The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 458 Interrogation results are not useless

Chapter 458 Interrogation results are not useless (one more)
"What's going on, what kind of play is this, I thought I could communicate with the three worlds."

"Who says it's not? I was fighting the landlord just now. It's more than a dozen times. I heard that the Supreme Lord asked everyone to come to Lingxiao Palace. I don't want hundreds of thousands of merits."

"What is your 10,000+ merits? I am refining the magic weapon, and because of distraction, the magic weapon is about to be destroyed."

"Isn't that right, this Taishang Laojun is too deceitful."

Hearing that the Taishang Laojun did not interrogate a way to open up the three realms, all the immortals began to complain dissatisfied.

Some said that less merit was earned, some said that the magic weapon was destroyed, and some said that the fairy was lost...

The voices of the immortals were not deliberately suppressed, even if they were suppressed, the old master of the ether could still hear them.

Hearing the dissatisfied complaints of the immortals, Taishang Laojun's face became ugly.

It's not his fault that he didn't find out how to communicate with the Three Realms.

The only blame is that Ibaraki Doji is a little ghost and knows too little. This has something to do with the Taishang Laojun, and it is not a question for the Taishang Laojun to interrogate.

If it was a noble person, wouldn't he have an answer?

What's more, it's not that I don't have a little harvest, and it's not that I also interrogated Country R before it was also blocked by the Three Realms.

Now that the law of the Three Realms is broken, country R must know the way to break through the Three Realms.

The key point is the life of Susanoo mentioned by Doji Ibaraki.

Although it was said that it was Taishang Laojun who summoned a group of gods to Lingxiao Palace, it was the Jade Emperor who really made the order.

The main reason is that the Taishang Laojun did not tell the Jade Emperor that he had found a way to break the Three Realms. The Jade Emperor is also responsible for today's matter.

Hearing the dissatisfaction around, seeing the embarrassing expression on the face of the Supreme Lord, the expression on the Jade Emperor's face became unnatural, and he said loudly.

"All the immortals are quiet, don't talk about it."

"There must be a reason why Laojun asked everyone to come here. Besides, Laojun is no longer at fault this time, so don't talk about it."

Peace is old, the Jade Emperor has done this kind of thing for thousands of years.

At this time, he showed his ability to make peace with the elders. Due to the status of the Jade Emperor, when he said this, the mouths of the immortals instantly closed.

When some gods saw Taishang Laojun's ugly face, their hearts skipped a beat.

I was so addicted to patronizing my mouth just now that I even forgot the identity of Taishang Laojun.

Taishang Laojun is one of the three Qings, and even the Jade Emperor is polite to him, but he criticizes him.


The surrounding gods closed their mouths, and Taishang Laojun swept away all the gods, especially the ones who talked the most just now.

These few were swept up by the Taishang Laojun, and they called it bitter, secretly thinking that they were cheap.

The look in Taishang Laojun's eyes obviously reminds me of myself, and I think I will suffer later, at least I don't want some elixir.

"It's all about you, that's what you said first, is it easy for Laojun, how hard it is to interrogate that Ibaraki boy."

"Damn it, you old guy, obviously you're the one who speaks louder than me."

"Don't talk about it, I was led to ruin by you, Laojun is angry this time, our elixir is gone."

"My elixir, elixir, elixir..."

The elixir of Taishang Laojun is a good thing, and all the immortals in the heavenly court regard it as a treasure.

When they thought that because of today's incident, they would not be able to get the elixir of Taishang Laojun in the future, they felt very regretful in their hearts, and none of them became calm.

It's a pity, Taishang Laojun was very angry, and the consequences were so serious.

Seeing the remorseful expressions of some gods, Taishang Laojun smiled in spite of his cold eyes, secretly thinking in his heart.

"Elixir, don't think about it in the future, you don't have any share in the dregs of medicine, so go eat earthballs."

Taishang Laojun can make alchemy cows, but even he can't make regret pills for these people.

"Mr. Ibaraki-douji has been interrogating you for the past few days. Everyone cares about the Three Realms. Don't be angry."

"I don't know the method of the Three Realms to communicate with each other. You are so eager to call all the immortals to Lingxiao Palace, do you have something important to say?"

The Jade Emperor first comforted the Taishang Laojun with a few words, and said softly.

This time there were no gods talking too much, they all looked at Taishang Laojun and waited for Taishang Laojun to speak.

The gods who had provoked the old lord just now pricked up their ears. They were ready to listen to what the old lord would say. If it was an opportunity to ease the relationship with the old lord, they would not give up.

"Jade Emperor, Laojun, although I haven't been able to directly obtain the method to directly break the law of the Three Realms and prohibit the intercommunication of the Three Realms from the mouth of Ibaraki Doji."

"But Ibaraki Doji's words are not without value. At least we know that Country R used to be like me, but now they can communicate with each other. Then they must know how to break the law of the Three Realms."

"Ibaraki Doji has no way of knowing this method, and neither can ordinary little gods and demons, but the great god named Susanoo must know."

Taishang Laojun shook his whisk, stroked the white beard on his chest, and said vowedly.

People are confused, and so are gods. In fact, gods are the same as people.

Hearing what Taishang Laojun said, the immortals felt their faces itchy, and really wanted to slap themselves twice.

Why was I so confused just now, why did I forget about it.

How can it be said that Taishang Laojun didn't ask anything, this Susanoo's life is a breakthrough.

The Jade Emperor blushed slightly, he was excited.

Just now not only the immortals were confused, but even the Jade Emperor was confused.

But Jade Emperor just appeared with a rosy face, and soon collapsed.

"Old gentleman, although what you said is reasonable, but Susanoo's life is not in the heaven and earth, how can we ask him?"

Susanoo knew so what, he would not take the initiative to send to the door to tell the Jade Emperor and the immortals in front of him how to break the law of the three realms.

If you want to know the method of breaking the law of the Three Realms from Susanoo's life, the other party must be able to be in front of them.

With the previous lessons, the brains of the immortals turned a lot faster this time.

As soon as the Jade Emperor spoke, they thought of it.

So what if Susanoo's life is not in the Heavenly Court and Hell, Ibaraki Doji was not in the Heavenly Court and Hell before.

If you want Susanoo to come here, you just have to catch him.

"Jade Emperor, God Erlang begs, I will go to the mortal world and arrest this Susano."

Erlangshen's mind was quick enough, if he wanted to catch Susanoo's life, someone would have to go down to earth.

He missed the opportunity last time, but he can't miss it this time.

"Jade Emperor, Nezha is willing to go to the mortal world. The god of R country, I think he is a little hairy god, so I went to arrest him."

God Erlang asks for orders, and Nezha will not lag behind.

"Third Prince, don't underestimate the gods of other countries."

"To be regarded as a great god by the mortals of Country R, ​​Susanoo must have some ability. The Jade Emperor entrusted this errand to our underworld, and activated the heaven-defying formation again. The ten kings of Hades are willing to go to the mortal world together."

As soon as King Chujiang spoke, all the immortals almost knelt down.

It takes immortal power to activate the Heaven-Defying Formation, and one is enough.

Hades of the ten halls went together, and the immortal powers of the immortals were not enough.

 Thanks to Xu Chaochao and others for the reward. Xieben is still on a business trip, the saved manuscripts have been used up, and he is staying up all night in the process of coding. Finally, he found a hotel with a computer. When he moved in, he found a mouse tragedy.

(End of this chapter)

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