The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3316 Rescued at the same time

Chapter 3316 Rescued at the same time
Although Brahma's eight-direction blasting sky seal did not completely block Kong Xuan's desperate five-color feather attack, some of the feathers shot himself.

However, the power of these feathers was somewhat weakened, and the shots on his body were all skin traumas, not the inside at all.

Compared with Kong Xuan who was unable to fight anymore with such an injury, he could easily kill him, not to mention.

Even if he continued to fight, Brahma would have no problem at all.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Kong Xuan's last desperate attack was completely ineffective.

"I'm not reconciled...not reconciled..."

Looking at Brahma who was slowly approaching him, Kong Xuan was very unwilling.

He knew that he was finished, completely finished.

Not to mention the Brahma in front of him, even an ordinary celestial soldier, it is easy to kill him now.

It's just that he was not reconciled, not reconciled to the last desperate blow, which turned out to be such a result, and even failed to cause real damage to Brahma.

"Don't struggle anymore, you have to face reality even if you are not reconciled."

"Now that you look like this, even if I stand here and don't move, what can you do to me?"

Facing an opponent whose strength was obviously inferior to his own, Brahma took so long and suffered some injuries before he was able to kill the opponent.

Kong Xuan felt that he was still not satisfied, but he himself felt very ashamed.

Looking at Kong Xuan who still wanted to get up from the ground, but couldn't get up no matter what, Brahma continued to approach slowly while whispering in his mouth.

His words were full of provocation and disdain.


Brahma's words made Kong Xuan, who was unwilling, feel even more uncomfortable.

Furious, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Although he was defeated, he was the first peacock in the world after all, and he was No. 1 among saints. He could be defeated, but he could not be humiliated.

But so what if he was angry in his heart, he was always like this now.

As Brahma himself said, even if he doesn't move, Kong Xuan has nothing to do with him.

"You have been able to fight with me for so long, you are already very good."

"If you can die in the hands of my Brahma, you will not die unjustly, so you can die obediently!"

Looking at Kong Xuan who was vomiting blood at the mouth, Brahma grinned.

The scepter in his hand appeared and smashed towards Kong Xuan's head.

If this scepter goes down, Kong Xuan will undoubtedly die.

Looking at the smashed scepter, Kong Xuan glared angrily, even if he died, he would die dignifiedly and would not admit cowardice.



Brahma thought that with his scepter, he could definitely kill Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan also felt that it was time for him to die.

A sudden urgent cry sounded, and a powerful suction appeared, and Kong Xuan's weak body suddenly disappeared.

Brahma smashed Kong Xuan's scepter, and finally fell to the ground, the attack was in vain.

"It's you... You actually ruined my business, you are courting death!"

The attack failed, and Brahma was furious.

Looking up at the person who rescued Kong Xuan, he shouted loudly.

He is no stranger to the person who rescued Kong Xuan. This is not to say that Brahma and the other party have met before, but that he has paid attention to the other party before.

Because many high-level gods of YD and XL, even the main god, died in his hands.

"Phew... I finally caught up. If I was a step slower, Kong Xuan would be dead."

The person who rescued Kong Xuan was none other than Ji Yang.

Looking at the demon pot in his hand, Ji Yang completely ignored the enraged Brahma, but stroked his chest and let out a sigh of relief.

He was thankful that he arrived in time and did not let Kong Xuan die in the hands of Brahma.

"Looking for death... Thunder Bang!"

Ji Yang talked to himself there, ignoring himself, Brahma felt ashamed that he was ignored.

In addition, Ji Yang rescued Kong Xuan at the last moment, so he failed to kill Kong Xuan, which made him even more angry, and he directly struck out with a palm.

Pushing out a palm vigorously, the air was released, and a thunder and lightning palm shadow blasted towards Ji Yang.

"Purple Thunder Hammer!"


Although Ji Yang talked to himself, he didn't really ignore Brahma.

What a joke, this is Brahma, the main god of YD, Ji Yang dares to really ignore the other party, isn't that self-defeating?

So as soon as Brahma made a move, he quickly put away the demon refining pot and at the same time swung the Purple Thunder Hammer.

The purple thunder hammer waved, and several lightning bolts were released, which just collided with the palm shadow of the thunder and lightning.

They are all attacks of the lightning attribute. After colliding with each other, the thunder wave that erupts is very terrifying.

Both Ji Yang and Brahma were shocked by this wave of air and took a few steps back.

But after careful calculation, Ji Yang retreated farther than Brahma.

The strength gap is here, Kong Xuan is not as good as Brahma, and Ji Yang is also not as good as the other party.

Although Ji Yang's current cultivation base is advanced, he is at most at the same level as Kong Xuan, and still cannot be compared with Brahma.

But he still dared to take action at the critical moment, rescued Kong Xuan, and confronted Brahma head-on.

On the one hand, it was due to the psychological effect of needing to be rescued, and on the other hand, it was because he had discussed with others to fight together and temporarily intercept the other party.

As for who to negotiate with?
It is one of the three Qings, the Taishang Laojun who can continue to fight and is not entangled by powerful enemies.

"Thunder palm ban!"

"Zi Lei strikes!"


His Thunderclap Palm was broken, and he was forced to retreat a few steps.

After the body stood still, Brahma's eyes turned cold, and he launched a more powerful attack on Ji Yang again.

Ji Yang didn't show weakness, he swung the purple thunder hammer wildly in his hand, brought up countless purple thunders, and confronted the opponent head-on.

The two of you come and go, Ji Yang relies on the purple thunder hammer in his hand, and there is no danger for a while.


Ji Yang and Brahma are competing with each other, let's put it aside for a while and talk about the Taoist burning lamp in front.

When Taoist Ran Deng blew himself up, it was almost the same time as Kong Xuan was almost killed by Brahma.

In other words, Taoist Ran Deng failed to blew himself up and Kong Xuan was included in the demon refining pot by Ji Yang, which is the front and back of things.

"Uncle? Why are you?"

"Why are you stopping me? Why are you helping him?"

Although Daoist Ran Deng is the deputy leader of explaining education, he is also the apprentice of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Taishang Laojun is the senior brother of Yuanshi Tianzun, so of course he has to call him uncle.

When he vomited blood angrily, lying on the ground unable to shout angrily, when exactly who destroyed his plan, he finally saw clearly the person who hindered him.

It's just that he didn't understand why Taishang Laojun would hinder him for a while.

By doing this, he didn't directly save Poseidon, saved Poseidon.

"Randeng, thanks to the fact that you are still the vice-master of teaching, you don't even understand my good intentions."

"You are one of the strongest among my Chinese immortals. If you explode and die, it will be a loss to my three realms of China. How could I let you do this."

"So I'm saving you, not helping him."

Being wronged by Taoist Ran Deng, Taishang Laojun shook his head and sighed.

Taoist Ran Deng is very smart on weekdays, why is he so confused today...

(End of this chapter)

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