The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 422 The 8 Rings Are Here

Chapter 422 Bajie is here (ninth update)
In front of Nantian Gate, all the immortals gathered.

Countless fairy warriors and heavenly soldiers who watched the bustle waited and watched. The current Nantianmen is more lively than the ordinary vegetable market.

"The canopy is ready, the anti-sky formation is about to start."

"When the heaven-defying formation is activated, a crack will appear in the law of the Three Realms. This crack will appear for a short time. You must quickly pass through the crack to go to the mortal world."

"You can stay in the mortal world for twelve hours (24 hours). Once the twelve hours pass, you will be forced to return to the heaven by the law of the Three Realms. Are you ready?"

Go against the sky, go against the sky.

The law of the three realms is the way of heaven, and if you want to tear the law of the three realms, you are fighting with the way of heaven.

"Get ready, quickly activate the Heaven-Defying Formation, I can't wait."

Thinking that he was going to the mortal world soon, Zhu Bajie was very excited, his pig's brain shook, and his two pig ears flapped.

Zhu Bajie was selected to go to the mortal world, and the immortals were already very jealous.

Zhu Bajie is still so embarrassing now, the immortals are so angry.

"Okay, all the immortals are ready, against the sky, Qi!"

The Jade Emperor let out a loud shout, and majestic immortal energy gushed out from within him, and he slapped towards the outside of the Nantian Gate with his palm.

The Jade Emperor struck out with a palm, golden light flashed, and countless strange runes appeared out of thin air.

At the same time as the golden light was shining, all the surrounding immortals mobilized their immortal energy, and all kinds of immortal energy gushed out from their bodies, shooting towards the shining golden rune.

With the influx of a lot of immortal energy, the strange runes shone brightly with golden light, and the dazzling golden light made the eyes of the immortals hurt.

"Tenpeng, rush in."

When the golden light was bright, a crack of seven-colored light appeared in the golden light, and circles of seven-color ripples rippled around like water waves.


When it was time to go down to earth, Zhu Bajie froze for a moment, and nodded in embarrassment.

Activating the Heaven-Defying Formation consumes a lot of immortal power, and some immortals with lower cultivation bases have already run out of immortal power.

"Ah what, you go down for me."

Erlangshen stood behind Zhu Bajie, his aura felt a little weak due to the excessive consumption of immortal power.

He was already upset because Zhu Bajie was selected, but now that his body consumed a lot of immortal energy, he was even more upset. Seeing that Zhu Bajie just nodded but didn't move, he kicked Zhu Bajie's ass directly.

"Ah...Three eyes, the old pig is not ready yet, the old pig will settle the debt with you, I..."

Zhu Bajie has a shadow of this way of descending to the world. When he was demoted to the world, he was also in this position and was kicked by someone.

As a result, he was cast into a pig fetus by mistake, and he who was supposed to be a handsome man turned into this pig's head.

The immortals couldn't hear what Zhu Bajie shouted behind, because the crack in the law of the three realms had disappeared.

With the disappearance of the cracks in the laws of the three realms, the immortals collapsed directly in front of the Nantian Gate. It was too difficult to open the heaven-defying formation once, and the consumption of immortal power was too great.

When Zhu Bajie came to the mortal world, there was a burst of roaring sound from one of the villas in the residential area of ​​Sangfu Seafood Company.

The tables and chairs in the villa were dilapidated, the ground was covered with cracks, and the walls were severely damaged. The whole villa gave people a feeling that it was crumbling and might collapse at any time.


Ji Yang's chest was already stained red with blood, his clothes were tightly attached to his chest, his face was a little pale, and his breath felt weak.

Ji Yang's appearance is obviously not good, but his eyes are still firm.

Although the power of thunder and lightning on the black sword in his hand was much weaker, he still yelled and rushed towards Ibaraki Doji.

Seeing Ji Yang rushing again, Ibaraki Doji's eyes narrowed, and he grabbed Ji Yang with his claws.

Ji Yang's situation is not good, and Ibaraki Doji is not much better.

The red mist floating around Ibaraki Doji's body became much lighter, and he was not badly injured in the fight with Ji Yang.

"Boom, boom!"

"Ah, the villa is going to collapse."

Kimura Tosan had long been scared and hid in the corner. It wasn't that he didn't want to run outside the villa, but when Ibaraki Doji and Ji Yang were fighting, every time they collided with each other, they overflowed the surrounding power so that he didn't dare to move.

Seeing that the two were about to fight together again, Kimura Taku-san shrank back to the corner of the wall.

It's just that when he shrank to the corner, he heard a huge roar from the top of the villa, and a large piece of the ceiling fell straight down.

Thick dust floated in the villa, and Ji Yang and Ibaraki Doji retreated.

The dust blocked their sight, but they could feel that there was a strong breath in the thick dust.

Kimura Tosan didn't know what it was like to breathe or not. He thought the villa was about to collapse, so he stood up quickly and ran out the door.


When Tosan Kimura wanted to run out through the dust, he flew upside down as soon as his body entered the dust.

Kimura Taku-san, who was flying upside down, looked shocked. He felt as if he hit a very elastic ball just now, and the ball bounced him away.

Taku-san Kimura flew upside down, the dust became thinner, and a figure appeared in everyone's sight.

"Pig Tiehei?"

Ji Yang saw a man wearing a blue satin duo, with a wild boar's head on his head, with two thick tusks protruding from his mouth, looking fierce.

The appearance of the other party reminded Ji Yang of Zhu Tiehei.

But Zhu Tiehei's body was full of demonic energy, but Ji Yang felt the same fairy energy as himself in the opponent's body.

"Xiaobai, my old pig's original name is Zhu Gangli, not Zhu Tiehei."

It was Zhu Bajie who smashed a big hole in the ceiling of the villa, and Niubi flashed out.

As soon as Zhu Bajie said that, Ji Yang opened his mouth wide, pointed at Zhu Bajie, and shouted in shock.

"What, you are Zhu Bajie, blocked by the laws of the Three Realms, why did you appear here?"

"Hey, I have to thank this guy for this. If it weren't for his appearance, I really wouldn't have the chance to come to the mortal world."

Zhu Bajie said thanks, but looked at Ibaraki Doji with cold eyes, and a fierce and terrifying aura emanated from him.

Sensing Zhu Bajie's breath, Ibaraki Doji looked at Zhu Bajie with fear in his eyes, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Ibaraki Doji kept saying something, but Ji Yang couldn't understand what he said, and Zhu Bajie couldn't understand it even more.

"Say something babbling, I'm annoyed by the old pig listening to it, and I'll eat the old pig."

Zhu Bajie yelled, and the nine-toothed rake appeared in his hand. With a wave of the rake, he smashed it towards Ibaraki Doji.

Ibaraki Doji's eyes startled, the thin red mist on his body trembled, he turned around and wanted to run.


Zhu Bajie glanced disdainfully at Ibaraki-douji who was about to run away, snorted coldly, moved his feet, and instantly got behind Ibaraki-douji, swung the nine-toothed rake in his hand, and directly smashed Ibaraki-douji to the ground.

Zhu Bajie's rake didn't directly kill Ibaraki Doji, he just smashed him to the ground.

Then use the nine-toothed rake to control the opponent, no matter how much Ibaraki Doji struggles, it will be of no avail.

 The ninth is sent, thank you for your support, I hope you will continue to support Xieben

(End of this chapter)

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