The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 520 Flat peaches are not free

Chapter 520 Flat peaches are not free (one more)
Seeing that Erlang God and Sun Wukong put away their weapons, the Jade Emperor was also relieved, he knew that today's fight would be impossible.

Although the Jade Emperor was relieved, some of the immortals secretly thought it was a pity.

Erlangshen and Sun Wukong fight, what an enjoyable thing, Tianting is so boring, it is not easy to be a little bit enjoyable.

But it is a pity that the Jade Emperor obliterated the good show.

It's a pity in my heart that the immortals won't say it. If they say it, it's not for themselves to make trouble for themselves and make the Jade Emperor unhappy.

After offending the Jade Emperor, will I still have a good life in the heaven?
"Three eyes, for the sake of the Jade Emperor, I won't fight you today."

"The Jade Emperor is afraid that something will happen to the Heavenly Court because of the fight between us. My Huaguo Mountain is not afraid. When you come to Huaguo Mountain, I will fight with you for seven days and seven nights."

Sun Wukong understood what the Jade Emperor was thinking. After putting away the golden cudgel, he said to Erlang God with a look of disdain.

"Okay, if I have a chance, I will go to Huaguo Mountain to find you and have a good fight."

Erlangshen was very happy to fight with Monkey King.

As long as you don't fight in the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor doesn't bother to fight wherever you want.

Anyway, after the Three Realms couldn't communicate with each other, all the immortals were very idle, and he didn't go to Huaguo Mountain for a long time.

If Erlang God really went to Huaguo Mountain to fight with Monkey King, he wouldn't mind letting Erlang God take a few days off, and by the way, he would also take the immortals to see the excitement.

Just treat it as a tourist, anyway, the scenery of Huaguo Mountain is very beautiful.

"Pohou, what are you talking about when you come to Heaven?"

What the Jade Emperor thought in his heart naturally wouldn't show on his face.

When talking to Sun Wukong, the Jade Emperor was very serious, looking rather majestic.

"I'm looking for the queen mother, the queen mother asked me to come to heaven, where is she now?"

Sun Wukong received the Queen Mother's order and asked him to come to the Heavenly Court, otherwise he really wouldn't have come.

Although the heavenly court is resplendent and majestic, life is not as comfortable as in my own Huaguo Mountain.

"Oh, the Queen Mother asked you to come. She is not here. At this time, she should be in the Pantao Garden."

The Pantao Conference is about to start, and the Queen Mother is basically taking care of the Pantao in the Pantao Garden during this time.

When watching Ji Yang through the Xuanguang Mirror before, the Queen Mother was not there.

"Since the Queen Mother is not here, the old grandson will go."

"Stupid, come with me."

Monkey King jumped up and jumped onto a cloud. Before leaving, he did not forget to call Zhu Bajie.

After the words fell, Monkey King turned somersault and disappeared.

"Brother Monkey, wait for the old pig, the old pig is not as fast as your somersault."

Sun Wukong can cover hundreds of thousands of miles in one somersault, how can Zhu Bajie catch up.

Watching Monkey King disappear before his eyes, Zhu Bajie shouted and chased after him in the direction of Pantaoyuan.

In the flat peach garden, the queen mother, accompanied by the seven fairies, is watering the flat peach trees.

"The Pantao Conference is getting closer and closer. During this time, we must take good care of these flat peaches. If there is any mistake, don't blame me for punishing you."

There are 1000 peach trees in the entire Pantao Garden. The first 3000 or 1000 peach trees have tiny flowers and fruits, which ripen once in 6000 years; the middle 1000 or 9000 peach trees, which ripen once in [-] years; Once cooked.

These flat peaches take at least several thousand years to mature, and they are all the treasures of the Queen Mother, the flesh and blood of the Queen Mother.

"As ordered."

When the Seven Fairies heard what the Queen Mother said, they all bowed and nodded in reply.

Pantaoyuan is the territory of the Queen Mother, anyone who wants to die dares to come here to make trouble.

From the day when Pantaoyuan appeared, there was only one time to say something happened, and that was when Monkey King was guarding Pantaoyuan.

Now that Monkey King is not guarding the Peach Garden, the Seven Fairies don't have to worry about problems at all.

"The old grandson is here."

"The Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, is visiting the Queen Mother, and the Seven Fairies are also here. Long time no see."

The Seven Fairies were thinking about Monkey King just now, and now Monkey King came.

Sun Wukong came to the flat peach garden with a somersault. As soon as he arrived at the flat peach garden, when Monkey King greeted the queen mother, he picked a flat peach and ate it.

This is the best flat peach with purple veins and fine core, which matures only once in 9000 years.

The seven fairies are fine seeing Monkey King in other places, but they have shadows in their hearts when they see Monkey King here.

Especially when they saw Monkey King eating flat peaches, their hearts began to bleed, and they even forgot to greet Monkey King and salute.

At the same time, I wondered in my heart, is Monkey King going to make a peach meeting again?
But the Queen Mother, when she saw Monkey King appearing and eating the best peaches in the peach garden, she was very calm.

"You Pohou, the whole Three Realms, who dare to come and eat flat peaches in my flat peach garden, will never find anyone other than you."

The Queen Mother shook her head and said with a smile on her face.

"Hey, who made my grandson bold."

After a few bites, he ate up the flat peach in his hand, and Monkey King stretched out his hand to pick the second one.

It's just that before Sun Wukong's hand touched the flat peach, his hand was blocked by a burst of immortal energy.

"The number of flat peaches in my flat peach garden is recorded. The flat peach fair is about to open. If you want to eat flat peaches, you can eat them at the flat peach fair. You can't eat them now."

If you don't stop Monkey King and let Monkey King eat whatever you want, the Queen Mother's Pan Peach Party will probably not be able to be held this time.

Hearing what the Queen Mother said, Sun Wukong smiled, and with a palm of his hand, he broke the immortal energy that was blocking him, and still picked a flat peach.

"Eat another one, eat another one, old grandson, I will take this bite, I can't eat it just by looking at it, I feel itchy in my heart."

Monkey King picked them all, and the Queen Mother could only smile bitterly.

"You bastard, there's really nothing I can do with you. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have been waiting for you in Pantaoyuan."

Seeing Monkey King in Pantao Garden, isn't it just looking for trouble for nothing.

The queen mother knew that Sun Wukong would come today, and she regretted that she would be in Pantaoyuan now.

"Brother Monkey, you, you, you don't wait for me, old pig, I'm exhausted."

"See the Queen Mother, see the Seven Fairies."

"I have seen the envoy of the altar."

Zhu Bajie also rushed to Pantaoyuan when Monkey King was talking with the Queen Mother.

Seeing Zhu Bajie sweating profusely, he had been chasing him all the way just now.

Saluting and greeting each other, Zhu Bajie swallowed his saliva while looking at Sun Wukong who was eating flat peaches.

Zhu Bajie is delicious, and he wants to eat such good things as flat peaches.

"Hong Yi, pick a 3000-year-old flat peach for Ba Jie."

Seeing Zhu Bajie's greedy look, the Queen Mother was amused, so she asked the fairy in red to pick a small flat peach and give it to Zhu Bajie.

Although it is a small flat peach, Zhu Bajie is also very happy.

It's good to follow Brother Monkey, and it's true.

While Zhu Bajie thanked the Queen Mother, he ate the flat peaches.

"You don't need to thank me, my flat peaches are not for nothing."

"Originally, I just wanted to hand over the task to Wukong. Now that Bajie is here, Bajie can also help Wukong. This time I will leave the task to you two."

 The first update is here, happy weekend everyone, thank you for your support, asking for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards
(End of this chapter)

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