The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 461 The critically ill hero

Chapter 461 Critically Ill Hero (Part [-])
It is suitable to be used on others, but it is obviously useless to Pang Hong.

Seeing General Qi pointing to his shoulder, the rank of Lieutenant General who was one star more than himself, Pang Hong curled his lips and said indifferently.

"It's useless to follow me, don't think that you have more stars."

"Don't talk about you, I have always had this attitude in front of your old chief, are you not convinced?"

After Pang Hong finished speaking, he looked at Lieutenant General Qi proudly.

Qi Zhongjiang froze, smiled and shook his head.

General Qi's father was Pang Hong's former chief. General Qi was able to rank higher than Pang Hong, so it cannot be said that it had nothing to do with his father.

But General Qi did have real skills, if he only relied on connections, he wouldn't talk to Pang Hong with the attitude he has now.

When Pang Hong was a soldier under his father, he had this temper, and sometimes dared to contradict his father.

But instead of being angry, his father liked Pang Hong very much, and asked General Qi to learn more from Pang Hong. It was also because of this that the relationship between the two became so strong.

Much better than ordinary comrades in arms.

General Qi also really learned from Pang Hong, but was whipped several times by his father with a horsewhip.

His father told General Qi while whipping him.

"I told you to fight with little Pang Xue. Whoever told you to imitate his donkey temper, you're just a poor boy."

Thinking of some things in his youth, Qi Zhongjiang smiled even more.

It's nice to be young, but unfortunately he and Pang Hong are both over 50 years old now.

As his father grew older, some problems left over from the battlefield also appeared, and he fell ill again during this period.

General Qi Zhong and the organization invited many doctors for his father, but to no avail.

Later Pang Hong mentioned Ji Yang to him, and praised Ji Yang for his great medical skills.

Lieutenant General Qi knew Pang Hong's temper well, but he rarely heard Pang Hong praise others, so he came to Linhai himself to ask Ji Yang to see his father.

"Chief, here we are."

While Pang Hong and General Qi were talking, the major driver had already driven to Ji Yang's villa.

When they arrived in front of Ji Yang's villa, the expressions of Pang Hong and General Qi became majestic, completely different from when they talked just now.

Internally and externally, attitudes are different.

They all know what they should look like when facing outsiders.

The identities of the two are very special. When communicating with others, they not only represent themselves, but also represent the image of Chinese soldiers and senior generals of China.

"Xiao Wang, you wait for us here, and Lao Qi and I can go in."


Pang Hong said something to the major, and after the major replied politely, Pang Hong and General Qi walked into Ji Yang's villa.

As soon as Pang Hong and General Qi came to the door of the villa, the door opened from the inside, and Ji Yang immediately appeared in front of them.

Ji Yang didn't open the door by chance, but because he felt a strange atmosphere coming to his villa, so he came to open the door.

It's just that he didn't expect that the people who came were Pang Hong and a lieutenant general.

"Hi, I'm Qi Longfeng, is Dr. Ji Yang in?"

Qi Longfeng is not a lieutenant general for nothing. Although he is an expensive lieutenant general and looks coercive, he has no official airs.

This time he came to invite someone to do something by himself, and he was even more polite when he spoke.

Although Pang Hong mentioned Ji Yang to Qi Longfeng before, he didn't give a detailed introduction. He didn't even tell him how old Ji Yang was, whether he was male or female.

When he saw Ji Yang at this moment, Qi Longfeng saw that Ji Yang was so young, so he didn't regard him as the very skilled doctor that Pang Hong said.

"Hi Lieutenant General Qi, I am Ji Yang."

"Major General Pang, long time no see."

Ji Yang still had a good impression of the polite Qi Longfeng, although the other party failed to recognize him, he still opened his mouth politely.

At the same time, say hello to Pang Hong.

When Qi Longfeng heard that the young man in front of him was Ji Yang, he was slightly taken aback, and looked at Pang Hong in a daze.

"Hahaha, you don't have to doubt Lao Qi, he is Ji Yang."

"Don't underestimate the truth of young people, you understand."

Seeing Qi Longfeng looking at him, Pang Hong laughed twice and said softly.

The waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead. Although people's instinctive cognition is that they are more capable when they are older, people with identities like Pang Hong and Qi Longfeng have seen too many impossibilities created by young people.

Qi Longfeng smiled awkwardly, and apologized to Ji Yang.

"Doctor Ji, it's our first time meeting, don't be surprised."

"General Qi Zhong is too polite, what do you two want me to do, please come inside."

There are two generals in front of him, although Ji Yang has seen some famous people a few times.

But facing the two generals, Ji Yang still couldn't be completely casual.

Especially Pang Hong and Qi Longfeng exuded iron-blooded fortitude, which made Ji Yang respect them very much.

This kind of aura can't be faked. Only soldiers who have seen blood and been on the battlefield can have this kind of aura on them.

Entering the villa, Qi Longfeng also showed the general's vigorous and resolute attitude in dealing with the world.

He should have been polite just now, and as soon as he entered the villa and sat down, he directly stated his purpose of looking for Ji Yang.

Ji Yang listened carefully to Qi Longfeng's words, but he didn't speak.

But when he heard that Qi Longfeng's father was Qi Shanhai, his face became serious.

Many film and television dramas have the prototype of Qi Shanhai, and there are also anti-Japanese dramas based on him.

Hearing that Qi Longfeng's father is actually Qi Shanhai, and that Qi Shanhai's health is very bad now, Ji Yang only opened his mouth now.

"Lieutenant General Qi, Old General Qi is the hero of Huaxia. Without the martyrs of the older generation, there would be no Huaxia today."

"Now that General Qi is lying on the hospital bed, I am also very sad. Although I dare not say that General Qi can be cured 100%, I promise that I will do my best."

Ji Yang will not speak big words casually, and now that Qi Shanhai's situation is uncertain, he will not speak directly to death.

If he speaks too hard, maybe Qi Longfeng will question him and refuse to speak.

If it really didn't heal, then didn't I slap myself in the face.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Qi Longfeng nodded with a smile, his father's situation is not optimistic now, Ji Yang agreed, and he was going to take Ji Yang to see Qi Shanhai immediately.

Just as Ji Yang was about to pack up his things and leave immediately, Qi Longfeng received a call.

After receiving the call, Qi Longfeng's face became very ugly.

"Old Qi, what's wrong with you, is something wrong with the old chief?"

Seeing that Qi Longfeng's expression was not right, Pang Hong asked anxiously.

Qi Longfeng nodded and said in a heavy voice.

"Well, my father's condition has deteriorated, and the hospital has issued a critical illness notice."

 Xieben just came back from a business trip last night. The internet was disconnected and has not been repaired. I can only go to the Internet cafe today. The update is a little late, everyone forgive me
(End of this chapter)

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