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Chapter 3325 Poseidon's Thoughts

Chapter 3325 Poseidon's Thoughts
"who are you?"

Brahma knew something about the gods in China before.

There are not many opponents who can be valued by him, but in his own impression, there is no one right in front of him.

But now the other party not only suppressed him, but also suppressed him to death.

This surprised Brahma, a sense of fear that he hadn't felt in many years began to appear in his heart.

"If you really want to die so much, then I will tell you that I am the ancestor of Hongjun!"

At the beginning, Patriarch Hongjun didn't intend to tell Brahma what his identity was.

But under repeated questioning by the other party, he finally revealed his identity.

"What? You are Patriarch Hongjun!"

Knowing the identity of Hongjun's ancestor, Brahma felt even more fearful.

He also knew a little bit about Hong Jun's ancestor.

But Patriarch Hongjun didn't stay in the Heavenly Court all the time, and he didn't expect to meet him before he came.

In terms of strength, there is a gap between myself and Hongjun Patriarch even in the peak period.

Not to mention that after being injured by Ji Yang, he fought for so long, and his combat effectiveness was not at its best.

Let the current self fight against Hong Jun's ancestor, and he will definitely die.

By the way, none of the three main gods of YD is the opponent of Hong Jun's ancestor. They came to attack Huaxia, and they expected to fight against each other sooner or later.

But what they thought was that as long as they occupied the Three Realms of China first, then when the ancestor Hongjun appeared, the three main gods would make a move at the same time, so they should be able to fight.

It's just that although their ideas are good, the reality is different from what they think.

First Shiva who went to the underworld, and now Brahma, all met the ancestor Hongjun.

"Ganges water escape!"

Brahma is a sensible person. He knows that if he continues to fight with Patriarch Hongjun, there will be no good results in the end.

So he was looking for an opportunity to pour out as much water as possible from the jug containing the water from the Ganges River, and at the same time use the water to create a water escape.

He was planning to escape.

The YD and XL gods' attack on China was not smooth, not to mention the underworld, and Brahma didn't know the situation there.

Let’s just talk about the Heavenly Court. Except for himself, the most powerful person is either captured alive or dead. Although Zeus is still fighting, once the ancestor Hongjun appears, Zeus will definitely not get better.

In this case, the attack on China is doomed to fail.

With the idea of ​​staying in the green hills and not being afraid of running out of firewood, Brahma felt that it was wisest for him to run away.

As long as I return to YD, I still have a chance to start again.

Even if he doesn't attack China anymore, Vishnu is dead. If Shiva is also dead, he can monopolize the YD God Realm and become the only main god of YD.

So no matter what you think, running now is the right thing to do.

"Want to escape? Xuanqing Soul Chasing Curse!"

Brahma himself thinks that the idea is good, so it must be achievable.

Seeing Brahma disappeared in front of his eyes, there was only a large expanse of flowing river water, Ancestor Hongjun made seals with both hands, and then burst out drinking.

This Ganges water escape can be regarded as a very advanced escape method, even Patriarch Hongjun couldn't find Brahma with naked eyes.

Although his eyes are bad, he is not helpless. As long as the soul is still there, Xuan Qing can find him with the soul-chasing spell.

"I found it... Xuanqing Bangtian Palm!"

Xuanqing used the Soul Chasing Curse, and Patriarch Hongjun quickly found Brahma.

The body jumped up, and a palm was struck from the air, and a huge palm shadow fell down and hit the flowing river.



The shadow of the palm fell, and the water splashed tens of meters high, revealing a figure.

With this palm, the fleeing Brahma was blasted out.

Not only that, Brahma was hit hard by Xuanqing's Bangtian Palm, blood flowed from his back, and his beating heart could even be seen under the hideous wound.

This palm of Patriarch Hong Jun really hurt him badly.


With such a serious injury, it was already impossible for Brahma to continue fighting.

Even if he wanted to escape, it was impossible.

It was even more impossible for Patriarch Hongjun to give him those opportunities. A strange magic weapon appeared, and Patriarch Hongjun directly took Brahma into it.

Why Hongjun Patriarch didn't kill Brahma, only he knows best at this moment.

However, it is said that later, after Patriarch Hong Jun left Huaxia again, when someone saw him, he found Brahma had been following him.

This is a later story, so I won’t talk about it here.

Brahma was taken over by Patriarch Hongjun, and the three main gods of YD came here, even if all of them were solved.

The YD gods in the heavenly court, when they saw their two main gods, one was killed and the other was arrested, they completely lost the courage to continue fighting.

Previously, it was Poseidon who stopped them from escaping.

Now that Poseidon has been tied up by Taishang Laojun, and no one is stopping them, why not run away quickly.

The YD gods started to run away, and the XL gods also panicked.

The main god of the family is still there, but one is trapped, and the outcome is still unclear.

The other one was also tied up, should he continue beating him?
They are also very tangled.


Just when the XL gods were entangled, Yuanshi Tianzun and Zeus who were fighting in the chaotic world had already decided the winner.

The chaotic world dissipated with a roar, and a figure appeared in front of everyone dragging a headless corpse.

"God King!"

"Master God King is dead!"

"The God King has been killed, let's run too!"

From these words, it can already be known that the person dragging the headless corpse is Yuanshi Tianzun, and the corpse dragging in his hand belongs to Zeus.

Although Yuanshi Tianzun looked a little embarrassed at this time, he still won.

Zeus was killed, and the XL gods who were still entangled did not need to continue to entangle, one by one ran faster than the other.

"If you are not of my race, you will be punished even if you are far away. All the immortals obey the order, and if no one is left, kill them!"

Either YD gods or XL gods.

From the day they tried to occupy the Three Realms of China, they should think about their own ending.

Now I know that I am afraid, I know that I have run away, but how can the immortals of Huaxia agree.

At the order of the Jade Emperor, the immortals of Huaxia led the heavenly soldiers and generals, and began to chase and kill the fleeing YD and XL gods, not intending to let any one go.

The YD and XL gods who no longer have the courage to continue fighting, how can they be the opponents of the Chinese immortals who are in full swing, crying and screaming, resounding non-stop in the heavenly court.

"Don't kill me, let me go back to XL, I am willing to lead the gods of XL to serve Huaxia, and serve Huaxia as the master,"

Not to mention the other YD and XL gods, there is still a Poseidon that has not been dealt with at this time.

When he saw the Taishang Laojun approaching him with a sword, and heard the screams from all directions, as one of the XL twelve main gods and one of the three giants, he began to beg the Taishang Laojun for mercy.

In fact, Poseidon has already noticed that he and Zeus have always been at odds with each other.

He had long planned to become XL's new God King himself after Zeus died.

Now that Zeus is really dead, he can be the new XL God King and save his life. This is the best of both worlds.

Even if he is loyal to Huaxia in the future, he is very willing...

(End of this chapter)

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