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Chapter 3301 It's not just about Ji Yang

Chapter 3301 It's not just about Ji Yang

How could an ordinary heavenly soldier be an opponent of Poseidon.

Although he mustered up the courage to choose the front hard steel Poseidon, it was nothing more than a suicide attempt.

By doing this, he just made himself more spineless in his death.

The fact is also the same. Seeing the heavenly soldiers rushing, Poseidon felt that he was very brave, so he also satirized Brahma and laughed at the escape behavior of the god YD.

Such irony made Brahma look ugly, but he couldn't refute it, because it was the truth.

At the same time, Poseidon swung the trident in his hand, directly broke off the spear of the heavenly soldier, pierced his chest, and took the opponent's life.

This blow was very simple, and the heavenly soldiers lost their lives in an instant without any struggle.

It can be said that he didn't feel any pain before his death, just like Poseidon himself said, it gave him a good time.

"Damn Poseidon, you have repeatedly provoked and humiliated my YD god, do you know that you are playing with fire with me!"

"The main gods of XL are dying one by one, and the fighting power of the XL gods has dropped significantly. After today's incident is over, I will make XL the next foreign god realm to be captured by the YD God Realm!"

The trident took the life of the heavenly soldiers, and Poseidon looked back at Brahma.

Seeing Poseidon looking over, Brahma looked at him with stern eyes, and at the same time secretly thought about the matter of attacking XL after the incident in Huaxia.

Fortunately, what he thought was in his heart, and he didn't say it directly.

Otherwise, let alone Poseidon's reaction, even if others heard it, they would probably find it ridiculous.

YD God Realm and XL God Realm launched an attack on Huaxia, but it has not been smooth.

Now YD and XL have suffered serious losses, not to mention ordinary gods, even the main gods have died several times.

Where did Brahma get his confidence to be able to occupy the Hua Xia Family?Where did he get the confidence to think he could still be alive?
Furthermore, the main god of XL who came to China today is not all of XL.

Among the twelve main gods, there are still a few who did not come.

Even if he is lucky enough to return to YD alive, with him alone, he can lead the gods of YD and capture XL Mount Olympus?

Such a ridiculous idea, I really don't know how Brahma would think of it.

naive... so naive...

"Brahma! Poseidon!"

"How can I fight this?"

Ji Yang saw the conversation between Poseidon and Brahma, and the scene where Poseidon killed the heavenly soldiers.

For Ji Yang, the confrontation between Poseidon and Brahma was a happy thing.

It is better for the two sides to disagree than for the two sides to be harmonious.

But when Ji Yang saw Tianbing being killed, it wasn't that Ji Yang didn't want to make a move, it was just that he couldn't.

A Poseidon cannot be dealt with by Ji Yang alone.

There is also a Brahma next to him, let alone.

Although the two seem to be at odds, if he makes a move, there is no guarantee that Brahma will not deal with him with Poseidon because of the cooperative interests.

So he wanted to make a move, but he didn't dare, because in that case, he would be very dangerous.

Ji Yang could only hold the Pangu Ax and Xuanyuan Sword in his hands, angry in his heart, but he couldn't do anything.

To be honest, if there is a war, there must be death. Compared with an ordinary heavenly soldier, Ji Yang is undoubtedly more important to Huaxia Third Sister.

He can't act on impulse, once something happens to him, it will cause great losses to Huaxia.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Ji Yang didn't dare to attack Poseidon and Brahma casually, but under the stimulation of Brahma and Poseidon's words, the attitudes of YD and XL gods changed a lot.

The fighting spirit of the YD and XL gods became much stronger, shouting and killing one by one, and launched an attack on the Chinese immortals.

Even Ji Yang, who was on the sidelines, was taken as a target.

Several YD and XL gods rushed towards him together.

"It's still idle if you're idle, why don't you clean up the rubbish first."

"If you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

Now is not the right time to deal with Poseidon and Brahma, Ji Yang can't just stand still.

Not to mention that there are YD and XL gods who took the initiative to attack him, even if no one took the initiative to attack him, he should take the initiative to deal with others.

Looking at the gods who were getting closer and closer to him, he tightened Xuanyuan Sword and Pangu Ax in his hands, and Ji Yang directly faced these gods.

He didn't know the status of these gods in YD and XL.

He doesn't know how to deal with it.

But no matter who they are or how capable they are, Ji Yang has to kill them today.

"Clang clang clang!"

After fighting with a few gods, I learned a little more about these people.

Although it is not clear who they are, their combat effectiveness is not weak.

Any one of them must have at least a second-rank immortal rank or above, and a first-rank immortal rank.

Besieged by such a few people, Ji Yang couldn't kill them all at once.

But he is still firmly in the upper hand, and he can amplify freely.

Looking at the gods besieging him with disdain, Ji Yang shouted in a cold voice with an arrogant attitude: "You have some skills, no wonder you dare to attack me, but no matter what your skills are, you will die."

Although he couldn't kill them all at once, Ji Yang was 100% confident in killing them.

And he felt that it was a very good thing for him to entangle a few YD and XL gods with second-rank and first-rank immortal positions by himself.

In this way, they will not be able to attack other Chinese gods, which can reduce the loss of Chinese gods.



Facing the arrogant Ji Yang, the gods who besieged him didn't want to refute, but they really couldn't refute.

They have also seen Ji Yang make a move, and they know that he is not easy to deal with, otherwise how could several people come together.

I thought that with the strength of people like myself, even if I couldn't kill him, I could trap him.

As a result... I was naive.

Ji Yang's fighting power was far stronger than expected. When he cut off a god's head with a single stroke of his sword, the faces of the gods who besieged him became even uglier.

They had already guessed that Zi felt that the result would be the same as the god whose head had been cut off, and that would be death.

It's just a matter of time.

They are already fighting together, and it is useless to regret it. These gods know what will happen to them, so they can only continue to fight Ji Yang.

Ji Yang didn't intend to let them go away alive, and the attack was very violent, and within a short time, three or four people had already been beheaded.

When Ji Yang was besieged by people, what he didn't notice was that someone was already planning to attack Brahma and Poseidon.

Ji Yang is not the only one who pays attention to Poseidon and Brahma. Some of the Chinese immortals have also noticed them...

(End of this chapter)

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