Chapter 434
"Okay, okay, then I will trouble the old gentleman."

Does the Jade Emperor have any reason to refuse?No.

Taishao Laojun wanted to obtain some information that could break the law of the Three Realms through Ibaraki Doji, and the Jade Emperor must strongly agree with this matter.

"Then I'll take him back to Tushita Palace for interrogation."

"Zhu Bajie, hand over the Ibaraki boy in the spirit cage to me."

It is a big deal that the laws of the Three Realms can be broken.

This event has troubled the Heavenly Court and the Underworld for thousands of years. Now that there is a chance, Taishao Laojun can't wait to ask what happened.

When Taishao Laojun asked Zhu Bajie for Ibaraki boy, Zhu Bajie shook his head
"Zhu Bajie, what do you want to do, don't you want to hand him over to me?"

"Are you afraid that I will steal your merit?"

Being able to decipher the laws of the Three Realms is a great merit.

Although Ibaraki Doji may not know the way to decipher the laws of the Three Realms, it is the only breakthrough that can obtain relevant information at present.

Ibaraki boy was brought back to heaven by Zhu Bajie, and now the Taishang Laojun is going to interrogate him, and it is indeed a bit of a grab for credit, it should be said that it means grabbing merit.

"Laojun, you underestimate me too much, Laozhu, look at my Laozhu's stomach, is he that kind of stingy person?"

"The three realms can communicate with each other. It is a major event in the heaven. My old pig will not hold back."

"I have something to give you."

The intercommunication of the Three Realms is indeed a great merit, but Zhu Bajie is famous for being lazy.

Asking him to interrogate, Zhu Bajie didn't even bother to go, but now the Taishang Laojun wants to interrogate, he is very happy.

Ibaraki Doji was brought back by himself. Even if he didn't interrogate himself, and the Three Realms will communicate with each other in the later stage, his credit cannot be ignored. Although the merit will be less, it must be there.

Hearing that Zhu Bajie had something to give to Taishang Laojun, all the gods around him stared at Zhu Bajie.

Zhu Bajie has just returned from the mortal world, so the things he sent must have come from the mortal world.

All the immortals were waiting to see what Zhu Bajie would give, Taishang Laojun's eyes lit up, and he looked forward to it.

Under the eyes of the immortals, Zhu Bajie waved his hand, and a small bowl of invisible material (paper bowl) appeared in his hand. The bowl contained white things, and the white things were exuding a chill.

The contents in the bowl exuded a milky smell, smelling this milky smell, some gods couldn't help but smacked their mouths twice, this is greedy.

The Jade Emperor leaned over, his eyes fixed on the things in Zhu Bajie's hands.

"Tianpeng, what are you, it looks very cool, the milk smell is very attractive, and it feels delicious."

The Jade Emperor looked at Zhu Bajie and asked softly.

If it hadn't been for knowing that Zhu Bajie sent it to Taishang Laojun, the Jade Emperor might have snatched it away.

"This is called ice cream. It is a very popular food in the world. It tastes cold, sweet and fragrant."

"Xiaobai said that ice cream is made of drinking water, milk, cream, sugar, etc., and that ice cream actually originated in China, but it didn't spread, and it was developed in other countries later."

Zhu Bajie said triumphantly.

Whether ice cream originated in China, and where it developed later, the immortals don't care at all.

They only care about whether the ice cream tastes good or not.

"Give it to me, then I will not be polite."

The eyes of the immortals staring at the ice cream, like a beast seeing its prey, all glowed.

Such a look made Taishang Laojun's heart tighten, he was really afraid that some god would go up to grab it on impulse.

Taishang Laojun flicked the whisk in his hand, and the ice cream in Zhu Bajie's hand went into his hand.

As soon as the ice cream was served, although it was separated by a layer of paper bowls, Mr. Taishang Laojun still felt the coolness of the ice cream.

"Well, delicious, delicious, the milk tastes mellow, and the coolness in the mouth is refreshing, cool and sweet, good stuff."

Started with ice cream, Taishang Laojun ate it under the envious eyes of the immortals.

While eating, Taishang Laojun expressed emotion.

This made the envious immortals around him envious.

"Tianpeng, you won't just bring back this bit of ice cream, will you?"

What the Taishang Laojun ate was called a beauty, and his mouth babbled non-stop, and the Jade Emperor's mouth was full of saliva when he heard it.

If this goes on like this, the saliva in his mouth will definitely flow out, and won't his tall image be ruined at that time.

In order to maintain his own image, Jade Emperor should hurry up and ask Zhu Bajie if he has any other ice cream in his hand.

"Jade Emperor, this is yours. Taishang Laojun's is milk-flavored, and yours is cantaloupe-flavored."

How could Zhu Bajie only bring back a bowl of ice cream, if there was only one bowl, he would have kept it for himself and enjoyed it slowly.

Before Zhu Bajie returned to heaven, Ji Yang prepared a lot of delicious food for him, ice cream was just one of them, but the quantity was the largest.

Zhu Bajie can freeze spells, so you don't have to worry about the ice cream melting when you give him ice cream.

"Okay, I'll try it."

It doesn't matter what milk flavor or cantaloupe flavor.

The important thing is that he has ice cream to eat and can satisfy his greed, which is enough for the current Jade Emperor.

"It's really delicious and cool. The aroma of milk is mixed with the sweetness of cantaloupe. It tastes great."

The ice cream entrance, the Jade Emperor praised it again and again.

The surrounding immortals were also anxious at this time, and they all asked Zhu Bajie if he still had ice cream in his hand.

"Don't worry, don't worry, there are all of them, all of them."

Ji Yang asked Zhu Bajie to bring ice cream back to Heaven because he had his own plan.

When Zhu Bajie ate ice cream, he was full of praise for the ice cream, which made Ji Yang see a business opportunity.

Bringing ice cream back to heaven is to see how your heavenly beings react to ice cream, and then prepare to put ice cream on your WeChat store.

Trying it out is a great way to sell.

Let the immortals taste the ice cream first, just like the cake before.

Knowing the taste of food, knowing the deliciousness of ice cream, I am afraid that the ice cream will not sell if I put it on the shelves.

As for the underworld, it's not that Ji Yang doesn't want them to try it, it's just that Zhu Bajie didn't go to the underworld, so he can't help it.

But if the heavens like it, the underworld will definitely like it too.

So when Zhu Bajie brought ice cream back to Heaven, Ji Yang directly called the best ice cream factory in Linhai and asked the other party to send a truck over with a cold chain truck.

This is also Zhu Bajie's storage magic weapon is big enough, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to hold it.

As Zhu Bajie said, he gave the ice cream in his hand to the surrounding immortals.

"Vanilla, strawberry, banana..."

There are many flavors of ice cream, while Zhu Bajie handed the ice cream to the immortals, he talked about the flavors.

All the immortals around were happy to eat the ice cream. Judging from their reactions, they were quite satisfied with the ice cream.

"Hey, Xiaobai said, I will deliver ice cream for him, and then tell him the reactions of the immortals, and he will give me ten charcoal-grilled chickens."

Unknowingly, Zhu Bajie has become Ji Yang's ice cream salesman in Tianting.

 Let’s start with the first update, thank you for your support, thank you for your reward, monthly pass, recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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