Chapter 477 Zombie ([-]rd)
"It stinks, why is it so stinky?"

When Ji Yang was checking Qi Wei's car, Qi Longfeng also walked over.

As soon as he got close to the car, Qi Longfeng smelled a bad smell, which almost made him faint.

Covering his nose with his hands, Qi Longfeng asked with a frown.

"It's really smelly, and I was almost suffocated by the smell when I first got close to the car."

Li Mao stood far away from the car, nodded and said.

Ji Yang and Qi Longfeng walked too fast, he didn't come to warn them about this matter, they just walked to the side of the car.

"Director Li, let your people withdraw, and leave this matter to me."

Ji Yang stood up straight and said softly to Li Mao.

Ji Yang would say that there are unclean things in Beijing because of this stench.

This stench is not something a human should have, it is the smell of rotting corpses. In this stench, Ji Yang also felt a strong energy fluctuation.

When Ji Yang was speaking, he touched the deformed car door with his hands. This car door was not hit by something, but was punched out abruptly.

If the guess is correct, the person who can crack the car door like this should be the owner of this stench.

Ji Yang still doesn't know who the owner of this stench is, but he is definitely not something ordinary police can deal with.

If this gang of policemen encountered this guy, in the end, instead of being able to kill him, they might even be killed by the other party.

"Let my people withdraw?"

Li Mao was taken aback by Ji Yang's words, and looked at Ji Yang with some doubts.

"Ji Yang, did you find something? If you find something, just tell me. Lao Li and I are not ignorant people."

Qi Longfeng remained calm.

When they are in their positions, they know some things that ordinary people don't know.

Now that Ji Yang asked the police to withdraw, he must have discovered something.

Hearing what Qi Longfeng said, Ji Yang hesitated for a while, and then briefly explained what he had discovered.

Ji Yang talked for a while, and finally came to a simple understanding, that is, it was not an individual who captured Qi Wei.

"Do you want to call Xuanzu for reinforcements?"

After Ji Yang said this, Qi Longfeng and Li Mao's expressions were both ugly.

Although he was prepared in his heart, Qi Longfeng was still very disturbed when he really heard what Ji Yang said.

The existence of the Xuan Group is not only to defend against foreign enemies, they also have to take care of these supernatural existences in the country.

Qi Longfeng wanted to call the Xuan Group for reinforcements, obviously because he was afraid that Ji Yang would not be able to handle it alone.

"No need for now, Director Li, you should let your people withdraw first."

"I don't know what it is, but your people will definitely not be able to deal with it."

"If you really meet him, not only will you not be able to help, but it will be in the way."

Although Ji Yang's words were not pleasant, Li Mao would not be angry.

After all, what Ji Yang said was the truth. His subordinates were good at dealing with ordinary criminals, but they were not good at dealing with ghosts and the like.

"Okay, then I'll let them retreat, and Lao Qi and I will stay."

"No, it's not just them, you and General Qi Zhong also have to withdraw. I will inform you of the result."

Ordinary policemen would hinder him, and Qi Longfeng and Li Mao would also hinder him.

Li Mao originally wanted to say something, but was held back by Qi Longfeng.

"Then I will trouble you, Lao Li, let's go."

Qi Longfeng is Qi Wei's father, now that Qi Longfeng is leaving, what else can he say.

In the end, Li Mao and Qi Longfeng withdrew all the policemen, leaving only Ji Yang here.

Xiao Longnu got out of Ji Yang's clothes, her nose twitched, and she said with disgust.

"This guy stinks, I thought there was a dump around."

"This stench still lingers in the air. According to this smell, he should be able to be found."

"Okay, it's not too late, we have to catch up quickly."

Needless to say, Xiao Longnu, Ji Yang could also smell the stench left in the air.

Why the other party didn't kill Qi Wei, but took him away, Ji Yang couldn't figure it out.

Now he can only find the other party as soon as possible to prevent Qi Wei from being hurt.

Following the remaining breath in the air, Ji Yang chased all the way, this chase, Ji Yang has chased out of the city of Kyoto, and chased to a mountain on the edge of Kyoto.

"It smells like blood?"

After chasing into the mountains, the residual stench in the air became stronger and stronger, and there was also a smell of blood.

Smelling this bloody smell, Ji Yang had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Could it be that Qi Wei has already been killed?"

Thinking of this, Ji Yang quickened his pace, the immortal energy in his body circulated, the wind was blowing under Ji Yang's feet, and he quickly chased up the mountain.

The smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and Ji Yang could already see some blood on the ground.

"Ji Yang, left, left, there are people there."

At the same time Ji Yang found the blood, the little dragon girl jumped out of his arms, and when he spoke, the little dragon girl had already quickly shot at the person he felt.

As soon as Xiao Longnu moved, Ji Yang naturally wanted to follow.

When Ji Yang saw the person Xiaolongnv felt, his expression changed, he actually knew this person.

"Zhang Zhixin, why are you here? How did yours get so badly injured?"

The person who appeared in front of Ji Yang was actually Zhang Zhixin. Ever since Ji Yang taught Zhang Zhixin the Taoism of Zhang Daoling after the heart demon incident, Ji Yang had never seen Zhang Zhixin again.

Speaking of which, the two of them can be regarded as being in the same school together, and they should be happy that they haven't seen each other for a long time.

But this time, Ji Yang didn't feel happy at the meeting, because Zhang Zhixin's injury looked serious at this time.

Zhang Zhixin's face was pale, with a faint black glow.

He was wearing a Taoist robe, but the Taoist robe was already torn, and there were a few scratches on the exposed skin, and blood was oozing from the scratches.

The color of these blood is not red, but black.

"Ji Yang, it's great to see you."

"The one who hurt me like this is a blue-eyed zombie from the corpse clan."

Zhang Zhixin's body was very weak and he was unable to speak.

But his powerless words sounded like a gong in Ji Yang's ears, and Ji Yang felt his whole head buzzing, which lasted for a long time.

Nima, could it be that the stench I smell is from zombies?

Could it be a blue-eyed zombie who captured Qi Wei?
"Is the blue-eyed zombie you're talking about carrying a woman in military uniform?"

"That's right, he did bring a woman in military uniform with him, are you here to save that woman?"

Zhang Zhixin is not stupid, who would come to the mountains in the middle of the night if he has nothing to do.

When Ji Yang talked about the woman in military uniform, his face looked very anxious, and Zhang Zhixin guessed something from his appearance.

"Well, I did come to save her."

"But now it seems that I have to save one more person. You were scratched by a zombie, and the corpse poison has begun to erode your body. I will help you detoxify the corpse first."

If the corpse poison is not treated in time, it will become a zombie.

Fortunately, Zhang Zhixin is a cultivator, and he has learned real skills from Ji Yang, so he has a certain resistance to corpse poison.

If ordinary people were injured like this, they would have already turned into zombies.

 It will be delivered at the third watch. Today’s update is over. During the National Day, Xieben also needs to be with his family, so he can only maintain a stable update. After the National Day, he will find a time to break out

(End of this chapter)

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