The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 356 Xinyang Trading Company

Chapter 356 Xinyang Trading Company (Part [-])
The matter of opening a cosmetics company has been finalized, and Huang Xiaoxin has already started the preliminary work.

Ji Yang also got in touch with Fairy Baihua.

"Fairy Baihua, the effect of your flower dew is very good, and it will definitely be very popular in the mortal world."

"Really, that would be great."

Heavenly Court now feels that mortal things are very fresh and good, and mortal things are very popular in Heavenly Court.

Fairy Baihua would be very happy if the flower dew she made would be welcomed in the mortal world.

"I'm already preparing to start a company, and now I want to ask you if you can provide me with flower dew in large quantities."

The stability of the supply of goods is related to the later sales.

If there is not enough supply of goods, if my dew is out of stock as soon as it is sold, it seems not very good.

Although the flower dew is sold out, it shows that the flower dew is very popular.

It's okay to be out of stock occasionally, but it can't be out of stock often.

If it keeps running out of stock, it will definitely lose customers.

After all, people's brains are very useful nowadays, once Hualu becomes famous.

All kinds of similar products will appear 100%, even if the effect is not as good as the flower dew from Tianting, they will definitely abduct some customers.

Although it is said that monopoly sales are the most profitable.

But with Huaxia's ability to imitate, his flower dew will be sold today, and similar products will appear tomorrow, so this is a complete monopoly, Ji Yang did not expect the flower dew to be able to.

"You don't have to worry about the amount of flower dew. There are many flower fairies in the heavenly court. Immortal flowers and grasses grow fast and have a large quantity. I can provide you with as much flower dew as you want."

Baihua Fairy felt that Ji Yang's worry was unnecessary, he was simply questioning the Heavenly Court Flower Fairies.

The production of flower dew is not limited to Baihua Fairy.

As long as I teach other flower fairies how to make flower dew, they will learn it quickly, so there is no need to worry about the supply of flower dew.

Fairy Baihua would only be annoyed because Tianting produced too many flower dews, she would definitely not be troubled because there was no flower dew to supply to Ji Yang.

"As long as the source of goods can be supplied, it will be fine. Once the flower dew is introduced to the market, the demand for the flower dew will definitely be huge. Hundreds of thousands or millions of sales may be possible every day."

"You have to be mentally prepared here."

Although Baihua Fairy has confidence in the flower fairies in Heaven, Ji Yang still wants to inoculate them.

Ji Yang's words are not exaggerating. This flower dew will not only be sold in China, but will also go international in the later stage.

The global population is billions, and the ratio of men to women in the world is now out of balance, but there should be one in three women.

Is it strange that billions of female consumers sell hundreds of thousands or millions of bottles of toilet water a day?

When Fairy Baihua saw the number Ji Yang said, she was obviously taken aback.

This demand is indeed large enough. If it really reaches this much, it will not be easy to provide the flower dew.

"It's okay, there shouldn't be such a large amount in the early stage, and the demand in the early stage is completely left to me."

"If the Heavenly Court really can't supply so much later, we'll have to think of other ways."

Fairy Baihua still seemed very confident in her words.

People come up with the solution, and the living will never be suffocated to death by urine.

Even if the Heavenly Court can't provide a large amount of flower dew in the later stage, can't I tell Ji Yang the specific method of making the flower dew.

As for the fairy flowers and grasses for making flower dew, I can also directly provide them to Ji Yang.

It is much easier to provide fairy flowers and grass jelly directly than to provide finished flower dew.

The problem of providing floral dew is basically solved now.

There is one more thing to discuss next, and that is how to exchange flower dew with Fairy Baihua.

Ji Yang had the nerve to ask the other party for hundreds or thousands of bottles for free.

No matter how thick-skinned Ji Yang is, he would be ashamed to ask the other party to continuously provide him with flower dew.

"Baihua Fairy, the name of this dew, I plan to name it after you, it will be called Baihua Fairy Hualu, do you have any objections to this?"

"Besides, since we are a business cooperation, have you ever thought about what I can exchange for flower dew?"

"If it's merit, to be honest, it's more difficult for me to pay."

"My current merit income basically depends on the WeChat mall, but the average daily profit is only [-] to [-]."

"You'd better choose to barter."

Ji Yang would definitely not be able to afford the merits in his hands if Fairy Bai Hua asked her to exchange her merits for dew.

He can't afford to exchange even a merit and a bottle of flower dew.

After all, the amount of floral dew required later will be large.

Ji Yang's worries were superfluous this time, even though Baihua Fairy cooperated with Ji Yang, her ultimate goal was to earn merit.

But she didn't expect to make money from Ji Yang, but set her sights on other fairies.

Through Ji Yang's perfume this time, she has discovered that some things in the mortal world are very attractive to female fairies.

It's just that Fairy Baihua hasn't figured out how to exchange them for the time being, so she replied a WeChat message to Ji Yang.

"Don't worry, I won't let you exchange merits."

"Just use the oldest method, barter for the flower dew. As for what you exchange with me, I'll think about it later."

Seeing Fairy Baihua say that, Ji Yang felt relieved.

As long as the problem can be solved by bartering and money, then it is not a problem.

"That's it. Before my company opens, you have to reserve a batch of flower dew first."

"As long as this dew is on the market, it is estimated that there will be a large demand for it. We can't affect the later sales because of the lack of supply."

"You can rest assured about this, I will let the flower fairies make flower dew during this time."

This time, the matter of looking for Fairy Baihua was finished, and the next step was to wait for the opening of his cosmetics company.

In the next few days, Huang Xiaoxin became very busy.

Even if she has the Huang family behind her, she still has to do some things by herself.

Ji Yang has also been running around with Huang Xiaoxin these days. The Industrial and Commercial Bureau and the Tax Bureau are managed by other people.

Ji Yang mainly followed Huang Xiaoxin to choose the company's location, and finally the company's location was selected.

It's a coincidence that this location is in the same building as Liu's Performing Arts Company.

The company is located on the 28th floor of the building. After the location was selected, Ji Yang also checked the company's Feng Shui.

Judging by Feng Shui, the number 28 is very suitable.

"Have you thought about the name of the company?"

After the location of the company is selected, the next step is to decide on the name.

Huang Xiaoxin has been thinking about this for the past few days, and now she has made a decision.

"I've thought of a name, it's called Xinyang Trading Company."

Choose one of Huang Xiaoxin's and Ji Yang's names respectively, and the combination is Xinyang.

Xinyang Trading Company, the name is simple and clear, and the meaning is also very straightforward.

Anyone who knows the relationship between Huang Xiaoxin and Ji Yang can understand what's going on at a glance.

 The second update is here, there are two more in the afternoon, thank you for your support, I wish you all a happy weekend
(End of this chapter)

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