The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 448 The Great Wind Talks Chapter Be Careful of Flashing Your Tongue

Chapter 448

"Mr. Wu, what happened to your waist?"

Zhao Xin and Feng Wenyuan were talking quietly in the living room. After Wu Zhuang got down to the living room with the help of Ximen Jiao, the two looked up.

Seeing Wu Zhuang's waist injury, Zhao Xin frowned slightly and asked softly.

Feng Wenyuan's eyes did not look at Wu Zhuang, but on Ximen Jiao.

This figure, this face, and this skin are much better than the proprietress of the shampoo room.

When Feng Wenyuan looked at Ximenjiao, Ximenjiao happened to meet Feng Wenyuan's eyes.

Ximenjiao has seen Feng Wenyuan's eyes too much, she has a charming smile on her face, straightened her peaks, and blinked at Feng Wenyuan.

Seeing Ximen Jiao blink, a strange smile appeared on Feng Wenyuan's face, he raised his eyebrows at Ximen Jiao, and at the same time thought to himself.

"This (girl) is really (sexy)."

When Feng Wenyuan and Ximen Jiao flirted with each other, Wu Zhuang didn't pay attention.

Zhao Xin noticed it, but he just pretended that he didn't see anything.

Zhao Xin wouldn't say anything about this, if he ruined Feng Wenyuan's good deed, Zhao Xin would definitely be unlucky in the end.

Compared with Feng Wenyuan, Wu Zhuang is nothing in Zhao Xin's eyes.

If someone asked Zhao Xin, weren't he and Wu Zhuang friends?

Zhao Xin would only reply with a sneer and tell the other party: "Wu Zhuang is worthy of him?"

"Brother Zhao, don't mention it, my brother was beaten yesterday, and I lost my lord."

Wu Zhuang didn't know what Zhao Xin was thinking, but he called him brother and brother as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Oh, Mr. Wu, tell me, who dares to trouble you."

"This is my Uncle Feng, with my Uncle Feng here, no matter who troubles you, we can help you get it back."

Zhao Xin introduced Feng Wenyuan to Wu Zhuang.

Wu Zhuang had seen Zhao Xin's skills before, and when he heard that Feng Wenyuan was his uncle, Wu Zhuang was even more excited.

With Feng Wenyuan and Zhao Xin around, he might not be able to let Ji Yang kneel in front of him.

It's not enough to let Ji Yang kneel down, but he also wants several of Ji Yang's women to kneel and lick him. Thinking of this, Wu Zhuang's face turned red with excitement.

When he was excited, he told what he had encountered in the exhibition hall.

When he said about Ji Yang, Zhao Xin's expression changed, and even Feng Wenyuan, who was flirting with Ximen Jiao, had his eyes fixed.

"You said it was Ji Yang who made you look like this?"

When Zhao Xin talked about Ji Yang, his ferocious expression seemed to swallow Ji Yang alive.

The last time his hand was seriously injured by Ji Yang, although Feng Wenyuan treated him, the effect of the treatment was not as good as expected.

Now he still has obvious burn scars on his hands, and the flexibility of his hands has been greatly reduced.

For an ancient warrior, the hand is not flexible enough, it is no different from being useless

"Well, it's Ji Yang."

Zhao Xin's shout startled Wu Zhuang.

"President Wu, don't worry, I will help you get back this face."

Feng Wenyuan stretched out his hand to hold Zhao Xin's shoulder, let him calm down first, and said softly at the same time.

Hearing Feng Wenyuan's words, Wu Zhuang smiled and nodded.

"Then there will be Master Laofeng. I want Ji Yang to kneel in front of me and beg for mercy. I will definitely thank you if it works."

Hearing the word "Thank you very much", Feng Wenyuan glanced at Ximenjiao, and a lewd smile appeared on his face.

If there is a big thank you afterwards, then this is considered a deposit.

"Ji Yang, I'll kill you soon."

Looking down at the burn scar on his hand, Zhao Xin shouted coldly.

Murder is breaking the law, Wu Zhuang just wanted to teach Ji Yang a lesson, he didn't want Ji Yang's life.

Hearing that Zhao Xin wanted to kill Ji Yang, Wu Zhuang hurriedly spoke up.

