Chapter 3312 Peacock
Daoist Ran Deng limp on the ground, he can't do anything now.

He could only look angrily and unwillingly at Poseidon who was still wrapped in the water waves, and his heart was filled with endless doubts.

He wondered who sabotaged his plan, so that he didn't succeed in self-explosion?
Is the person who sabotages his plan an enemy or a friend?He didn't know any of this.


Let’s put aside the matter of Taoist Randeng for a while, and move forward in time to watch the battle between Kong Xuan and Brahma.

Why do we have to mention Kong Xuan first, instead of continuing to describe Taoist Randeng, everyone will know later.

In other words, when the Lantern Taoist released the ghost fire and confronted Poseidon's huge waves, the melee battle between Kong Xuan and Brahma also reached a fever pitch.

Kong Xuan, who doesn't use the five-color divine light, is no match for Brahma at all.

The long spear in his hand with a certain effect of the five-color divine light is of no use to the scepter in Brahma's hand, and it cannot be wiped off at all.

"Without your five-color light, your combat power has been greatly reduced. With your current ability, it is already a miracle that you can survive until now."

When dealing with Kong Xuan before, because of Kong Xuan's three-color divine light, four-color divine light, and finally five-color divine light, Brahma was greatly shocked.

Let Brahma's attack and defense several times have no effect.

So in Brahma's heart, there was actually a fire all the time.

Now Kong Xuan no longer fights him with the five-color divine light, but just uses a long spear to fight him in close combat, it is too easy to deal with him.

Brahma didn't waste much effort at all, and had already firmly suppressed Kong Xuan.

He also understood that without Kong Xuan's five-color divine light, his combat power would be at least half weaker than before.

This level of Kong Xuan, not to mention that he is not even worthy of being his own opponent, but it is almost the same.

"You... hateful!"

What Brahma said was true, but Kong Xuan himself was unwilling to admit it.

It's not that he doesn't want to use the five-color divine light, but that he can't now.

His situation is actually not optimistic, especially after releasing the five-color divine light just now and blocking hundreds of arrows from Brahma, the immortal energy was consumed too much.

Now that the fairy energy has not recovered much, if he uses the five-color divine light immediately, if he fails, he will be finished.

Although Kong Xuan has the heart to die, he is not afraid of death, but it doesn't mean he wants to die like this.

So although he was at a disadvantage, he didn't give up for a moment. He was always within the controllable range, attacking and defending as much as possible.

However, Brahma's words at this time still irritated him.

He also feels that although the five-color divine light is not suitable for use now, if he does not use other skills, he may die when he is really unable to use the five-color divine light.


"Based on what you said, I know that you are almost unable to hold on!"

Brahma couldn't stop laughing at Kong Xuan's hateful words.

When a person can say such things, he is not only judging the other party, but also expressing his own weakness.

If you can still deal with it normally, you have seen the truth in your hands. Who would say "hateful" with angry and helpless words.

In the battle between the two sides, victory is the key, so there is no such thing as hateful.

"I can't hold it! How can I, Kong Xuan, not hold it!"

"I'm No.1 among saints. Even without the five-color divine light, I wouldn't lose so badly!"

"The peacock becomes... chirp..."

Brahma's words are still so exciting.

But Kong Xuan's attitude at this time was not only because of the stimulation of Brahma's words, but also because he felt that it would be impossible to continue fighting like this.

If this continues, he will really not be able to last until the five-color light is used again.

So he chose Peacock Transformation.

A loud and clear phoenix cry came out, and Kong Xuan's whole body was filled with light, and the dazzling light completely enveloped his body.

When Brahma saw this scene, his eyes froze in all directions.

Following the release of the light, he felt an extremely powerful aura being released from the light.

Although Brahma couldn't see what was going on inside because the light was too dazzling, he knew that Kong Xuan must be doing something to increase his strength.

If you don't stop him quickly, it will be difficult to deal with him when he finishes what he has to do.

"This light is too dazzling, and the breath fluctuation is also very strong. It is unwise to get close."

"That's the only way to do it... Hundred arrows strike!"

The light that burst out from Kong Xuan's body is not just as simple as looking dazzling, but also has a strong attack effect.

Approaching directly, Brahma felt that it was unwise, so he chose to attack from a distance.

Hundreds of arrows shot indiscriminately, which have been used before.

Although it was wiped out by Kong Xuan in the end, it also consumed a lot of Kong Xuan's immortal energy, making him dare not even use the five-color divine light easily.

It was with these considerations in mind that Brahma would choose to shoot at random with hundreds of arrows at this time.

"Puff puff……"

"What? It's useless!"

Brahma didn't expect to kill Kong Xuan directly with a hundred arrows, but as long as it could hinder his next steps, it would be fine.

But the actual situation was worse than he thought.

As soon as hundreds of air arrows touched the flickering light, they were all broken.


Shooting a hundred arrows indiscriminately had no effect, Brahma was a little startled.

Amidst the dazzling golden light, there was another loud and clear phoenix cry, and then the golden light rushed straight towards Brahma.


A huge golden light rushed towards him, and Fen Tian recovered from his astonishment.

The scepter was clenched tightly in his hand, and he waved it towards the golden light.



The scepter hit the golden light, and the golden light dissipated.

But a huge peacock's head pecked at Brahma's face.

The peacock's head was suddenly pecked, and Brahma was so frightened that he retreated quickly, but he avoided the head and was still pecked on the chest.

A large piece of flesh was torn off by the peacock, blood splashed out, and the painful Brahma screamed loudly.

If he hadn't swung the scepter quickly and vigorously to hit the peacock's head, and his body continued to retreat quickly at the same time, he would definitely have had a few pieces of flesh pecked off and a few more blood holes.

"You turned out to be a monster?"

Standing still, Brahma looked at the peacock the size of a hill dozens of meters away, frowned and said in a concentrated voice.

This peacock appeared after the golden light dissipated.

Seeing the peacock, but not seeing Kong Xuan, and the breath of the peacock is exactly the same as Kong Xuan.

Brahma then knew that this peacock must be Kong Xuan.

"Hmph... Chirp..."

To say that Kong Xuan is a demon is to belittle him a bit.

He was the first peacock in the world. According to monsters, his strength belongs to the level of a great sage.

Regarding Brahma's words, Kong Xuan didn't want to admit it, nor did he want to refute it.

Accompanied by a phoenix cry, Kong Xuan directly attacked Qi...

(End of this chapter)

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