The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 363 Turns out it was a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry

Chapter 363 Turns out it was a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry (one more)
People are doing it, and the sky is watching. If you do many unrighteous actions, you will die.

This sentence sounds like nonsense, but Ji Yang knows it is true.

The Heavenly Court and the Underworld really exist, although people from the Heavenly Court and the Underworld cannot casually appear in the mortal world.

But people's good and evil are recorded in heaven and hell, they may not always stare at you, but the heavens will remember what people do in the mortal world.

If you do more good deeds, you will naturally have good rewards and blessings.

If you do more bad things, you will naturally be rewarded and punished.

Ji Yang thinks he will meet Abei, this is God's arrangement for him to deal with him.

This is the punishment of Abe's evil retribution.

Abe is a person who does not believe in evil, otherwise he would not dare to do things like collecting money and violating professional ethics.

But when Ji Yang spoke, his expression was very serious, and the tone of the other party gave him an unquestionable feeling.

More importantly, if God hadn't told Ji Yang, how would he know about the video.

Although after Qi Guang released the video, Abei could no longer be a reporter, and he might go to jail.

But Qi Guang will not have any good fruit to eat, he is the party of bribery, and he is harmful to the mind of Meihong Winery. If Meihong Winery wants to get Qi Guang, it is not impossible.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, Qi Guang will definitely not expose the video.

Since it wasn't exposed by Qi Guang, it is very strange for Ji Yang to know about it.

"What do you want to do?"

How the other party knew about this is not the most important thing now.

The important thing is what the other party plans to do after knowing about it.

Abei is not a fool. Ji Yang said this to him now, obviously with a touch of threat. He knew that the other party must have other purposes.

"Originally, I really didn't want to do anything, but you asked, if I don't do something, I'm really sorry for you."

Ji Yang nodded seriously, and said softly with a smile on his face.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Abei froze for a moment, and thought to himself.

"Who are you lying to? It's strange if I believe what you say."

Believe it or not, Ji Yang has a thick skin anyway, so he doesn't care.

As for what he wants to do, this is also very simple, that is, he wants to know who Brother Qi is in Abei's mouth.

Although Ji Yang knew the content of the other party's call through Xiaolongnv.

But whether it's Xiaolongnu or Ji Yang, they don't have the ability to know everything about each other through the phone.

In the conversation between Abei and the other party, he only called the other party Brother Qi, and didn't even mention the other party's full name.

"Tell me everything about why you want to discredit Meihong Winery, who that Brother Qi is, and what he is doing."

"Don't play tricks with me, otherwise, I'll let you have a taste of what life is like death."

Ji Yang said indifferently, he also had a silver needle in his hand.

With the silver needle in his hand, Ji Yang directly stuck the silver needle on Abei's body.

When the needle was stuck on his body, Abei felt as if tens of thousands of ants were crawling all over his body, and his whole body was very itchy.

"I said, I said it all, you help me stop the itching on my body first, it's really uncomfortable."

Abei knew that Ji Yang was responsible for this situation.

Ji Yang's action also frightened Abei.

Anyway, the other party knew about his video, so what was he afraid of, what else could he not say.

After Ji Yang helped Abei stop the itching on his body, Abei told everything he knew.

It’s just that the things he said are of limited value, he can only provide some basic information about Qi Guang to Ji Yang.

As for why Qi Guang wanted to discredit Meihong Winery, Abe didn't know about it.

"What is Qi Guang doing, do you know?"

After hearing what Abei said, Ji Yang tried to ask.

"I only know that he is in business, and I don't know what he does specifically."

"The place where he met me was a villa in the misty rain near the sea. That should be his residence."

Qi Guang lives in Misty Rain, Linhai, so he is in the same villa area as Ji Yang.

Now that he knows where the other party lives, and wants to know what he does, Ji Yang has his own way.

Living in the same villa area again, it would be easier to clean up Qi Guang.

"What do you think I should do with you?"

The Abe in front of him has only these use values.

His value is gone, and Ji Yang should consider how to deal with him.

Abei didn't know how Ji Yang would deal with him, but Ji Yang's eyes were very unfriendly, which made Abei feel very scared.

"Please, don't kill me, spare me."

Ji Yang was thinking about how to punish Abei, but when Abei said this, Ji Yang was taken aback by what the other said.

I'm not a murderous demon, it's a big deal, why should I want your life?

It seems that Abei writes too much fake news on weekdays. He has ghosts in his heart, and once others find out, he is completely confused.

Ji Yang has the Xuanzu's privilege certificate in his hand, but he can't just kill someone if he kills someone.

Although Abbe was wrong, it was not to the point of killing him.

"Since you are afraid of death, don't do bad things. How to punish you is better left to the police."

Ji Yang thought about it, and decided to hand over Abei to the police.

He took out his mobile phone and called Lu Fan, and soon Lu Fan drove here.

After bringing Abei into the police car, Lu Fan talked to Ji Yang and briefly understood what Abei had committed.

"Ji Shao, do you want me to take someone to arrest that Qi Guang?"

Now that he already knew that Qi Guang was the one behind the murder of Meihong Winery, Lu Fan was absolutely ready to arrest him.

But Ji Yang shook his head, he was quite curious about this matter, and he still wanted to understand it himself before talking about it.

"Not for now, wait until I teach this Qi Guang a lesson."

"Well, when Ji Shao needs it, just call me."

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Lu Fan said with a smile after three seconds of silence for Qi Guang.

Being taught a lesson by Ji Yang is much worse than going directly to the police station with him.

After Lu Fan led his people away, Ji Yang returned to his car.

Li Zixuan didn't show up before, she just watched from the car.

She knew what she was supposed to do as a woman when her man was doing things.

When you shouldn't show up, don't show up. This is a very simple truth.

"Is the next step going back to the villa?"

Although she didn't get out of the car, it was because Ji Yang's car was not far from Abei's car.

She still heard the conversation just now.

"Don't worry, I'll call Mei Hong first, maybe she knows who this Qi Guang is."

Unless this Qi Guang is mentally ill, he will definitely not trouble Meihong Wine for no reason.

When Ji Yang called Mei Hong, Mei Hong had just sent all the reporters away.

When Ji Yang talked to Mei Hong about Qi Guang, Mei Hong really knew each other, and she really had some conflicts with this Qi Guang.

"It turns out that Qi Guang jumped over the wall in a hurry."

Knowing the conflict between Qi Guang and Meihong Winery, Ji Yang said with a smile.

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(End of this chapter)

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