The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 464 Puppet Master

Chapter 464 Puppet Master (Part [-])
Sun Simiao's reconfirmation made Ji Yang's heart tremble, and he looked at Sun Zhi differently from before.

Ji Yang believed that Sun Simiao would not joke about this matter with him, and the other party also had no need to joke about it with him.

But this Sun Zhi's medical skills are indeed good. With his medical skills, there is no need to pretend to be a descendant of Sun Simiao. Why is he doing this?
Is it to gain trust and increase his reputation?

"Ji Yang, what are you thinking, let's go out."

Ji Yang was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even know what Qi Longshan and Sun Zhi talked about.

It wasn't until Qi Longfeng spoke to Ji Yang that Ji Yang came back to his senses.

It was just that when Qi Longfeng asked him to go out, Ji Yang was a little puzzled, so he asked the other party why he wanted to go out.

It turned out that when Ji Yang thought about why Sun Zhi pretended to be a descendant of Sun Simiao, Sun Zhi had already thought of a way to treat Qi Shanhai.

To be precise, it is not a treatment method, but a method to control Qi Shanhai's condition and temporarily save Qi Shanhai's life.

But Sun Zhi said that this method was secretly taught by Sun Simiao, and it cannot be leaked, so no outsiders should be present during the treatment.

It was precisely because of this that Qi Longfeng asked Ji Yang to go out, when everyone else had already left the ward.

Some people did have some unique methods in treating patients, but because he knew that Sun Zhi was pretending to be Sun Simiao's descendant, Ji Yang was vaguely worried about Sun Zhi.

Hearing that he wanted to treat Qi Shanhai alone, Ji Yang shook his head.

"Doctor Sun, Old General Qi's condition is so serious that it's not easy for you to treat it alone. I'm also a doctor, so let me help you."

"Hmph, I think it's true that you want to steal the teacher."

"Lieutenant General Qi, you have also seen the condition of Old General Qi. Every second of delay is dangerous. If someone is present, I will definitely not treat him."

Sun Zhi's eyes turned cold, and he said in a cold voice.

When Qi Longfeng heard what Sun Zhi said, his expression changed.

"Doctor Sun, don't be angry, I will take Ji Yang away."

"Ji Yang, I'm really sorry. I invited you here, but now I have someone else come to treat my father. It's really unfair to you, but you can also see that my father's condition is really bad."

"Shall we go out first, and I will apologize to you after we go out."

Qi Longfeng thought that Ji Yang wanted to stay because he couldn't treat Qi Shanhai, so he was upset.

Regarding Qi Longfeng's mood, Ji Yang could understand, and he would not be angry because he was misunderstood by the other party.

Who made Sun Zhi's show just now have won the trust of everyone.

Moreover, Ji Yang also worked hard for the other party, but he personally admitted that Sun Zhi's diagnosis was correct.

"Since it is the secret medical skill of the "King of Medicine", I definitely won't learn it just by watching it once."

"I'm just curious about the medical skills of the "King of Medicine", can I have a look?"

Ji Yang smiled at Sun Zhi, raised his eyebrows and said.

Sun Zhi frowned, his eyes narrowed, he didn't speak to Ji Yang, and spoke to Qi Longfeng again.

"General Qi, as you can see, it's not that I'm treating him, it's that he doesn't want to leave."

"Since this is the case, I will take my leave."

While Sun Zhi was talking, he really walked out of the ward.

Seeing that Sun Zhi was telling the truth, Qi Longfeng became anxious and stopped Sun Zhi immediately.

"Doctor Sun, you can't go, my father is still waiting for treatment."

"Ji Yang, I beg you, just leave with me first."

Qi Longfeng's status at this time is no longer a Chinese lieutenant general, he is the Son of Man, and he only wants to cure Qi Shanhai's illness.

A dignified Chinese lieutenant general begged Ji Yang, if Ji Yang insisted on going his own way and refused to leave, it would be too disrespectful to Qi Longfeng.

"Hmph, even if I'm not here, just pretend I don't know what you want to do?"

With a sneer in his heart, Ji Yang finally nodded and agreed to leave.

Seeing Ji Yang nodding, Qi Longfeng let out a mouthful.

After all, Ji Yang was invited by himself, and it is not easy for him to get angry with the other party. It is of course the best if the other party is willing to walk out of the ward with him like this.

When leaving the ward, Qi Longfeng repeatedly begged Sun Zhi to treat his father well.

After walking out of the ward, Qi Longshan looked at Ji Yang with an unnatural expression, and said apologetically.

"Ji Yang, I'm really sorry today. I didn't know that Longshan had invited Dr. Sun over."

"Dr. Sun diagnosed my father before you, so I..."

Qi Longshan apologized to Ji Yang, but there was a weird smile on Ji Yang's face.

The smile on his face was intriguing, and Qi Longshan and Pang Hong, who had already come outside the ward, felt creepy when they saw the smile on his face.

Because Ji Yang's smile is not only strange, but also very cold.

"Ji Yang, everyone is for the old chief's health, and the old chief's recovery is the most important thing."

"What happened today, I, Pang Hong, owed you a favor. In the future, if you have anything to do, you can tell me Pang Hong, as long as I can do it, I will do it.

Pang Hong's sneer at Ji Yang was because he was upset.

Pang Hong knew Ji Yang better than Qi Longshan and the others. He knew that apart from his excellent medical skills, Ji Yang also had some special skills.

When Ji Yang captured Ruan Wenzhong, he had killed the lowering master.

"Major General Qi, can I ask you something, which country did you invite this Sun Zhi from?"

Ji Yang didn't care about what Qi Longfeng and Pang Hong said, instead he asked Qi Longshan.

Qi Longshan turned cold when asked by Ji Yang.

"Is your name Ji Yang? I know you are the doctor invited by my elder brother. You are willing to treat my father. I am very grateful to you."

"But Dr. Sun was invited by me. He is treating my father. If he can cure my father, he is the benefactor of my Qi family. If you want to harm Dr. Sun, I, Qi Longshan, will not let it go. you."

What did Qi Longshan think Ji Yang was going to do?
Did he think that Ji Yang asked Sun Zhi where he was from because he wanted to trouble him later?
Ji Yang was misunderstood by Qi Longshan, so he smiled helplessly, do you look like that kind of person?
"Major General Qi, you have misunderstood me. In fact, I would know if you didn't tell me. You invited him from Country R, ​​right?"

When Ji Yang said this, Qi Longshan and the others were taken aback.

Qi Longshan had never said before that Sun Zhi was invited back from country R, ​​but now Ji Yang pointed it out.

"How did you know?"

Ji Yang was right, Qi Longshan asked coldly with a cold face.

"Because Sun Zhi is not a descendant of Sun Simiao, he is a puppet ninja, which is what many people often call a puppet master."

Ninjas are unique to country R, ​​although some countries have begun to cultivate so-called ninjas.

But these ninjas are all superficial, at most they are appearances, and they haven't even learned one-tenth of the real skills of ninjas.

As soon as Ji Yang's words came out, it was like a bomb exploded in everyone's minds.

Whether it was Qi Longshan, Qi Longfeng, or Pang Hong, they all froze on the spot for an instant.

 Thank you Jiangzuo, pay = 0 for the reward yesterday, thank you for your support, Xieben continues to work hard, please recommend, monthly ticket, reward

(End of this chapter)

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