

Even if Zhu Tiehei was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, if he was beaten like this by Xiao Longnu, he would still be in terribly painful pain.

Seeing that this kind of beating is no longer possible, Zhu Tiehei's demonic aura became stronger, and his body began to change...

 Thanks to Mr, monster and others for the rewards, the fifth update is here, Xieben will add an update today, everyone’s monthly pass, recommended, let’s give it a reward

(End of this chapter)

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