The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 400 Communication Between Minds

Chapter 400 Mind Communication (Part [-])

"Ji Yang, is what she said true? You are five years old and still wet the bed, so embarrassing."

Ji Yang didn't speak while he was thinking, Huang Xiaoxin saw that he was silent, so she asked with a smile.

"How is it possible, I was wronged, I'm driving, I won't tell you, I'll go back and see who it is."

No matter who it is, even the people from the orphanage back then must be bad friends, otherwise how could they say such embarrassing things.

"Hee hee, it seems that there is such a thing, so embarrassing."

"I said I was wronged. I hung up the phone and waited for me to go back."

Her big image collapsed in an instant, even Huang Xiaoxin laughed at herself, Li Zixuan didn't know how to laugh, maybe she would roll on the ground laughing.

Ji Yang was angry, it was fine for this guy to pretend to be his younger sister, and to ruin his image with the incident of five-year-old bedwetting, he must make the other party look good.

When Ji Yang drove the car back to the villa, he saw a pink mini car parked in his yard, with cartoon patterns sprayed on it.

This cartoon pattern is a little girl wearing cartoon pajamas, with a cat on her head, smiling and blowing bubbles.

Why does this cartoon pattern look so familiar, Ji Yang feels like he has seen it before.

"The current cartoon image is terrible. Recently, I have watched too many animations with Xiaolongnv. It is not unusual to see them."

"Now is not the time to study cartoon patterns, I'd better go and see who my good sister is."

When he said the words "good sister", the smile on Ji Yang's face didn't look like a good person's smile.

"Let me tell you, he wets the bed at the age of five, but he has been a little pervert since he was a child."

"Anyway, I know he is a gangster pervert now, how did he become a pervert when he was a child?"

"He peeked at the female teacher taking a bath, but he was caught. The teacher punished him for cleaning the men's toilet for a week. Do you think he is a little pervert?"

"This is still a little pervert, and he is a super pervert at all. When he comes back, I will ask him carefully. I have never learned from it since I was a child."

"Yes, yes, take care of him and let him kneel down tofu. You can't smash the tofu. If it is broken, it will take twice as long..."

When Ji Yang walked to the door, he heard the voice of a woman talking from inside the house.

I used to say that I wet the bed at the age of five, and now I said that I peeked at the female teacher taking a bath. Is it necessary to bring up these embarrassing things?

"Who peeked at the female teacher taking a bath. I was deceived at the time. Other children said that the teacher told me to clean the bathroom. When I opened the door and went in, I saw the teacher taking a bath."

"Besides, the teachers are all aunts in their 50s. Is it necessary to take a peek?"

There were a lot of embarrassing things when I was young, and there were a lot of funny things among children. Everyone was innocent and didn't mean any harm, they just thought it was fun.

When he was in the orphanage, Ji Yang was often teased, and he also often teased others.

These things are said, although I feel embarrassing and embarrassed, but it is also a rare memory.

Childhood was carefree. At that time, there was no intrigue or intrigue. Even if you were bullied by children, you would cry and continue to fight with them.

The fact that Ji Yang peeked at the female teacher taking a bath was also a joke made by a few friends, and now he was brought out to tell his woman that Ji Yang must be in a hurry.

He pushed away the people in the villa and shouted with a cold face.

As soon as the door was pushed open, Ji Yang also saw clearly the people sitting in the living room.

Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin were sitting on a row of sofas. Across from them was a girl in pajamas with cat ears and blowing bubbles.

Isn't the cartoon pattern seen on that mini car just now the little girl?

Seeing this girl, Ji Yang was taken aback, why is she, isn't she the hacker who hacked his computer.

"Ah... Brother, you are back. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I miss you so much."

It was Xu Tiantian who came to Ji Yang's villa and called herself Ji Yang's younger sister.

As soon as Xu Tiantian saw Ji Yang, she stood up from the sofa and rushed towards Ji Yang.

Seeing such a big reaction, Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin were taken aback.

"It seems that Tiantian really misses Ji Yang, seeing such a big reaction from Ji Yang."

"Yeah, it's so touching. I always thought that Ji Yang was an orphan with no relatives. Although I don't know how Tiantian became Ji Yang's younger sister, it's so touching to see the siblings reunited after a long absence."

Xu Tiantian's reaction fell into the eyes of Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin, and it turned out to be a touching picture of the reunion of brothers and sisters after a long absence.

Listening to the conversation of the two daughters, Ji Yang felt a headache.

This guy's acting is so good, if he hadn't seen Xu Tiantian before, seeing her tears in the corners of her eyes, and the way she pounced on him like a tired bird returning to its nest, he would have thought that his long-lost sister had found him .

It's been a long time since we saw each other, the two of you just met a few hours ago, okay?


Seeing that Xu Tiantian was about to throw herself into his arms, even though Ji Yang thought he was not a gentleman, he would not accept this inexplicable throwing into his arms.

Ji Yang stretched out his palm, and pointed at Xu Tiantian's forehead. Xu Tiantian's body froze at this point, and he couldn't get any closer to Ji Yang.

"Hee hee, you are more powerful than I thought."

As soon as Ji Yang pointed at Xu Tiantian's body, he was going to ask Xu Tiantian what the hell he was trying to do by pretending to be his sister.

It stands to reason that Xu Tiantian could not speak or move, but Ji Yang heard Xu Tiantian's voice, which made Ji Yang stunned.

Although he heard Xu Tiantian's voice, the voice did not come from his ears, but from his heart, which made Ji Yang's eyes condense.

"You actually know how to communicate. Who are you and what are you doing here? I'm the one who taught you a lesson. Find me if you can."

"If you dare to touch my woman, even if you are a little girl, I will make your life worse than death."

This mind-to-mind communication is by no means something that ordinary people can do. Even among ancient warriors, there are very few people who can practice this kind of kung fu.

Those who understand the method of mind communication usually practice the method of mind control. If a person's mind is controlled by others, is he still himself?

The former Huang Xiaoxin was controlled by her inner demon, and ended up doing things that she couldn't believe herself.

"I'm your sister Xu Tiantian. Of course I'm here to find you, brother, but I'm so sad that you treat me like this."

Although Xu Tiantian couldn't move her body, her eyes looked so pitiful that tears were rolling in her eyes.

This acting skill is really amazing, Ji Yang feels sorry for Xu Tiantian if she is not allowed to be the actress.

"Hmph, don't come here with me, tell me, what on earth are you going to do? You dared to lie to me before. You pretended not to understand me even though you were an ancient warrior."

"If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me. Believe it or not, I'm turning you into an idiot now. If you become an idiot, I'll see if you can still communicate with each other?"

While speaking, a stream of immortal energy flowed out from Ji Yang's fingers, and the immortal energy entered Xu Tiantian's mind.

With the entry of fairy energy, the tears in Xu Tiantian's eyes disappeared instantly, and a trace of fear climbed onto her face.

(End of this chapter)

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