The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 390 Almost Paying for the Jade Emperor's Mistakes

Chapter 390 Almost Paying for the Jade Emperor's Mistakes (Part [-])
The Jade Emperor was angry, and the unlucky one must be Ji Yang who gave the German dark beer.

Because it's not German dark beer, and what's happening in front of you won't happen.

"Xiaobai, you are so brave, you dare to lie to me, I will punish you by sending down a level of heavenly thunder."

Ji Yang was happy because he connected with the Jade Emperor by thanking the Jade Emperor for his reward.

When Jade Emperor sent this WeChat message, Ji Yang was dumbfounded.

What's the matter with the Jade Emperor, his wine quality can't be so bad, could it be that he drank too much because of drinking the wine he gave him, and now he is playing crazy with himself.

Alcohol quality is character. To be able to be the Jade Emperor, the Jade Emperor's character is very good. Why is the wine quality so poor after drinking wine?

"I knew that the Jade Emperor's drinking capacity was so poor and his wine quality was so good. I couldn't give him wine no matter what I said."

Ji Yang felt bitter. It wasn't that he didn't want to say it, but that he had no place to say it.

If the Jade Emperor chopped himself down with a thunderbolt because of his drunkenness, he would be at a loss.

The power of the seventh-rank sky thunder has already caused Ji Yang unbearable pain, even though he has reached the seventh-rank immortal position, there will be no pain if the seventh-rank sky thunder strikes him again.

But the Jade Emperor said that he would use a first-grade sky thunder to strike Ji Yang.

Does the gap between level one and level seven matter? When a level one sky lightning strikes Ji Yang, Ji Yang will say goodbye to this world in an instant.

And he must have been smashed to ashes, not even a scum left.

"Jade Emperor, are you drunk? Is there no anti-alcoholic medicine in Heaven? Take some anti-alcoholic medicine quickly and take a rest."

It doesn't matter if the Jade Emperor gets drunk, what matters is his own life.

Ji Yang didn't want to let himself, a pillar of the new society, die unjustly because of Jade Emperor's drunkenness, and there was no reason for him to die.

"Xiaobai, you are so brave. You still dare to lie to me now. I don't know what hangover medicine."

"I drink very well, how can a few bottles of mortal wine make me drunk."

"You still refuse to admit your mistakes. Do you really think that I can do nothing about you when you are in the mortal world? Have you forgotten that Taibai Jinxing went to the mortal world to give you a mobile phone?"

The Jade Emperor's words seemed to be very disciplined, which was not something a drunk person could say.

Under the control of the law of the Three Realms, it is true that people from heaven and hell cannot come to the mortal world casually.

But the last time Taibaijinxing was able to come to the mortal world, there must be some way for the gods to come to the mortal world.

But the price is probably not small, otherwise the gods in the heaven would have come to the mortal world long ago.

The Jade Emperor was not drunk, and now he mentioned Taibai Jinxing.

How angry he is, he is going to send gods to the mortal world to deal with him at any cost.

Ji Yang is really confused, why don't I just give you some wine, it's fine if I don't thank you, and I have to clean up myself.

Ji Yang felt upset, and he gave the wrong gift.

He didn't care if the other party was the Jade Emperor, so he sent a WeChat message to the other party very bluntly.

"You Jade Emperor, you are the boss of the Heavenly Court, so you can send thunder at will. I gave you the wrong meeting gift, so return the things if you don't want them."

"I have done nothing wrong. Why do you want to strike me with lightning? You say that the Jade Emperor is fair. I don't think so."

"Hmph, are you not convinced? Okay, then I'll tell you, didn't you say that you can drink beer when you open the can, why does black water spout out from the can as soon as you open it?"

"This black water sprayed the female fairy beside me all over. You didn't come to thank me for the reward at all. I think you came to harm me."

The Jade Emperor's words made Ji Yang think of a sentence, that is, there are always people who want to harm me.

The color of dark beer is different from ordinary yellow beer, Jade Emperor didn't know this.

Because of the sudden spout of dark beer, he didn't even bother to research whether it was beer, and directly regarded it as black water frothing.

After opening the can, he sprayed wine, Ji Yang frowned, and asked directly.

"Did you shake the can when you opened it?"


Hearing that the Jade Emperor had shaken it, Ji Yang also understood.

There is no problem with the German dark beer that I sent myself. This disaster was caused by the Jade Emperor himself.

He wanted to surrender a rank of Tianlei, and Tianlei should strike him. Ji Yang almost paid for the Jade Emperor's mistake.

There is carbon dioxide dissolved in beer. Jade Emperor shook the can before opening the beer, which made the carbon dioxide molecules in the beer collide and gather together, and the bubbles became more.

The cans are sealed, and these bubbles cannot come out, but when the rivets are pulled off, the bubbles are released instantly, and they will naturally spray out.

Ji Yang was angry and helpless, it was terrible to be uneducated, and the Jade Emperor who did not understand the common sense of the world was even more terrible.

Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger, this is indeed true, and accompanying the Jade Emperor is even more terrifying, it is like stepping on the gate of hell with one foot.

"It's better not to look for the Jade Emperor in the future, so that I don't know how I disappeared on the earth one day."

Originally thought it was a good thing to catch the line of the Jade Emperor, but now I found out that it turned out to be a disaster.

Ji Yang felt that it was better for him to provoke Wei Wei less, otherwise one day he would really give himself a first-grade thunder, and he would be finished.

After the matter was figured out, Ji Yang told Jade Emperor the reason.

The angry Jade Emperor turned into embarrassment when he heard Ji Yang's explanation.

After playing around, it turned out that he had made a big oolong.

Just now, I cheated myself one by one by Ji Yang, and almost punished Ji Yang with a first-grade Tianlei.

Thinking of what he said just now, the Jade Emperor could not blush any more.

"Waste a can of German stout, hey..."

Looking at the can of German stout that he threw away because of anger, Jade Emperor's heart ached.

He picked up a can of German stout again, and after listening to what Ji Yang said just now, he took it very carefully this time.

That way, just like how fragile the German stout is, it will break if you take it hard.

Carefully holding the German stout, Jade Emperor opened the tab on the can.

When the Jade Emperor was pulling the can, the fairy who had just used her power to make her clothes dry quickly hid aside. She was afraid that she would be sprayed by the Jade Emperor again.

She is a female fairy anyway, her face turned red with embarrassment when she thought of what she looked like after being sprayed by the Jade Emperor just now.

With Ji Yang's reminder, the German stout will naturally not be sprayed this time.

Looking at the German dark beer in the can, which is somewhat different from the beer brewed by Dukang, the color looks like a medicinal soup, but it is much clearer.

There is a layer of white foam floating on the black transparent liquid.

The Jade Emperor put the dark beer under his nose and smelled it. The smell of the dark beer was a bit strange, but he couldn't tell what it was.

"Gudong Gudong Gudong..."

If you can't smell anything, let's drink it directly.

The Jade Emperor gulped down the beer, and everyone in Lingxiao Palace was staring at the Jade Emperor, waiting for him to express his opinion.

"Ah... cool... bring me some food and wine, I want to eat."

The taste of this German dark beer is a bit bitter, which is quite different from the beer brewed by Du Kang, but each tastes different, and Jade Emperor drank it very refreshingly.

 Thanks to the clown for the reward, thank you for your support, ask for a monthly ticket, recommend, and reward
(End of this chapter)

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