The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 453 Vomiting after the truth

Chapter 453 Vomiting After the Truth (Part [-])
Ximenjiao is willing to do anything for Ji Yang, and Ji Yang has to be willing.

Seeing Ximen Jiao's appearance, Ji Yang felt goosebumps popping off his body.

I am not interested in her.

"I won't kill you, but I want to remind you that you have to be mentally prepared and don't be scared to death by what will happen next."

The death of Zhao Xin and Feng Wenyuan was their own death.

But Wu Zhuang and Ximen Jiao, Ji Yang didn't intend to kill them.

Wu Zhuang's lower body was paralyzed, which was already his punishment, although this punishment was a bit light.

As for Ximenjiao, Ji Yang felt that she was pitiful enough. In her previous life, she robbed other people's women, but in this life she became a woman herself, and she was still with Wu Dalang's reincarnation...

Ji Yang didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

Wu Zhuang and Ximen Jiao couldn't understand Ji Yang's meaning, if you don't kill them, don't kill them, why are you scaring yourself.

The two looked at Ji Yang suspiciously, and Ji Yang touched his nose, telling them that they were the reincarnations of Wu Dalang and Ximen Qing.

Anyway, the two of them will know later, so it's good to tell them first so that they can be mentally prepared.

The important thing is that they will see the ghosts of Black and White Wuchang and Pan Jinlian later.

Ji Yang told the two in advance to prevent them from being scared to death when they saw the impermanence of black and white.

When Wu Zhuang and Ximen Jiao heard that they were the reincarnation of Wu Dalang and Ximen Qing respectively, they were stunned.

Could it be that today is really making a movie, and it's from a martial arts drama to a mythological drama.

The fight between Ji Yang and Feng Wenyuan looks like a blockbuster fantasy movie, everything looks so mysterious and weird.

But when Ji Yang talked about reincarnation, black and white impermanence, and Pan Jinlian's ghost.

Wu Zhuang and Ximen Jiao were still sluggish, unbelievable... and a little scared.

"How is it possible, I am a woman, how could it be the reincarnation of Ximen Qing, Ji Shao, are you kidding?"

Ximenjiao didn't want to believe what Ji Yang said was true, she really hoped that Ji Yang was joking.

It's a pity that Ji Yang nodded and said in an indifferent voice.

"You are indeed the reincarnation of Ximen Qing. You were a man in the previous life, so you may not be a man in this life."

"Don't say that you are a woman in this life, even if you become an animal, it's not surprising."

The six realms of reincarnation are the realm of heaven, the realm of Asura, the realm of humanity, the realm of animals, the realm of hungry ghosts, and the realm of hell.

When the wheel-running king arranges reincarnation, he will decide where to reincarnate according to how many good and evil deeds the deceased have done when they were alive.

When Ximen Qing was alive, he did all sorts of evil things, and it would have been good to reincarnate him as a human being, and he even chose his gender.

It is enough to be a wheel-turning king without throwing Ximen Qing into the three evil realms of animal realm, hungry ghost realm, and hell realm.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Ximenjiao lost her temper for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Ximen Jiao just turned her head to look at Wu Zhuang, and Wu Zhuang also looked at her with complicated eyes at this moment.

When the two looked at each other, they both felt that they were not well, and saw the disgust in each other's eyes.

"You're Ximen Qing, and I'm with you... vomit... vomit..."

When Wu Zhuang thought that he was a treasure every day, and Ximen Jiao, who was crying dearly, was actually a man, his stomach couldn't help but twitched, and he couldn't stop vomiting.

Seeing Wu Zhuang vomit, Ximenjiao's expression turned ugly, she was a man?man?man?

Although Ximenjiao, who was in a messed up mind, didn't vomit like Wu Zhuang, she actually felt uncomfortable in her stomach, and felt that she was about to be unable to suppress the feeling of vomiting.

Ji Yang had expected that Wu Zhuang and Ximen Jiao would have such a reaction.

So seeing the two of them like this, he didn't have any special feelings, but there was a smirk on his face.

When Wu Zhuang and Ximen Jiao disgusted each other, Ji Yang took out his phone with a smile and sent Pan Jinlian a WeChat message.

"I'm here with Wu Dalang and Ximen Qing. I've already told them about their reincarnation. When will you come over?"

"Thank you, my lord. I'm just a kid. I don't dare to go to the mortal world during the day. After dark, Lord Black and White will take my family to the mortal world."

Pan Jinlian is just an ordinary ghost, and now the sun is shining brightly. When she comes to the mortal world at this time, it is very likely that her soul will be scattered because of the sunshine.

Calculating the time, there are still more than two hours before dark.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you here."

"It's time for you, my lord."

"It's okay, if you're okay, then let's chat, it's boring anyway."

"It is my honor to be able to chat with adults..."

More than two hours, whether it is long or not, can be said to be short or short.

Ji Yang had nothing to do, it was too boring to waste time, so he chatted nonsense with Pan Jinlian every sentence, waiting for the dark to come.

As for what Ji Yangdu and Pan Jinlian talked about, just look at Xiaolongnv's reaction.

Ji Yang chatted with Pan Jinlian without any scruples at all.

Say whatever you want, ask whatever you want, and Xiao Longnu has also seen the content of his chat with Pan Jinlian, but she feels that she might as well not watch it. .

According to Xiao Longnv, it was because their chats were poisonous and too hot for the eyes to read.

"Ji Yang, how can you be so shameless, you are so disgusting."

"Look at you, what are you talking about, I really can't stand it!"

Xiao Longnv really couldn't take it anymore, her little head protruded from Ji Yang's clothes, and said contemptuously.

Then he bit Ji Yang's hand hard, expressing his anger.

She wondered, how could a person be so shameless.

"What's wrong with me, Pan Jinlian was talking to me about something in the magazine, so I just asked about something by the way, what's the matter?"

Xiao Longnv's bite was not light, but it didn't really hurt Ji Yang.

Hearing Xiao Longnu's words, Ji Yang also looked pure and innocent.

Seeing his appearance and listening to what he said, Xiao Longnv felt very speechless, so she closed her five senses and ignored him.

Xiaolongnv ignored him, and Ji Yang didn't care, it was better not to have her bothering him, so that he could continue chatting with Pan Jinlian.

Fortunately, Xiaolongnv didn't look at the next topic, otherwise she must be more excited than before.


It was completely dark, and Wu Zhuang's villa became pitch black.

The wires in the villa have been broken because of the fight between Ji Yang and Feng Wenyuan, and the lights in the villa cannot be turned on.

With a gust of cold wind blowing into the villa, a faint light appeared strangely in the villa.

Youguang appeared, and Ji Yang saw Black and White Wuchang appear out of thin air with a very charming woman in ancient costume.

"Pan Jinlian?"

"It's the servant's family, my lord, may you be blessed and safe."

Ji Yang asked softly to the woman who was brought by Black and White Impermanence.

Pan Jinlian saluted Ji Yang, nodded and said...

(End of this chapter)

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