"Brother Zhao, it's enough to hit the disabled, so as not to kill him."

Hurting people and killing people are two different things, Wu Zhuang can only dare to maim people at most, and he may not be able to settle people if he kills people.

Wu Zhuang thought Zhao Xin was so angry because of him.

"The wind is quite strong today, so be careful not to flash your tongue when you speak big words."

"You want to kill me, want to abolish me, can you guys do it?"

After Wu Zhuang finished speaking, a discordant voice suddenly sounded, and then Ji Yang was seen walking in from outside the villa.

Ji Yang didn't hear the content of the previous conversation, but Zhao Xin wanted to kill him, and Wu University wanted to abolish him, but he could hear clearly.

Seeing Ji Yang appearing, except for Feng Wenyuan, who didn't know Ji Yang, everyone's expressions changed.

They were talking about how to deal with Ji Yang, and Ji Yang delivered it to the door himself.

"Ji Yang, why did you appear in my villa?"

Wu Zhuang was taken aback by Ji Yang's sudden appearance, although he seemed quite normal when he talked about Ji Yang just now.

In fact, Ji Yang had already cast a shadow on his psychology. When he saw Ji Yang appear, apart from being shocked, his eyes were clearly showing some fear.

Ji Yang gave Wu Zhuang a sneer in disdain, then turned to look at Zhao Xin and Feng Wenyuan.

Zhao Xin is at the beginning of the Huang rank, and Ji Yang already knew it when he fought against the opponent before.

What he was mainly observing at this time was Feng Wenyuan, and when he felt Feng Wenyuan's cultivation, the sneer on his face grew stronger.

"Sure enough, it's just like what Xiaolongnv said, it's really good."

When Ji Yang was looking at Feng Wenyuan, Feng Wenyuan was also looking at Ji Yang.

The more he looked at Ji Yang, the more strange Feng Wenyuan's expression became.

"Uncle Feng, he is Ji Yang, we must not let him go today."

"Uncle Feng, what's wrong with you?"

Although Zhao Xin wanted to kill Ji Yang immediately, he knew that he was no match for Ji Yang.

After seeing Ji Yang appear, he was not stupid and rushed forward to fight Ji Yang desperately.

He relied on Feng Wenyuan beside him, but when he talked to Feng Wenyuan, he found that Feng Wenyuan's expression was a bit wrong

"You said he was an ancient warrior, why can't I feel any breath of an ancient warrior on him?"

Feng Wenyuan frowned, and looked at Zhao Xin suspiciously.

Ancient warriors can't feel the breath of ancient warriors on other people, usually there are only two possibilities.

One is that the opponent is not an ancient warrior at all, and the other is that the opponent's cultivation base is stronger than his own, and it is more than one layer stronger.

Zhao Xin had fought against Ji Yang before, so he can be sure that Ji Yang is not an ordinary person.

Now Feng Wenyuan couldn't feel the ancient warrior's aura on Ji Yang's body, which surprised Zhao Xin.

"Is his cultivation stronger than Uncle Feng, but how is this possible, absolutely impossible."

Feng Wenyuan is a cultivation base of the late stage of Xuanjie, Zhao Xin does not believe that Ji Yang will be stronger than Feng Wenyuan.

"Uncle Feng, look at my hand was burned by him, he must be an ancient warrior."

"You can't feel the ancient warrior's aura on him, could it be some treasure with hidden aura on his body?"

"Well, this is possible, a treasure that hides the breath of an ancient warrior, this is a good thing."

Zhao Xin didn't believe that Ji Yang would have a stronger cultivation than Feng Wenyuan, and Feng Wenyuan himself didn't believe it either.

The cultivation of ancient warriors is a very difficult process. Talent and hard work are necessary conditions, and opportunities are also very important.

Being able to hide the aura of an ancient warrior, when fighting against others, the opponent will not know his own reality.

Thinking of such a treasure, Feng Wenyuan's eyes became greedy.

 The third update, Xie Ben stayed up all night, I have to go on a business trip today, this is the end of today's update, and I will continue tomorrow, ask for a monthly pass, recommend, and reward

(End of this chapter)

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