The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 432 Small spells have great uses

Chapter 432 Small spells have great uses (three more)

"what's this?"

Zhu Bajie was very curious about things he didn't know.

Before Ji Yang could ask Zhu Jiumei, Zhu Bajie asked first.

He wanted to know if this thing that Zhu Jiumei took out was a magical thing and what was its use.

"This summoning order, every leader in the monster clan has it."

"The summoning order in the hands of each monster leader has different effects, and mine is used to command pigs."

"As long as you hold this beast summoning token, no matter if it's a pig demon or an ordinary pig, as long as your cultivation is not as good as mine, you will obey your orders."

"If you tell them to go east, they will definitely not go west, otherwise the special energy in the beast summoning order will be activated, making disobedient pig demons or pigs miserable."

It turns out that this is a small magic weapon that can be used to order pigs whose cultivation level is below Zhu Jiumei.

This animal summoning order feels like the ancient emperor's precious sword. Seeing the sword is like seeing the emperor, and seeing the order is like seeing the leader.

Whether this thing is useful to Ji Yang, Ji Yang does not know yet.

But this thing can be big or small, and small treasures can also have great uses.

Zhu Jiumei gave this thing to Ji Yang at this time, which has already expressed Zhu Jiumei's sincerity.

Ji Yang is not too polite, Zhu Jiumei gave it to herself, and if she pretends to be a big clove of garlic, just take it.

But Ji Yang won't take it in vain. The other party has expressed sincerity, so he has to make sense of it.

"I accept your summoning order. This is a gift from me, and it can be regarded as an expression of sincerity."

With a palm move, Ji Yang took out a peach from the Qiankun storage ring.

This peach is the longevity peach of Antarctic Immortal.

Most of the things in Ji Yang's hands are for his own use, can be given away, and are suitable for the current situation. This longevity peach is the most suitable.

"Hey, isn't this the birthday peach of the Antarctic Immortal? One has 50 merits. You really have merits. Buy all of these."

The longevity peach pig Bajie of Nanji Xianweng recognized it at a glance.

Normally, the longevity peaches in the hands of the Antarctic fairy cannot be sold, and when there are too many peaches in his hands, he will give some to the gods and ghosts in the heaven to eat for free.

Zhu Bajie didn't know how many such birthday peaches he had eaten.

For ordinary people, longevity peaches are extremely precious, but for people in heaven and hell, they are almost sick of eating.

Shoutao can strengthen the body and prolong life, and these effects are useless to gods and ghosts.

Ji Yang answered Zhu Bajie completely silently this time.

A birthday peach with 50 merits, although the Antarctic fairy gave one, it is also a 25 merits, so much merits, Ji Yang is still very distressed.

But Xiaolongnv bought it at the time, what can she do.

This WeChat store has no instructions for refunding if you are not satisfied within seven days.

"Whether this longevity peach will help you in your cultivation, I'm not sure."

"But it comes from heaven and is planted by the Antarctic fairy. It has the effect of strengthening the body and prolonging life. This is for sure."

"It is also the most valuable thing that I can offer at the moment, so take it as my sincerity to you."

Although I don't know if it will work, Zhu Jiumei is still very excited.

After all, this longevity peach came from heaven, and I have never eaten it before. If there is immortal power in the longevity peach, it must be helpful through my own practice.

After accepting Shoutao, Zhu Jiumei was about to leave.

Zhu Jiumei came to Linhai this time only to avenge Zhu Tiehei, but she didn't bring all her subordinates to Linhai.

Since she wants to cultivate the right way with Ji Yang's help in the future, and strive to achieve the right result as soon as possible, then she must bring all her subordinates here, so that it will be more convenient.

Ji Yang and Zhu Bajie felt that Zhu Jiumei's idea was right, so they would naturally not stop her.

When Zhu Jiumei left, Ji Yang also took Zhu Bajie back to the villa.

Because they were worried about Ji Yang, Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin didn't sleep until they saw Ji Yang and Zhu Bajie come back intact.

The two girls felt sleepy and went to bed obediently.

Because of the appearance of the wild boar demon, Zhu Bajie only ate half of the food. Now that he came back, the food was already cold.

But in front of Zhu Bajie, it is too easy to warm up the cold food.

A small spell passed, and a red light shrouded the cold food, and the cold food was steaming instantly.

"Delicious, delicious, Xiaobai, remember what you promised me, 25 points for these foods, remember to give them to me later."

While eating, Zhu Bajie still didn't forget what Ji Yang promised him.

Ji Yang discovered that Zhu Bajie knew so many spells, and Ji Yang was envious of the little spell that he cast just now, which instantly heats up food.

"Old pig, what kind of spell did you cast just now, can you teach me?"

"It's just a small spell. If you want to learn it, I can teach you. I can also teach you some other small spells."

"However, my time in the mortal world is limited. How much you can learn is up to you."

Zhu Bajie was not stingy, when he heard that Ji Yang wanted to learn magic from him, he agreed directly.

And he also promised to teach Ji Yang as much as possible before returning to Heaven.

"This is called Heat Wave, which is the spell I used to heat food just now. Don't underestimate it. The temperature of Heat Wave is controlled by the releaser himself. If the temperature of Heat Wave is raised, it can burn people instantly. .”

"This is called the water purification spell, which can make muddy water clear. The water purification spell also has another purpose, which is to find out whether the water is poisonous."

"This is called the Wall Piercing Technique. I don't need to talk about its usefulness. But be careful when you cast it. Don't let half of your body pass through while the other one doesn't pass through. At that time, you will be miserable..."

Ji Yang's comprehension ability is not bad, but time is limited, and there are not many spells that Zhu Bajie can teach him.

The spells Zhu Bajie taught Ji Yang are mostly spells that can be used in daily life, such as heat wave spell and water purification spell.

Such spells should not be underestimated, sometimes they can kill people.

There are also some self-defense auxiliary spells, such as wall penetration, soil armor (condense the soil attribute around one's body, and improve the ability to resist attacks).

What Zhu Bajie taught Ji Yang were all simple and small spells, which consumed very little immortal energy.

But although the spell is small, it has many uses.

It can be said that small spells have great uses.

"It's almost time, and it's time for me to go back to Heaven."

"The mortal world is really exciting now. It is much more interesting than the heavenly court. If possible, I really want to change with you, even if I am a mortal."

Zhu Bajie said with a smile.

Now that the three realms are separated, there are too few things that can be done in the heavenly court. Zhu Bajie feels that being a fairy is not as good as being a mortal except for a super long life.

"Tch, don't you just miss the beauties and delicacies in the world?"

"Beauty, I can't help it. I will send you some delicious food from time to time."

Looking at Zhu Bajie's appearance, Ji Yang said with a light smile.

"You know me, I'm leaving."

Twelve hours had come, Zhu Bajie finished speaking and disappeared before Ji Yang's eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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