The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 348 A meeting is just to make a small movie

Chapter 348 A Meeting Is Making a Small Movie (Part [-])
When the receptionist said that the meeting was held, Ji Yang smiled coldly, and looked at the receptionist with cold eyes.

When Ji Yang saw the front desk, his heart skipped a beat, and his legs trembled.

At this time, she felt that she had missed her eyes. This kind of eyes is not something that a local rich man can have.

"Is there a meeting, then I just want to see what kind of meeting is held, so that I can know how much to invest, right?"

That's right, the other party is indeed having a meeting, but it's an interrogation meeting.

The investment in Ji Yang's mouth is not money, but fists and feet.

As for how to use fists and kicks, it depends on how they interrogate Pan Xiaoying.

When Ji Yang spoke, the smile on his face was evil, and the receptionist nodded his head.

Whether the front desk nods or not, Ji Yang will go to Pan Xiaoying, but she will nod now, and Ji Yang will ignore her even more.

The front desk just looked at Ji Yang in such a stupid way, turned around and walked towards Liu Wen's office, and after watching, she suddenly shivered.

"Ah, what's going on in the office can't be known by outsiders, otherwise Liu's performing arts company will be in trouble. I have to call Sister Sun quickly."

Thinking about it, the front desk quickly picked up the phone on the table and called Sun Meiyu.

In Liu Wen's office, Pan Xiaoying sat on the sofa with a pale face.

Liu Wenwen, Sun Meiyu, Brother Guang and Cuntou looked at her playfully.

"Xiaoying, it's not Sister Sun who said you. There are some things you can't hide if you want to."

"You are the only one present about Young Master Liu's matter. Others may die or disappear, but you are the only one who is fine."

"If you say that you haven't seen the murderer, no one will believe it. You'd better say it obediently."

"As long as you tell who the murderer is, the heroine of our company's next play will be yours."

Sun Meiyu looked at Pan Xiaoying, and said softly with a serious look.

After Pan Xiaoying was brought here, according to Liu Wen's thinking, she planned to come straight to her.

But Sun Meiyu suggested to use the soft one first, and if Pan Xiaoying didn't say anything, then use the hard one.

Pan Xiaoying was interrogated by the police for so long, and even some advanced interrogation equipment and polygraph were used, but the result was not revealed.

Sun Meiyu felt that Pan Xiaoying looked like a weak woman, but her mouth was still very hard.

I'm afraid it won't work for such a person to go straight to the hard ones. It's better to use the soft ones to try and lure them, maybe it will be effective.

"Sister Sun, I really don't know who the murderer who killed Young Master Liu was, he was wearing a mask."

When Zhu Tiehei killed Liu Yi, he used sorcery on his face.

The sorcery made Zhu Tiehei's face so unrecognizable that it was impossible to recognize, so Pan Xiaoying couldn't see the other's face at all.

Unable to see the other party's face clearly, Pan Xiaoying thought that the other party was wearing a mask, which is what she said when facing the police.

Fortunately, she didn't see Zhu Tiehei's face clearly. If she said that the person who killed Liu Yi was a monster with a wild boar's head, these people would probably think she was lying.

"Xiaoying, Sister Sun is enough to help you. If you don't say anything, you will suffer."

Seeing that Pan Xiaoying was not cooperating, Sun Meiyu shook her head and sighed.

"Sister Sun, I really didn't see the murderer's face clearly. The police have confirmed that I am not lying. Why don't you believe me?"

When Sun Meiyu said that he was going to suffer, Liu Wen's face darkened, and Brother Guang and Cun Tou had cold smiles on their faces.

These big men were right in front of him, and they all looked malicious.

She was controlled by the other party, if they really wanted to do something to Pan Xiaoying, she would be powerless to resist.

At this moment, a face appeared in Pan Xiaoying's heart, a face that had saved her time and time again, and the owner of this face was Ji Yang.

Now she is also hoping that Ji Yang can come to save her.

"I said it's useless to use soft ones, but you don't believe me."

"Say, who killed my son? If you don't tell me, I'll strip you naked and let you be the heroine."

When Liu Wen was speaking, Brother Guang and Cun Tou had already walked over with the camera.

Looking at Liu Wen's cold eyes, and seeing the camera in front of her, Pan Xiaoying's eyes became obviously frightened.

She understood the meaning of the heroine Liu Wen, this is to film the process of being bullied.

If the other party really took pictures of this thing, I'm afraid my life will be ruined.

Even if she is a victim, she is forced to, but when she thinks that this kind of video of herself has been streamed out, she has no face to face others.

"Mr. Liu, I really don't know, just let me go."

With tears in her eyes, Pan Xiaoying looked at Liu Wen and shook her head.

Seeing that Pan Xiaoying still had this attitude, Liu Wen snorted coldly.

"Brother Guang, inch head, the camera is ready."

"You, like me, have never been a leading actor in a movie, right? Today, let us enjoy what it feels like to be a leading actor."

While Liu Wen was speaking, he had already walked to Pan Xiaoying's side.

Seeing Liu Wen approaching, Pan Xiaoying got up and wanted to run.

But as soon as she stood up, Liu Wen, who was already impatient in her heart, rushed over and pulled Pan Xiaoying's clothes vigorously with both hands.

With the sound of tearing silk, Pan Xiaoying's coat was ripped open.

"Ah... Mr. Liu, I really don't know, please let me go"

Apart from a coat, Pan Xiaoying only had underwear inside.

As soon as the coat was torn off and the underwear was exposed, Liu Wen and the others swallowed with a smear of white on their chests.

"He (mother) is really big, really white, and her skin looks like white jade. I haven't met such a woman for many years."

Brother Guang looked at the spring light that Pan Xiaoying couldn't cover with his hands, **** said.

Liu Wen has never been short of women, and he has met many female celebrities, but Pan Xiaoying is still the best among them.

"Unexpectedly, the first time I became a leading actor, I met a top quality."

The corner of Liu Wen's mouth curled up, his eyes sparkled, and he said with a smile.

And just when Liu Wen was about to take a step closer, Sun Meiyu's cell phone rang suddenly.

"what's up?"

When Sun Meiyu saw that the call was from the company's front desk, she frowned and asked in a deep voice.

After the front desk finished speaking, Sun Meiyu's expression changed.

"How do you work as a receptionist? You only think about fishing for a winner all day long, you trash."

When Sun Meiyu heard what the front desk said, she didn't believe that the other party was an investor, and she was clearly looking for trouble.

And the other party had already arrived outside Liu Wen's office, she shouted angrily.

With her loud shout, Liu Wen's office was kicked open by a person.


Ji Yang kicked Liu Wen's office away, and the scene in the office made him smile.

"Oh, this is a meeting. It turns out that Liu's performing arts company's meeting is to make a small movie."

Ji Yang said it easily, but no matter how he heard his voice, he felt that the taste was not right.

Seeing Ji Yang barging in, the expressions of everyone in the office changed.

"Ji Yang, save me."

Pan Xiaoying had always hoped that Ji Yang would come to save her today, but at this time the other party really came.

As soon as she saw Ji Yang, tears flowed down her eyes, and she shouted with aggrieved voice.

PS: Because the company's circuit was burned, the electrician just repaired the electricity, and the update is a little late, Xieben apologizes
 The company's circuit was burned, and the power was just turned on, and the update was late. Xieben apologizes to everyone, thank you for your support to Xieben
(End of this chapter)

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