Chapter 342 Prototype (fourth update)
Zhu Tiehei felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

It's only been two days, why has the opponent's strength become so terrifying.

Especially the flaming sword in Ji Yang's hand, every time the sword fell, the scorching flame rose up, and the surrounding temperature rose instantly.

Zhu Tiehei had an illusion, he felt as if he was thrown into a blazing stove, and he might turn into a roast pig at any time.

Looking at the fire net in front of him, Zhu Tiehei frantically swung the rake in his hand, trying to break the fire net.

But just as he was about to break the fire net, a gust of wind rang in his ears.

Zhu Tiehei's eyes froze, he was too busy dealing with Ji Yang's attack, but he forgot about Ji Yang's helper, Xiao Longnv.

Xiao Longnv came to Zhu Tiehei's side, and swept her tail, Zhu Tiehei didn't even have a chance to dodge.


Xiao Longnu's tail swept over, and the black pig's ears seemed to be cut by a sharp knife, and most of the pig's ears fell off.

Blood flowed from the ears, and half of the iron-black pig's head was stained red with blood.

Zhu Tiehei yelled in pain, he didn't care about Ji Yang's fire net anymore, glared at Xiao Longnu with his eyes, and swung the rake directly.

This time, Xiao Longnv completely quit as soon as she saw it, she cut off half of Zhu Tiehei's ear with one tail, and ran away without stopping at all.

When Zhu Tiehei attacked her, Xiao Longnv had already run away and disappeared.

With a flash of her figure, Xiao Longnv quickly backed away from the standing circle, looking at Zhu Tiehei with a proud face.

Xiao Longnu's pride made Zhu Tiehei's eyes turn red, and the pain in his ears was greatly relieved by the anger in his heart.

This attack was in vain, and Zhu Tiehei didn't have the chance to chase after Xiao Longnu and continue to attack, because Ji Yang's attack was already behind him.

Feeling the burning sensation coming from behind, Zhu Tiehei's face changed.

The muscles all over the body bulge, and the hair all over the body is tightly attached to the body, which is ready to resist Xia Ji Yang's attack.

Zhu Tiehei had no choice but to resist the attack forcefully. Who made him attack Xiaolongnv just now out of anger.

The fire net woven by Ji Yang has reached behind him, he has no time to fight back, and the only way to go is to fight hard.

"Puff Zizi..."

The fire net woven by flames fell on Zhu Tiehei's body, and the monster aura on Zhu Tiehei's body trembled violently.

The wild boar's hair, which was bent by the thunder, was completely scrapped this time.

A curly pig, now a bald pig.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Looking at Zhu Tiehei whose pig hair was completely burned by the flames, the little dragon girl not far away laughed and rolled all over the floor.

Ji Yang did not expect such a scene to appear, and the expression on his face was not natural.

Zhu Tiehei couldn't see his hairless body, but he could see his bare arms and chest.

Coupled with the smell of burnt hair on his body, Zhu Tiehei basically knew what happened.

The wild boar hair on his body is not only for viewing, but also for strengthening defense, but now it was burned by Ji Yang.

This made Zhu Tiehei depressed, angry, and heartbroken.

"Don't laugh!"

Xiao Longnv couldn't stop laughing, the black pig's head eyes that were burnt by pig iron were staring, and she roared in embarrassment and indignation.

If Zhu Tiehei doesn't let him laugh, will Xiao Longnv stop laughing?
This is of course impossible, Xiao Longnv continued to laugh and said loudly at the same time.

"Bald-haired pig, I'll just laugh. If you have the ability, can you hit me?"

Cartoons and urban dramas, Little Dragon Girl is not for nothing, she has already reached the level of flexible use of words in them.

Xiao Longnu said a bald pig, isn't this just throwing salt on the wound of Zhu Tiehei?

Zhu Tiehei was panting heavily, his eyes were blood red from anger.


Zhu Tiehei let out a loud cry, retracted the rake in his hand, and lay down on the ground.

Seeing Zhu Tiehei lying on the ground, Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv were taken aback, what does this mean?
Could it be that Zhu Tiehei was frightened of being beaten and fell down.

But his angry eyes, combined with the strong demonic aura on his body, didn't seem like he was scared to the ground and surrendered.

When Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv looked at Zhu Tiehei in astonishment, the demonic aura on Zhu Tiehei's body became more and more intense, and the aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

"Hmph, oh..."

As Zhu Tiehei let out several angry pig cries, his body changed.

The wild boar hair that had been burnt grew rapidly, and as the wild boar hair grew back all over his body, his body grew rapidly.

Zhu Tiehei's body inflated rapidly like an inflated balloon. When Zhu Tiehei's body grew to three or four meters long and over one meter high, it stopped growing.

At this time, Zhu Tiehei no longer had a human figure, and was completely a huge wild boar.

This huge wild boar is the original shape of Zhu Tiehei.

Zhu Tiehei, who showed his original shape, had a strong aura.

The two huge fangs on the ferocious wild boar's head looked terrifying, stared at the little dragon girl with red eyes, let out an angry snort, and rushed towards the little dragon girl with its huge body.

Zhu Tiehei rushed forward, with his thick limbs running, every time he landed, a deep pit would appear on the ground.

The ground trembled obviously, cracks spread, and it looked like an earthquake.

This Zhu Tiehei showed his original shape, he had a lot of power to charge forward, and his speed seemed to be much faster.

"Little Dragon Girl, be careful."

With the speed and strength of Zhu Tiehei now, he is still a wild boar.

Even if a small armored vehicle came over, it would probably be scrapped if it was hit by Zhu Tiehei like this.

Ji Yang shouted anxiously, flames rose from the black sword in his hand.

Heimang sword waved again and again, and several flames flew towards Zhu Tiehei, and Ji Yang rushed up after following the flames.

The flying speed of these flames is much faster than Ji Yang's speed, and faster than Zhu Tiehei's running speed.

Flames flew from behind, Zhu Tiehei felt the heat wave coming from behind him, but he didn't care about it.

I saw these flames hit Zhu Tiehei's body, and the flames were instantly extinguished, but Zhu Tiehei was unharmed.

It was because of these flames that Pig Tiehei had all his hair burned off, turning him into a bald pig.

Now these flames have no effect on Zhu Tiehei, Ji Yang's body paused, his eyes startled.

Zhu Tiehei changed his original shape, not only his body became bigger, but also his speed and strength increased.

All the functions of his body have become stronger, and even the hair on the surface has changed. The ordinary flames released by Ji Yang's Earth Fire Art can't hurt him at all.

These flames hit Zhu Tiehei's body, they couldn't hurt him, and didn't affect his speed in the slightest.

Zhu Tiehei's eyes flickered fiercely, and he was about to bump into Xiaolongnv.

Xiao Longnu had already prepared, although Zhu Tiehei's impact speed and strength were stronger than Xiao Longnu wanted, but it was so easy to hit Xiao Longnu.

Xiao Longnv twisted her body, skillfully avoiding Zhu Tiehei's impact.


Although Xiao Longnv avoided Zhu Tiehei, a big rock behind her was unlucky and was smashed directly by Zhu Tiehei.

 The fourth update has been updated. Today's update is over. Everyone can go to bed earlier tonight. We will continue tomorrow. Thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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