The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3306 Poseidon VS Burning Lamp

Chapter 3306 Poseidon VS Burning Lamp
"It actually blocked it, but next time, you won't be so lucky!"

"Rush me!"

Taoist Ran Deng was distracted, and Poseidon's displeased blow was blocked by him.

Looking at the broken water waves, the corners of Poseidon's mouth turned up slightly, and ordered the golden horse pulling the cart to pull the cart, and rushed towards Taoist Ran Deng.

The golden horse rushed forward at an extremely fast speed, not only did it look like it was rushing forward, it was very powerful.

While the car was being pulled, the ground shook violently, not to mention an earthquake, and surrounding water waves condensed around the car.

Seeing this scene, Taoist Ran Deng had solemn eyes, and he tightened his palm holding the Qiankun Ruler.


The strength brought by the waving of the Qiankun Ruler is like a big net, piercing through the air and hitting the golden horse pulling the cart.

The whistling sound of energy represents the power of these energy.

"Hmph, water wave bodyguard... rush over to me!"

Poseidon didn't dare to completely ignore the strength that Taoist Randeng made with the Qiankun Ruler.

But if you say he is scared, it's not enough.

With a random wave of the palm, the water waves surrounding the carriage condensed on the golden horse, as if wearing a layer of water wave armor on the golden horse.

Wearing the water wave armor, the golden horse kept rushing forward, as if it didn't see the strength of the attack, it still rushed forward in one go.

"Boom boom boom..."

The golden horse rushed all the way, and the powerful net created by the Daoist Lantern Qiankun Ruler really couldn't stop it.

After all the strength was broken, the water waves on the golden horse dissipated, and there were a few wounds on its body, but it did not cause substantial damage to the golden horse, but it aroused its anger.

When the golden horse broke through its strength and got close to the Taoist burning lamp.

There was a neighing sound from the mouth of the golden horse, and several golden horses raised their front hooves at the same time, and stomped towards Taoist Ran Deng.

"Several villains, I really thought I would be afraid of your failure!"

It is true that Daoist Lantern is afraid of Poseidon.

But Taoist Ran Deng would not be afraid of these golden horses pulling the cart.

These few golden horses can be regarded as divine beasts, but so what, he is also the deputy leader of the interpretation of Daoist Daoist Lantern, and his strength lies there.

If even a few golden horses pulling carts can make him timid, then don't be the deputy leader of teaching. It's really shameful.

"The universe is fixed and flashing!"

His eyes were fixed on several golden horses that raised their front hooves and stepped towards him.

The Qiankun Ruler in the hands of Taoist Ran Deng brought several dazzling golden lights, and struck towards these golden horses.

"Clap clap clap..."


There was a crackling sound of flesh, and the golden horse neighed in pain.

They originally wanted to trample on Taoist Burning Lantern's horseshoes, but none of them succeeded in trampling on him. Instead, because of the pain, they kicked wildly in the air, hurting the golden horse beside them.

Accompanied by a rumbling sound, several golden horses kicked wildly, and they all fell to the ground, and even the pulled cart was overturned.


The car I was riding in finally overturned because of the golden horse.

Poseidon's reaction was fast enough, instead of falling to the ground with the overturned car, he jumped into the air with his feet on the waves.

Stepping on the waves and standing in the air, he looked down at the golden horses lying on the ground. His face was a little ugly, and there was a lot of anger in his eyes.

I saw several golden horses of my own, each with several wounds on their bodies, lying on the ground and neighing in pain.

They are all torn apart, bloody and watery, and each of them has the feeling of a little beast, which looks extremely tragic.

"My golden horse... the water is surging!"

These golden horses of his are not only used to pull his cart, but also one of Poseidon's status symbols.

These golden horses have been with Poseidon for many years, and their relationship is very deep.

Seeing his golden horse look like this now, can he not be angry in his heart.

The trident waved in anger, bringing up a huge wave and hitting Taoist Burning Lamp.

"One foot of heaven and earth!"



Seriously injured several golden horses, Daoist Ran Deng didn't have any complacent thoughts.

Because it was right for him to hurt these golden horses, and it would be a real embarrassment if he couldn't even deal with them.

So he didn't relax his vigilance because of this, Poseidon shot angrily, and he reacted immediately.

However, although Daoist Ran Deng didn't react slowly, there is a gap between his own strength and the opponent's.

While swiping the Qiankun Ruler, he couldn't stop the wave attacking him at all. On the contrary, the Qiankun Ruler in his hand almost fell out of his hand, and his body was carried far away by the wave before stopping.

The wave pushed Taoist Ran Deng back, not only wet his clothes and hair, but also had a great impact on his spleen.

If Daoist Ran Deng hadn't used immortal energy to protect the spleen in his body in time, he might have vomited a few mouthfuls of blood at this time.


Daoist Ran Deng stabilized his body, suppressed some restless breath in his body, and stabilized his body.

Poseidon was injured by Taoist Burning Lantern because of the golden horse he was pulling the cart. It was a time when he was very angry, how could he adjust his time for the other party.

The trident brought up a wave of water and hit Taoist Ran Deng again.

This water wave feels very impactful and has a strong explosive force.

Looking at the water waves like this, Taoist Ran Deng once again clenched the Qiankun Ruler that he had almost let go just now, and the immortal energy in his body surged. When he waved the Qiankun Ruler, he shouted violently at the same time: "One ruler determines the universe, attack!"

"Boom boom boom..."

Daoist Ran Deng's attack this time is quite powerful.

The Qiankun Ruler brought a lot of energy, but this time it was barely on par with Poseidon's tide.


"Come on... bastard, one foot determines the world!"

It was true that he blocked Poseidon's attack this time, Taoist Can Ran Deng was panting heavily, so he knew that it was not easy for him to block this time.

As for Poseidon, although the continuous shots consumed a certain amount of air.

But compared to Taoist Ran Deng, it is far worse.

When Daoist Ran Deng was gasping for breath, Poseidon narrowed his eyes, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he shot again.

This made Taoist Ran Deng a little depressed, because he didn't even give himself a chance to catch his breath.

Depressed in my heart, I couldn't stop my hands.

When the Qiankun Ruler was shot, it was still the same as before, and it had a head-to-head encounter with the incoming sea water.

But compared to before, the situation this time is not optimistic.

Daoist Ran Deng's blow failed to stop the sea water this time, and he was swallowed by the sea water in an instant.

Seeing Taoist Ran Deng being engulfed by sea water, Poseidon showed a strange smile on his face, swung his trident in a whirl, and the sea water engulfing Taoist Ran Deng formed a whirlpool.

Seeing that the vortex had formed, and he could vaguely see the uncontrollable body in the vortex of sea water, Taoist Burning Lamp with a painful expression, Poseidon laughed and shouted.

"I will use sea water to tear your body apart and avenge my golden horses, hahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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