The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 407 Meeting So Quickly

Chapter 407 Meeting So Quickly (Third Watch)

The expansion of the farm and the cultivation of new marine products are going well.

Ji Yang was not joking when he said that he would expose the matter of Sangfu Seafood Company, and he had an extra idea.

Exposure through Linhai TV station, this feels not enough.

He decided to take a copy of the video back, hand it over to Xu Tiantian, and let Xu Tiantian spread the matter through the Internet.

The transmission speed of the Internet is sometimes more powerful than the broadcast of the TV station.

There are a lot of trolls these days, and once this matter is exposed on the Internet, the reaction will definitely be more effective than the TV broadcast.

Do both together for better results.

"Come to my site to rob people openly, I won't play you to death, it's a strange thing."

Looking at the video backup in his hand, Ji Yang said with a sneer.

After driving away from the sea farm, Ji Yang called Li Zixuan on the road and asked him what he wanted for dinner, and he bought it back along the way.

"It's been a long time since I've eaten sushi and country R cuisine, and a new restaurant R country has opened in Linhai, shall we go to eat food and sushi?

"If you want to eat, then let's eat."

Ji Yang doesn't really like the cuisine of country R.

But I have to admit that the cuisine of country R is still very unique. Although Ji Yang doesn't like the people of country R very much, he is not a blind and radical person.

You won't beat the other party to death just because you are upset.

After all, there are good people and bad people everywhere. Even the veterans of Country R who hurt China back then, many people repented for what they did back then.

After Li Zixuan told Ji Yang the location of Country R Cuisine, she hung up the phone.

Ji Yang directly drove the car over to the location Li Zixuan said.

The location of Country R Cuisine is not too far from Ji Yang's villa. When Ji Yang drove there, he had already seen Xu Tiantian's pink mini car.

Li Zixuan and others arrived before Ji Yang.

Ji Yang called Li Zixuan, and after knowing that they had already selected a box, Ji Yang walked in directly.

This country R cuisine restaurant is still very distinctive. The decoration inside is very characteristic of country R. As soon as you enter it, you can hear the unique sound of musical instruments and geisha performing in country R.

Geisha originated in country R in the 17th century. Many people think that geisha is a woman engaged in a certain industry, which is actually wrong.

A real geisha is a person who engages in performing arts in country R. At the beginning, all geisha were men, and they were replaced by women later.

In addition to serving and catering for guests, traditional geisha mainly perform dances, music, and musical instruments at the banquet, and do not engage in other transactions.

It is only because of cultural differences and inappropriate interpretation of the abolition of local movies in different historical periods that the outside world has misunderstood the role of geishas.

Of course, there is no shortage of people who rely on the name of a geisha to do things other than the geisha's job these days.

When Ji Yang came to the box, Li Zixuan, Xu Tiantian and Huang Xiaoxin had already ordered a lot of food, and they were eating happily.

Xiao Longnu, a snack foodie, was also scurrying around on the table with a bunch of things stuffed in her mouth.

This country-R restaurant provides high-end services, allowing geishas to serve guests and perform.

But Li Zixuan and the others didn't point it out. If there were geishas, ​​it would be inconvenient for everyone to chat, and Xiao Longnu couldn't be so embarrassing.

"Dong dong dong..."

Ji Yang is not picky about what he eats, this dish is okay, and everyone is very happy to eat it.

When everyone was about to eat, there was a knock on the door of the box.

"I'm so full. Is anyone of you ordering something? I can't even eat."

Xu Tiantian patted her stomach and said with a smile.

Everyone else shook their heads. Now that the CD-ROM operation is popular, the amount of food ordered by everyone is enough for everyone to eat. Ordering too much is a waste.

"Is it because we spend a lot, so we give it away for free?"

"come in."

Xu Tiantian smiled and shouted towards the door.

As Xu Tiantian finished speaking, the sliding door of the box was pulled open.

As soon as the sliding door was opened, Ji Yang's expression turned cold when he saw the person standing outside the door.

"Hello, Mr. Ji, I didn't expect us to meet so soon."

"This country-R cuisine is the property of our Sangfu Seafood Company. I'm glad you came here for the honor. This meal is my invitation to you, and you can enjoy it for free."

The person who appeared at the door turned out to be Misfortune Tanaka.

Except for Ji Yang, no one else knows Misfortune Tanaka.

But looking at Ji Yang's face, he didn't seem to have a good impression of this person, so Li Zixuan and the others all kept their mouths shut and no one spoke.

"It's just a meal, I, Ji Yang, can afford it."

"I know what your idea is. I have decided to expose this matter. You don't need to waste your thoughts."

If I had known that this restaurant was owned by Sangfu Seafood Company, even if Li Zixuan and others wanted to eat, Ji Yang would not come.

Who knows if these things have been drugged.

Unfortunately, Ji Yang didn't even give Tanaka a chance to explain his intentions, so he blocked the other party's words directly.

Unfortunately, Tanaka felt as if a pile of mouse feces had been stuffed in his throat, the taste was too uncomfortable.

"After eating, let's go."

"The money is for you. If there is more money, it will be used as travel expenses for you to return to country R. I think you will need it soon."

Ji Yang said something to Li Zixuan and the others, and Li Zixuan and the others also felt that the atmosphere was not right, so they packed up their things and left.

When Ji Yang walked past Tanaka's unfortunate side, he took out a wad of money from his wallet and handed it to him.

Ji didn't know how much money there was, but it was just a lot.

Ji Yang's words with deep meaning made Tanaka's eyes turn cold, but Ji Yang didn't even give him a chance to listen to his nonsense, so he left directly.

"Bageyalu, Xiaojiro, you follow now. Not only will I catch this ignorant guy, I will also bring back the women around him."

"I want to enjoy them in front of his face, and let him know what will happen if he offends me."

Unfortunately, Tanaka threw the money in his hand on the ground, and said coldly to the empty room.

At this time, someone happened to pass by, and seeing Tanaka's unfortunate appearance, he secretly thought that this guy was mentally ill.

If there is no disease, who will speak to the air.

Following the girls out of the restaurant R, Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin were already standing beside Ji Yang's car, and they planned to take Ji Yang's car back.

"Little Dragon Girl, don't be like these two guys with the opposite sex but no humanity, you take my car."

Seeing Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin's appearance, Xu Tiantian said a little unhappy.

Just when Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin were getting into Ji Yang's car, Ji Yang stopped the two girls.

"Don't take my car, take the sweet one."

Ji Yang's words stunned the two daughters, they thought Ji Yang was angry, Li Zixuan said aggrievedly.

"Are you angry? I don't know that you have a problem with the people here."

"Silly girl, I'm not angry, just go and take Tiantian's car."

"Tiantian, little dragon girl, protect them well."

 The third is directly presented, thank you for your support, this is the end of today’s update, continue tomorrow, please recommend, monthly ticket, reward

(End of this chapter)

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