The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 380 Inappropriate Leader

Chapter 380 Is It Right To Be The Leader (Part [-])

When the Earth Fire Art was cast, Ji Yang's body temperature rose instantly, which was the reason why his skin became flushed.

As the color of his skin changed, the surface of his body was also covered by a stream of heat invisible to the naked eye.

Zhao Xin's attack was able to be completely blocked, all thanks to the heat flow on Ji Yang's body surface.

Can't even break the defense, is this battle still worth fighting?

But Zhao Xin didn't know whether he forgot to take the medicine today or took too much medicine.

After repeated attacks, he obviously couldn't hurt Ji Yang at all, but he just refused to give up.

Yufeng Jue continued to perform, and Zhao Xin was in front of Ji Yang in an instant.

His eyes widened, he let out a loud shout, and slapped Ji Yang directly on the chest.

"Galewind Palm."

Zhao Xin's palm was wrapped in a layer of cyan true energy, and when he struck out, a strong wind howled.

This palm didn't seem to be weak, Ji Yang's eyes were fixed, and the immortal energy in his body surged, and he greeted him with a palm.

Ji Yang struck out with a palm, and a scorching breath emanated from his palm. Wherever his palm passed, the air was distorted by this scorching heat.


With both palms facing each other, the blue true energy in Zhao Xin's palm instantly shattered, and a scorching heat spread along his palm and spread towards Zhao Xin's whole body.

Zhao Xin felt that what he hit with his palm just now was not a human palm, but a red-hot soldering iron.


Quickly retracting his palm, Zhao Xin was shocked to find that his palm had turned scorched black, as if the entire palm had been roasted by fire, and a pungent meaty smell wafted out.

"I used to only know that the taste of roasted pig's trotters is good, but the taste of roasted human hands is also so delicious. Would you like to try it?"

This palm Ji Yang has already shown mercy, if it weren't for the fact that someone was watching the battle, Ji Yang was afraid that his attack would be too shocking, so he suppressed the power of the Earth Fire Art as much as possible.

With the slap just now, what Zhao Xin zoomed in was not the palm, but the burning body. The whole arm and even the whole person may be wrapped in flames.

Zhao Xin's palms were scorched, and his jaw was in pain.

His hand has temporarily lost the possibility of continuing to fight. If it is not treated in time, his hand may be completely useless.

Looking at Ji Yang with a bit of anger in his eyes, Zhao Xin gritted his teeth and asked.

"Dare to tell me your name?"

This is Zhao Xin's plan to find a later account. Hearing Zhao Xin's question, Ji Yang smiled indifferently.

"Why don't you dare, remember that my name is Ji Yang, do you want to seek revenge from me later?"

"It's okay to seek revenge from me, but I want to remind you that next time we fight, I won't show mercy. If you lose your life then don't say I didn't remind you today."

Show mercy, these four words made Zhao Xin's heart tremble.

Today, I showed [-]% of my strength, but I still lost.

But Ji Yang is still merciful, this is a bit of a blow.

"Hmph, I don't know whose life will be lost next time."

Zhao Xin glanced unwillingly at the people in the Extreme League who were watching from the unfinished building. He knew that if he left today, these people would not belong to him anymore.

But it's meaningless to stay here any longer, he can't beat Ji Yang, that's for sure.

The important thing is that his hand will be useless if he doesn't heal it immediately, and he doesn't want his hand to be useless.

After looking at everyone in the Extreme League, Zhao Xin took a final look at Ji Yang with resentment.

With a stretch of his arms, he jumped directly from the sixth floor like a flying bird under the gaze of everyone.

This is the sixth floor, if you jump down, you will fall to your death.

Seeing Zhao Xin jumping from the sixth floor, there was a burst of exclamation in the Extreme League.

"The leader lost and jumped off the building."

"Brother Xin, I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood for the green hills left behind. Why are you so overwhelmed?"

"Leader, sincerity is precious, but a small life is more expensive..."

Seeing Zhao Xin jumping off the building, these people thought that Zhao Xin lost to Ji Yang, so they couldn't think of committing suicide.

Zhao Xin, who jumped from upstairs, turned dark, and almost vomited blood because of these people's words.

This is called running away, how could it be committing suicide.

Zhao Xin was as light as a swallow after performing the Yufeng Jue. Even if he jumped directly from the sixth floor, he would not fall to his death.

What's more, he wasn't that impulsive yet. He first jumped to the third floor, touched the balcony on the third floor with his toes, and then fell to the ground again.

Zhao Xin's body was cushioned by falling from the third floor, and he landed steadily on the ground.

After Zhao Xin landed, he cast Yufeng Jue, and the wind was blowing under his feet, and he quickly disappeared in front of everyone.

He lost to Ji Yang today, so he is too embarrassed to stay here.

Seeing that Zhao Xin landed steadily and then disappeared quickly, everyone in the Extreme League was dumbfounded.

This is not filming, and without any auxiliary props, people jumped directly from the sixth floor.

After falling to the ground, nothing happened at all, which is too awesome.

"Oh, Tang Ping, why are you pinching me?"

When Chen Daxiong was dumbfounded, he felt a pain in his arm. It turned out that Tang Ping who was beside him had pinched him.

"I just want to make sure if I'm dreaming, and it's real."

"I didn't expect the leader to be so awesome. This is the sixth floor. If you fall, you will definitely turn into meatloaf."

Tang Ping looked at Chen Daxiong and said seriously.

Hearing Tang Ping's words, a few drops of cold sweat appeared on Chen Daxiong's forehead, and he felt a crow flying over his head.

Determine if you are dreaming, shouldn't you pinch yourself, why pinch him.

Moreover, why use myself as a metaphor, I am not stupid, why would I want to jump off a building.

Zhao Xin disappeared from sight, and Ji Yang also jumped directly from the sixth floor.

Before everyone recovered from what happened to Zhao Xin, Ji Yang gave them another blow.

There are great people every year, especially this year.

"Leader, you are too good."

"Yes, lord, you are so powerful, you can jump from the sixth floor without any problem, man of God."

"Leader, my admiration for you is endless like a torrential river, and it's like a flood of the Yellow River that can't be contained..."

Seeing Ji Yang standing there as if nothing happened, everyone in the Extreme League surrounded Ji Yang and said flatteringly.

As Zhao Xin said before, if he fights parkour with Ji Yang today, whoever wins in the end will be the leader.

Although neither of them reached the top of the building, everyone in the Extreme League knew that the winner was Ji Yang.

Because Zhao Xin had already run away, but Ji Yang was still standing here.

The people from the Extreme League surrounded him and called him the leader, frowning at Ji Yang's call.

Ji Yang was very interested in extreme sports, but for some reason, he gave up.

Now he can play extreme sports very easily, but playing extreme sports seems to have nothing to do with being the leader of the extreme league.

But just now I just agreed to fight parkour with Zhao Xin, and the lottery is the leader of the Extreme League.

He won, and everyone around him called him the leader.

Ji Yang became entangled for a while, whether he wanted to be the leader or not.

 The second update will be sent directly, thank you for your support and encouragement, ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards

(End of this chapter)

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