Chapter 392

This is not the first time Ji Yang has made the mistake of making a fake.

Ji Yang clearly remembered that the first time he gave XO to Zhuan Lun Wang, he gave [-] bottles of fake wine.

Ji Yang regards this as a shame, so he remembers it clearly.

King Zhuanlun is one of the ten kings of Hades in the underworld, and he is one of the highest-ranking people in the underworld. The first time he gave wine to the other party, he gave fake wine.

The Jade Emperor is in the Heavenly Court, that is definitely the existence of the boss, and the "Emotional Xiaobai Growth Manual" he gave to the other party turned out to be a pirated version.

My luck really stepped on enough shit, and it still stinks enough shit.

Sending fake goods is not counted, and the ones that are sent are all of high status.

The piracy of the "Emotional Xiaobai Growth Manual" this time has caused even more damage to the extreme.

490 eight books, more than 300 copies have been sold, that is to say, more than 300 people have bought pirated copies.

Isn't this slapping Ji Yang in the face, smashing Ji Yang's signboard?

Ji Yang had sold [-] books before, so I don't know if those [-] books were pirated.

"Yuelao, how's the book going?"

Ji Yang bit the bullet and found Yuelao. Yuelao had bought the first batch of [-] books he sold.

"Very good, I've finished watching."

Hearing that Yuelao had finished reading, Ji Yang felt a thump in his heart.

Yuelao finished reading the whole book, but he didn't ask himself whether it means that the first batch of books are genuine.

With a sliver of hope and a bit of apprehension in his heart, Ji Yang continued to ask.

"After reading the book, didn't you find any problems? Is there any content that is not emotional, such as Guan Gong fighting Qin Qiong, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf?"

"I said Xiaobai, you are not sleepwalking, are you? This book is a book about feelings. What are you talking about?"

"Besides, how could you think of letting Emperor Guan Sheng fight with the door god? This idea is not good."

Hearing Yuelao's words, Ji Yang let go of his anxiety.

It is hard to say whether there is any problem with the printing of the first batch, but the content should be fine.

The content is correct, this is the key, the impact is not too big.

But the second batch of books is really cheating, even the content is wrong, which is too harmful.

"It's good that there is no problem. Then you are busy, I have something to do."

Things have happened, and the most important thing now is to solve the problem that people in Heaven and Earth have bought a super pirated version of "Emotion Xiaobai's Growth Manual".

Ji Yang plans to buy the genuine version, and exchange the genuine version for the pirated version in the hands of the buyers. Whether to compensate them later depends on the situation.

Not to mention that it is too late to buy online, Ji Yang dare not buy it now.

If he bought another batch of pirated copies, he would cry to death.

After driving away from the villa, Ji Yang went directly to Linhai Book City. After arriving at Linhai Book City, Ji Yang rushed to the emotional book area.

"Fortunately, the new book has arrived."

When Ji Yang came to the emotional book area, he saw the "Emotional Xiaobai Growth Manual" at a glance.

I don't know if it was the reason why I bought all the books last time, but now this book has been placed in an obvious place, and it has a hot-selling brand.

"Hello, I want the "Emotion Xiaobai Growth Manual"."

"Okay, I'll get you a copy."

Ji Yang went to the staff of Linhai Book City, and when they heard that Ji Yang wanted to buy a book, the staff smiled and took a copy for Ji Yang.

When handing the book to Ji Yang, the staff member of Linhai Book City was smiling, but thinking in his heart.

"The book is right in front of you. If you want to buy it yourself, just take one. Why do you want me? Do you think I have nothing to do?"

Although the staff felt a little upset, but out of good service attitude, she still served Ji Yang with a smile.

"One book is not enough."

"Oh, do you want two copies?"

"Two copies are not enough. How many "Emotional Xiaobai Growth Manual" are there in Linhai Book City?"

I have sold more than 300 copies, what's the use of buying one or two copies back, it's not enough to exchange genuine copies for those who have already bought them.

The staff was taken aback by Ji Yang's question, and then spoke.

"This book just arrived. There are a total of 500 copies. Some of them were sold today, and there are still more than [-] copies."

"I want the rest."

Hearing that there were more than 500 copies, Ji Yang opened his mouth in embarrassment.

These books are enough to replace the pirated copies in the hands of those who have already bought them with genuine ones, and the rest can continue to be sold.

The staff of Linhai Book City looked at Ji Yang with monster-like eyes, and said in an unsteady voice.

"Sir, are you kidding? I'm not talking about five copies, but more than 500 copies. Are you sure you want to buy so many?"

The last time someone bought out the "Emotional Xiaobai Growth Manual", it has already spread among the staff of Linhai Book City.

At that time, there were only more than 30 copies, and the people in front of me actually wanted to buy more than 500 copies, which was too shocking.

Is this book really wonderful to this extent, but even if it is wonderful, you don't need to buy so many.

"I'm not kidding you. I want as many books as I want. I'm in a hurry. Get someone to deliver the books to the parking lot. I'll wait there."

Time waits for no one. Only by replacing the pirated version of the person who bought it with the genuine one earlier can the loss be minimized.

After receiving Ji Yang's affirmative answer, although the staff was a little confused, they still followed Ji Yang's words.

Ji Yang came to the parking lot, and soon saw several staff members pushing trolleys, delivering boxes of well-packed "Emotion Xiaobai Growth Manual".

After swiping the card to check out, Ji Yang asked the staff to put the books in the car, and then drove away.

Ji Yang left, but the staff who delivered the books were still on the spot.

"Are all local tyrants so self-willed now, buying so many books?"

"We are not local tyrants, we don't understand the world of local tyrants."

This time, Ji Yang became famous in Linhai Bookstore. Who made Linhai Bookstore to be established for so many years? Buying books like Ji Yang is still No. 1 in history.

What happened today can already be written into the history of Linhai Book City.

"Dare to trick me, you wait for me, and I will settle the score with you after I settle the matter in front of me."

The most important thing right now is not to settle accounts with online shops that sell pirated copies, but to exchange the sold pirated copies with genuine ones.

When Ji Yang drove back to the villa, he locked himself in the bedroom.

Opened the mobile phone WeChat, according to the sales records, Ji Yang found it.

"Jian Lingshen, there is something wrong with the "Emotional Xiaobai Growth Manual" you bought earlier, I will give you another one."

"Is there a problem, why don't I know?"

"There is really a problem, I'll change it for you."

"Okay, I'll pass it on to you..."

"Jiu Yaoxing, there is something wrong with the "Emotional Xiaobai Growth Manual" you bought earlier, I will change it for you."

"Ghost King, there is something wrong with the "Emotional Xiaobai Growth Manual" you bought earlier, I will change it for you..."

There are more than 300 people, Ji Yang has to find them one by one.

When you meet someone who is easy to talk to, the other party immediately changes.

But not everyone is so easy to talk to. If there are many problems, Ji Yang will spend half a day with each other.

 The third update is uploaded, the update is over today, and will continue tomorrow, thank you for your support

(End of this chapter)

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