The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 415 Assaulting the Police Shows You

Chapter 415 Assaulting the Police Shows You (Part [-])
"What did you say, Ji Yang wants to see me?"

Tang Jin has been a police officer for so many years, no matter how big the case is, he can face it calmly and keep a clear mind.

But when Lu Fan said the word Ji Yang, Tang Jin was stunned for a moment, and his mind began to fail.

Li Yi on the side was also surprised when he heard Tang Jin's words, and asked in surprise.

"Old Tang, what are you talking about? You said that Ji Yang wanted to see you. He didn't throw himself into Luo..."

"Shut up, didn't you see I was talking on the phone?"

Tang Jin knew that Li Yi was talking about throwing himself into a trap.

Although I don't know if Ji Yang really threw himself into the trap, but Li Yi yelled so loudly just now, Lu Fan must have heard it.

If Lu Fan told Ji Yang, his net would be broken.

Li Yi was taken aback by Tang Jin's shout, and then covered her mouth with her hands, she also knew that she shouldn't speak at this time.

"Yes, Tang Ju, it's Ji Yang who wants to see you."

The reactions of Li Yi and Tang Jin, especially Li Yi's loud cry, really startled Lu Fan.

The other party's reaction seemed to be known to Ji Yang.

The other party knew about Ji Yang, but hadn't told Lu Fan about it before, which made Lu Fan feel somewhat uncomfortable.

He, the captain of the criminal police team, was not picked for nothing, but by real skills.

If Tang Jin knew that Ji Yang was the boss behind the farm, but he deliberately concealed himself, it was obviously abnormal.

"Could it be that Tang Bureau really framed Ji Shao, but Ji Shao has the privilege card of the Xuan Group, and he framed Ji Shao, isn't that jumping into the fire pit by himself?"

Lu Fan was suspicious, but he still told the truth.

Ji Yang's hearing is good, he also heard what Tang Jin said.

"When I haven't learned idioms, what am I going to do? Ken is even more so."

Ji Yang's eyes turned cold when he thought of the words "self-indulgence".

They think they are throwing themselves into a trap, so tell them with their actions that they are looking for their own death.

"How long will it take for you to arrive?"

"5 minutes."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fan looked at Ji Yang, hesitant to speak.

Before, he almost praised Tang Jin to the sky, but now it is very likely that Ji Yang was framed by Tang Jin. This kind of plot reversal is a slap in the face for him.

"You don't need to say anything, just watch the show later."

Ji Yang's car has already arrived at the gate of the public security complex, where Lu Fan also lives.

The guard saw Lu Fan in the car, greeted Lu Fan, and let Ji Yang in.

When Ji Yang's car drove to Tangjin's villa, he saw a man and a woman standing in front of the villa.

"They are Tang Ju and his wife Li Yi."

Lu Fan said to Ji Yang after seeing the two.

Ji Yang just nodded, then parked the car beside Tang Jin.

"Tang Bureau, sister-in-law, it's not urgent, and I won't bother you so late, I'm really sorry."

"This is Ji Yang Ji Shao, this is Tang Ju."

Lu Fan got out of the car first, and after Ji Yang got out of the car, he formally introduced the two parties.

"I have prepared tea, let's go into the house and talk."

After Ji Yang and Tang Jin officially met, neither of them greeted each other.

Ji Yang doesn't like to play tricks, he didn't come here to visit the other party, but to ask the teacher for his crime.

It was not bad for him to grab Tang Jin and ask him why he made trouble for him as soon as he met him.

Wanting him to be hypocritically flattering with Tang Jin is just a dream.

Tang Jin didn't speak to Ji Yang, because he didn't know how to speak, could he tell Ji Yang.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you break in, you are throwing yourself into a trap, obediently follow me back to the police station."

Isn't this a brain disease?

But there are some things that have to be said. When Ji Yang and others entered the villa, Tang Jin poured a cup of tea for Ji Yang.

But Ji Yang didn't move until the tea was cold, Ji Yang just looked at Tang Jin with a smile on his face.

Tang Jin was able to sit where he is today. He has experienced many big scenes and met many big people.

If you see too much, you will become numb. Tang Jin has long been used to the so-called pressure.

But now being stared at by Ji Yang like this, a trace of cold sweat appeared on Tang Jin's forehead.

"Old Tang, what's the matter with you, are you feeling unwell?"

Li Yi noticed that Tang Jin's face was a little pale, and his forehead was still sweating.

He looked like he was sick.

"I'm fine, it's just that I've had a lot of things recently and I'm tired."

Tang Jin shook his head, pretending to be calm.

At this time, he was much more uncomfortable than being ill. He had an illusion just now, and he felt that Ji Yang in front of him was like a mountain, pressing towards him.

This feeling made it difficult for him to breathe.

"I'm thinking about how to frame others, I'm tired of thinking."

Ji Yang smiled coldly and said softly.

As soon as he said this, the already not very relaxed atmosphere became more depressed.

Tang Jin frowned and said loudly.

"Hmph, what do you mean by that, I don't understand."

"Lu Fan, arrest him, he is the boss behind the sea farm, take him back, I will give you a big credit."

Lu Fan was originally a melon eater, and he and Ji Yang came here just to have a look.

Now that Tang Jin asked him to arrest Ji Yang, not to mention whether Lu Fan dared to arrest him, whether he could catch it was a matter.

"Tang Bureau, there is something strange about this matter. It is impossible for Ji Shao to do such things as selling and transporting drugs."

Tang Jin glared at Lu Fan, Lu Fan usually obeyed orders very much.

Now the other party doesn't listen to him, and even argues for Ji Yang.

"He didn't dare to sell and transport drugs. What happened to the drugs found in the farm? Could it be that I put them in?"

"Ding Dong, congratulations, you answered correctly. Even if you didn't put the drug in, you still know who put it in."

"I didn't come here to listen to you continuing to hold me down, tell me who told you to send someone to arrest me."

This time without Lu Fan speaking, Ji Yang had already spoken.

In front of his own face, Tang Jin even said that he was selling and transporting drugs, Ji Yang really had enough.

"It's obvious that you are the one who trafficked and transported the drugs yourself, and you still make excuses."

"Lu Fan, if you don't arrest him again, I will suspect that you are colluding with officials and bandits."

Tang Jin denied it, and dragged Lu Fan into the water together.

The most difficult thing now is Lu Fan. He feels that he is worse than being shot while lying down.

Tang Jin is his own boss, and the first-level official crushes people to death, so he should listen to what the other party says.

But let him catch Ji Yang, how dare he.

When Lu Fan was about to say something, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a figure jumped across the table.

"Say, who ordered you, why did you help him frame me?"

Ji Yang jumped over the table, grabbed Tang Jin by the collar, and lifted Tang Jin up from the seat with a strong lift of his arm.

"You... let me go, you are attacking the police, attacking Huaxia civil servants."

Tang Jin was lifted off the ground by Ji Yang, his face flushed red with difficulty breathing.

"Assaulting the police, then I'll show you the assaulting the police."

When Ji Yang spoke, he punched Tang Jin in the stomach...

 The second update is here, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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