The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 489 Incoming Call from the Mysterious Group

Chapter 489 Incoming Call from the Mysterious Group (Third Watch)
The rosy white skin is as smooth as jade and full of elasticity.

The already good figure now seems to be more perfect, the concave and convex curves are more obvious, and the pair of peaks on the chest have become more straight.

After being a zombie for a while, Qi Wei's body was not only not destroyed, but even better.

"Hey, whoever is not satisfied with his figure in the future, let the zombie bite him."

"After becoming a zombie, let him become a human, and then it will be fine."

Seeing Qi Wei's good figure, Ji Yang thought strangely.

"Is it alright?"

Qi Wei's back was facing Ji Yang, her face was already as red as a monkey's butt.

Apart from being seen by the male parents of Chi Guo when she was a child, she has never been seen by others since she became sensible.

Although Ji Yang only saw the curve of his back now, Qi Wei still felt embarrassed.

She found that not only her figure had improved, but her skin had also improved.

Seeing her return to normal, Qi Wei was very happy.

"Ah, all right, all right."

Ji Yang just went to see Qi Wei's good figure and good skin, and forgot about the business.

As soon as Qi Wei spoke, Ji Yang felt a little embarrassed.

He took out a set of clothes from the Qiankun storage room and handed them to Qi Wei, and after letting her wear them, Ji Yang exited the cave.

"It's dawn, and the morning in Kyoto is much colder than that in Linhai."

"This small wind blows, it's chilly, and it's very comfortable."

As soon as he walked out of the cave, feeling the morning breeze in the mountains, Ji Yang said with some enjoyment.

There is still a big difference in temperature between the north and the south in the morning and evening, and this is the first time Ji Yang has felt such a cool morning.

"Is it comfortable? It's comfortable. Come and stand for a few hours and try it. It's freezing to death."

Ji Yang felt refreshed, Zhang Zhixin's lips were blue now, his face was pale, he leaned against a big tree with his arms around his body, and said in a trembling voice.

Zhang Zhixin stayed outside all night, but he was frozen.

He was blowing the cold wind outside, but Ji Yang was in the cave, and it was full of spring. Now Ji Yang still looks like he is enjoying it.

Zhang Zhixin felt so unfair (supporting actors are always so hard-working).

At this time, Qi Wei had already changed her clothes and came out. Although Ji Yang's clothes were a little loose on her body, it was still difficult to cover up her good figure.

From this point of view, her figure has indeed become more popular after becoming a zombie.

"Today is exactly fifteen. You won't have any problems within half a month. After half a month, which is the first day of junior high school, I will inject energy into you again."

Speaking of which, this matter is quite troublesome, every half month has to inject immortal energy into Qi Wei.

What if I don't have time, or Qi Wei has a task and can't inject immortal energy?

Ji Yang felt dizzy when he thought of this question, although Qi Wei didn't say anything, but he was quite worried about it by looking at his expression.

After all, both parties are not idlers. They usually have things to do. Who can guarantee that they will have time on the first or fifteenth day of each month.

"Zhang Daoling's method is really not very good. Isn't this just looking for trouble for himself?"

"Later, I have to ask Zhang Daoling to see if there is any way to store immortal energy so that Qi Wei can use it in an emergency when he is not around."

"Or there is something that can replace immortal energy as a supplement."

Ji Yang made up his mind, but it was not suitable for him to ask, so he had to wait to ask Zhang Daoling.

From last night to now, more than ten hours have passed, everyone in the Qi family must be very worried about Qi Wei.

Going down the mountain during the day is much easier than going up the mountain at night, Ji Yang took Zhang Zhixin and Qi Wei down the mountain quickly, and he had already called Qi Longfeng on the way.

As soon as the three of them descended the mountain, they saw several military vehicles and police cars parked at the foot of the mountain.


When Qi Wei saw Qi Longfeng, his eyes turned red, and tears flowed from his eyes.

No matter how strong she is, she is still a girl after all, after what happened last night, it is already good to be able to maintain her current appearance.

Seeing Qi Longfeng, Qi Wei felt wronged in her heart, she threw herself into Qi Longfeng's arms like a tired bird returning to its nest.

Seeing that Qi Wei was fine, Qi Longfeng let go of his anxiety.

While comforting Qi Wei, he thanked Ji Yang gratefully.

"Ji Yang, thank you very much."

"You're welcome, it's only an hour."

Ji Yang smiled slightly and said softly.

Qi Wei is tired and wronged, but she still has the arms of her relatives to rely on for comfort.

Ji Yang has never enjoyed this feeling, even now Li Zixuan, Huang Xiaoxin and Mu Hong's family are very kind to him.

But these are not my biological parents after all, and these can't really fill the vacancy in my heart.

"I really want to know who my parents are, and I really want to know why they abandoned me back then."

Looking at Qi Wei who was comforted by Qi Longfeng, Ji Yang suddenly became interested in his life experience.

He really wanted to know who his parents and relatives were, and where they were. Even if they didn't recognize each other, he still wanted to see them.

It's not that Ji Yang has no way to investigate, but he has been suppressing himself not to look for it.

But looking at the Qi family father and daughter in front of him, his long-suppressed emotions exploded in an instant.

"I'm going to ask the underworld about my life experience after I finish my recent work."

The underworld is in charge of the reincarnation of mortals. Through the underworld, Ji Yang can completely find out his parents and life experience.

He didn't want to check it before, but today he decided, he must check it.

Qi Longfeng originally wanted to invite Ji Yang to go to Qi's house to thank him, but Ji Yang refused.

He only told Qi Wei that he would come to see her soon.

Qi Wei and Zhang Zhixin understood what Ji Yang said, but Qi Longfeng didn't.

Hearing that Ji Yang would soon come to see Qi Wei, he smiled and looked at the two with some ambiguity, it seemed that he had misunderstood the meaning of their words.

"Zhang Zhixin, do you want to go back to Linhai with me?"

"No, I have to continue to practice."

Zhang Zhixin originally thought that he was pretty good, but through the matter of the corpse clan, he found that he was still too good.

He needs to constantly train himself and let himself grow rapidly.

"Well, that's fine, your aptitude is good, work hard, and you will grow up."

"You take these pills, they are for healing, and take note of my phone number. If you encounter something that you really can't handle, call me."

Ji Yang handed Zhang Zhixin some special healing medicines and his phone number.

Watching Zhang Zhixin leave, Ji Yang planned to go shopping in Kyoto and then return to Linhai.

It was just that he came to a roast duck restaurant in Kyoto, and when he was about to eat some authentic roast duck in Kyoto, a phone call came in.

Seeing the caller, Ji Yang was taken aback for a moment before answering the phone.

"Ji Yang, I heard that you have come to the capital. I happen to have something to look for you. Where are you, I will send a car to pick you up to the Xuanzu headquarters."

The call turned out to be from Liu Shuyan.

The information of the Xuan group is well-informed, and they knew about it only a day after I came to Kyoto, but I don't know what they are looking for?

 The third update is sent, the update is over today, and it will continue tomorrow, please recommend, reward, monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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