The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 3323 No need to save Ji Yang

Chapter 3323 No need to save Ji Yang

"You despicable guy, you actually hurt me with dirty tricks, damn it!"

A few ribs are broken, even being as strong as Poseidon doesn't feel good.

The Taishang Laojun didn't give him a chance, and directly attacked him, leaving several wounds on his body.

This made Poseidon angry and depressed, but there was nothing he could do.

I can only vent my dissatisfaction with my mouth.

"Do you still need me to tell you the truth that soldiers never tire of deceit?"

"Besides, you and I are both aiming to kill each other, and any moves are exaggerated. What's more, I wounded you in a fair manner. How can it be considered a dirty trick?"

What Poseidon said, Taishang Laojun felt very ridiculous.

This kind of words can only be said by those fighting noobs. An existence like Poseidon has experienced many life-and-death battles. How can he say such idiot words.

"You... Damn..."

My own sarcasm is of no use to Taishang Laojun.

Poseidon didn't know what to say, and after a loud drink, he waved his trident and threw it at Taishang Laojun angrily.

But at this time, Poseidon is injured, and the Taishang Laojun has been taking the initiative.

It is basically impossible for Poseidon's attack to injure Taishang Laojun.

Taishang Laojun easily avoided Poseidon's trident, and at the same time pierced out with the Seven Star Sword, leaving a blood hole in Poseidon's body.

After injuring Poseidon with the Vajra just now, Taishang Laojun did not put away the Vajra, but held it with the other hand.

While attacking with the Seven Star Sword, he made a gesture to throw the Vajra Cut.

Can Poseidon have no shadow in his heart after having suffered the loss of Vajra Chop, he must always be on guard against Taishang Laojun throwing Vajra Chop to hit himself again.

This made Poseidon, who was already not very optimistic, even worse.

The current confrontation between the two has completely become one-sided.

Poseidon is completely passive defense, and can only be suppressed and beaten by the Taishang Laojun.

Although the current situation of Poseidon is not good, it will take some time for Taishang Laojun to completely defeat him.


Taishang Laojun is chasing and fighting Poseidon, and the situation of Ji Yang and Brahma is very similar to them.

It's just that the protagonist being chased is different.

Between Ji Yang and Brahma, it was Brahma who was chasing and beating Ji Yang.

Everyone must have guessed why this happened, that is, Brahma has stabilized his restless qi and blood, and now he doesn't need to think about the instability of qi and blood.

Brahma was beaten by Ji Yang for a long time, and finally he was able to let go of his hands and feet to attack, and he was able to spare Ji Yang.

"Uncle, you are really a fool."

Ji Yang changed from being active to being passive, from attacking to dodging, he was so depressed.

This has something to do with his own strength, but he thinks it has something to do with Taishang Laojun as well.

If Taishang Laojun quickly solved Poseidon as he said, he would not be chased and beaten.

"It's useless for you to blame anyone now. If you really want to blame it, you can only blame yourself for not being strong enough, and you have to send it to your door to seek death."

Ji Yang faced the attack from Brahma with a bitter face, and kept mumbling in his mouth.

Brahma understood what he said.

Brahma, with a strange smile on his face, did not forget to take the opportunity to tease Ji Yang.

"I'm not strong enough, so you're going to kill me right away?"

"Return to Brahma, the main god of YD, cut!"

He has already been suppressed and beaten, but Ji Yang is still refusing to admit defeat.

The other party teased him, but Ji Yang could still say such a thing, that is, he has a thick skin, and if it was someone else, he would definitely not be able to say it.

"I can't kill you directly now, but it will be a matter of time."

"If you have the strength in your hands, you can do as well as you say, and you won't be chased and beaten by me."

Brahma was convinced by Ji Yang's brazenness.

He asked himself that he had encountered countless enemies with various strengths, but no matter who they were, they definitely didn't have Ji Yang's shameless spirit.

He continued to tease Ji Yang, and Brahma's attacks became more violent.

"The Four Swords of Jade Immortal...go!"

I have a thick skin, but no matter how thick it is, it's not enough to beat Brahma.

When it's time to make a move, I still have to rely on my ability to speak.

Brahma's attack became more violent, and Ji Yang had to use other methods.

He directly summoned the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, and manipulated the Four Swords of Zhu Xian to attack Brahma.

"There are so many good things in your hand, even I envy you."

"That's fine, when I kill you, these things will all be mine."

Ji Yang used Zhu Xian's four swords to attack Brahma, holding Pangu Axe and Xuanyuan Sword in his hands, plus the Donghuang Bell he used earlier.

Everything he uses is a magical weapon of a level that can't be met.

There are many good things in Brahma's hands, but the things Ji Yang used still made him feel prying.

For a god of Brahma's level, the most alluring thing is this kind of treasure.

"There were a lot of people who wanted these things from me, but they all died in the end."

"If you want it, then use your ability to grab it!"

It is not the first time that Ji Yang has been spied on, the treasure in his hand, he has long been used to it.

He was not surprised by Brahma's performance.

Relying on the Xuanyuan Sword and Pangu Axe in his hand, as well as the Four Swords of Jade Immortal controlled by him, Ji Yang's situation improved for a while.

But it's just getting better, and it's still impossible to really turn things around.

"Uncle, can you do it? If you don't come to help me, I really can't hold it anymore!"

The situation has improved, but only temporarily.

Now Ji Yang can only fight for a little longer, and then ask the Taishang Laojun to save him.

"Come on, hold on for a while, and I'll help you right away."

"Clang clang clang..."

Taishang Laojun and Poseidon have completely taken the initiative.

Under his attack, Poseidon's resistance became weaker and weaker, and his injuries became more and more serious.

Poseidon has used all the skills he can use, but because of his injuries, he is already unable to make a comeback.

After the Taishang Laojun replied to Ji Yang, he brandished the Seven Star Sword and launched a new round of attack on Poseidon.

Poseidon gritted his teeth to hold on, but seemed very weak.

Taishang Laojun saw the opportunity, and King Kong Zhuo threw it out again.

Although Poseidon has been guarding against his move, but his current strength does not allow it, and he was hit again by Taishang Laojun's Diamond Cut.



This time, King Kong Zhuo directly hit him on the top of the head, making his eyes stare with gold stars. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, his body went limp and fell to the ground.

Even the trident in his hand was thrown aside by him.

"Golden Rope!"

Poseidon fainted from the hit head, Taishang Laojun took out the golden rope and tied him up directly.

Although looking at Poseidon's appearance, it should be impossible to continue fighting.

Not afraid of [-], just in case, it would be safer to tie him up.

" seems that I don't need to save you!"

Poseidon was tied tightly with golden ropes, and he couldn't break free after several struggles.

Taishang Laojun didn't want his life immediately, so he planned to help Ji Yang first.

But when he looked at Ji Yang, he realized that he no longer needed to make a move...

(End of this chapter)

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