The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 486 Zhang Daoling's method

Chapter 486 Zhang Daoling's method (third shift)
Nima, don't take it like this.

Zhang Zhixin originally wanted to vent the anger that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time, but Ji Yang came to say that he could save him.

These words made Zhang Zhixin dumbfounded, and the words changed when he reached his mouth.

"What, you said some were saved?"

People have become zombies, but they can turn back into humans again, this is not kidding myself.

Ji Yang smiled, but did not speak.

Don't doubt him, he didn't come up with this method, if Zhang Zhixin doesn't believe it, then he is doubting his patriarch Zhang Daoling.

Although Zhang Daoling gave the method, Ji Yang hasn't looked at it carefully yet.

Ji Yang looked at the WeChat message sent by Zhang Daoling with a smile, and the smile on his face quickly disappeared.

"Damn, this is the method you said. Using this method can't get rid of the corpse poison in her body at all, and it's even worse."

The method given by Zhang Daoling is actually very simple, that is to let Qi Wei drink the blood from the cauldron of the blood gathering formation.

Under the action of the blood gathering array, the blood in the cauldron is no longer ordinary blood, but a strong corpse poison.

These corpse poisons are used to help yellow-eyed zombies upgrade to green-eyed zombies, and the strength of their corpse poisons can be imagined.

Asking Qi Wei to drink some of these corpse poisons is not fighting poison with poison, but adding poison to poison, which will make more corpse poison in Qi Wei's body.

"She has become a real zombie, and it is impossible to turn back into a normal person."

"I will pass on a set of spells to you, and you will teach her the spells. With this set of spells, she can be like a normal person on weekdays, but you have to remember that on the first and fifteenth day of every month, you must Infuse fairy energy into her body."

"Doing this is not necessarily a bad thing for her. She looks like an ordinary person, but she has the fighting power of a zombie."

"After becoming a zombie, she still has thoughts. You can ask her for her own opinion. I think she will agree with my method."

Ji Yang's reaction was already in Zhang Daoling's expectation, and Zhang Daoling said directly what he had already prepared.

To put it simply, Zhang Daoling's method is to combine the poisonous blood of the corpses in the blood-gathering array with his spells, so that Qi Wei can change between zombies and humans at will.

As long as you become a zombie, you can have the terrifying fighting power of zombies.

If you become a human, you will be the same as ordinary people, and you will not be afraid of light like some low-level zombies.

To say which point is more troublesome is that Ji Yang needs to inject immortal energy into Qi Wei's body on the first and fifteenth day of each month.

People are not humans, zombies are not zombies, is Qi Wei really willing to become like this?

Ji Yang looked at Qi Wei with his brows tightly furrowed, he really didn't pay attention for a moment.

"Okay, then I'll ask her opinion, thank you today."

"It's okay, it's the duty of the immortal family to eliminate demons and defend the way."

Above the heavenly court, Zhang Daoling smiled triumphantly when he saw Ji Yang's words.

Beside him, there is an old man herding cattle at this time, and this old man is the Taishang Laojun.

Taishang Laojun saw the smile on Zhang Daoling's face, stroked his beard, and said softly.

"Does Xiaobai agree?"

The reason why Zhang Daoling gave Ji Yang this suggestion was not his own decision, but was instigated by the Taishang Laojun beside him.

"Well, but is this really okay? This female doll has just turned into a zombie, and the corpse poison has not yet fully fused. As long as a detoxification pill is needed, it can be completely eliminated."

"Master Zhang, I asked you to tell Xiaobai this method for the sake of the Three Realms."

"Susano's male life is not easy to deal with. Xiaobai needs help by his side, and this method is not harmful to that female doll."

"You who have dealt with zombies for many years should know better than me that zombies are still very strong. With the strength of zombies, they can live like ordinary people. I think many people will be willing."

"And Xiaobai should thank me, I gave him a chance to get in touch with the girl, hahaha..."

"Taishang Laojun, you are really smart, tall, hahaha..."

Understanding the intention of Taishang Laojun, Zhang Daoling also laughed along with Taishang Laojun.

Ji Yang was tricked by accident, he didn't know it yet.

He is now waiting for Qi Wei to wake up by himself.

Qi Wei's appearance has now completely changed into that of a zombie.

The originally beautiful face turned black and blue at this time, with two fangs protruding from the mouth, and the lips were slightly turned outward, looking a bit ferocious.

The originally tight and smooth skin became a little shriveled, and the tendons became thick and protruding, looking very explosive.

The slender palms became more like dead bark, and the sharp nails radiated a sharp light under the light of the oil lamp.

When Qi Wei's body completely changed, his closed eyes opened immediately.

The dark eyes have turned white, and she is now a white-eyed zombie.

I skip the black-eyed zombie and become a white-eyed zombie. I don't know if it's because the yellow-eyed zombie's corpse poison is stronger, or because of the effect of the blood gathering formation.

"Ji Yang!"

Qi Wei opened her eyes, and when she saw everything in the cave, her eyes were a little frightened.

When she saw Ji Yang, she was excited in her heart, but as soon as she said the words, her eyes changed.

"What's wrong with my voice, my hands, my arms, my body, what's wrong with me, what's wrong?"

At this time Qi Wei was still very thoughtful, after realizing that her voice was not right, she also saw the changes in her body.

The change in her own body caused an inexplicable fear to arise in Qi Wei's heart.

How could such a body be so similar to the strange man who caught him.

"Calm down and listen to me."

It's normal for Qi Wei to be so excited, after all, the gap between her and before is too great.

She can be said to be cute before, and she can be said to be beautiful.

But now she can only be said to be ferocious, can only be said to be terrifying.

When Ji Yang told her about Qi Wei being caught by the blue-eyed zombies and turned into a corpse servant by the yellow-eyed zombies using the blood gathering array.

"You look like a white-eyed zombie."

"You are no longer a person, but a zombie."

When she heard that she was a zombie, Qi Wei was very excited.

She kept yelling that she should not be a zombie, and she even chose to hit the wall of the cave with her body, apparently wanting to die.

It's just that her body hit the cave wall, and instead of being fine, she cracked the cave wall.

"If you can kill blue-eyed zombies and yellow-eyed zombies, then you can kill me too, right?"

"I don't want to be a zombie, you kill me."

Unable to seek death by herself, Qi Wei begged Ji Yang to kill her.

Even if she dies, she doesn't want to become like this.

Seeing Qi Wei so excited, Ji Yang gritted his teeth and said loudly to her.

"Don't get excited, I actually have a way to make you look like a normal person, but this method has some flaws, I wonder if you would like it?"

 The third update is here, thank you for your support, this is the end of today’s update, continue tomorrow, ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, rewards
(End of this chapter)

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