The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 523 Could it be that the matter of country R has not been settled

Chapter 523 Could it be that the matter of country R has not been settled (one more)
The last time I flew back to Linhai from Kyoto, I ran into Chen Jianhai, an idiot from the discipline inspection committee, on the plane.

This time back to Kyoto, Peng Caixuan was not the first time to take a plane, and he didn't show any excitement.

I don't know if it's because of this reason, so this trip was very peaceful, without any episodes.

When the plane landed, when Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan walked out of the airport, there were already people waiting outside the airport.

It is not one group of people waiting for the two of them, but two groups.

They are members of Qi Wei and Xuan Group respectively.

"Boss, it turned out that the one who picked you up was Huniu from the Qi family. I know this woman, and I heard that she is very fierce."

"You didn't come here to cheat on your sisters-in-law, did you? Hehe, don't worry, my little brother is very competent, and I won't tell my sisters-in-law."

Peng Caixuan once went to Peng's house with Team Leader Peng, and he also met Qi Wei.

At that time, Team Leader Peng and members of the Qi family also chatted about their respective younger generations. When the Qi family talked about Qi Wei, they were very troubled.

Because of Qi Wei's character, ordinary people really can't control it.

"Fuck you, what should you do?"

"I'm here to do business. You think I'm here to pick up girls. Besides, do I use stealing?"

"Even if I want to pick up girls, I'm aboveboard."

Ji Yang kicked Peng Caixuan and said pretending to be angry.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Peng Caixuan chuckled.

"Are you sure, do you want me to call Li Zixuan's sister-in-law and tell her that you are coming to the capital to pick up girls, and see how she reacts?"

"Get out, don't look for trouble, I'm going to find Qi Wei, you go back to the Xuan team, and call me if you need something."

Although Peng Caixuan made a phone call and Ji Yang would be fine, but he didn't want to look for trouble.

I was doing business in the first place, so why did I cause a misunderstanding? Isn't that my brain?

Peng Caixuan didn't talk nonsense with Ji Yang this time, no matter what Ji Yang came for, he couldn't really gossip to make a small report.

He also hoped to have a good time with Ji Yang, and use him to enhance his cultivation.

Regardless of whether Ji Yang's small report is effective or not, he will definitely be unlucky in the end.

The two onmyojis, Masaki Iwamoto and Aihara Kimura, died in Huaxia, and the aftermath was left to the Xuanzumi.

However, Yamin Iwamoto has a high reputation among the onmyojis in country R. He died in China. Country R is very concerned about this matter, and it is difficult to solve it.

This time back to Kyoto, Xuanzu asked Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan to go back to Xuanzu.

It's just that Ji Yang has something to do, so he asked Peng Caixuan to go back first.

If Peng Caixuan can't solve the matter when he goes back, he will go to the Xuan group again.

Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan separated, and Ji Yang came to Qi Wei's car.

Qi Wei has been waiting here for a while, if she doesn't inject immortal energy in time, she will become a zombie, she is much more nervous than Ji Yang.

With two days left until the first day of next month, she couldn't help calling Ji Yang, she was afraid that Ji Yang would forget about it.

Her call was undoubtedly correct, because Ji Yang really forgot.

Knowing that Ji Yang flew over today, Qi Wei waited outside the airport early.

"You're here, get in the car."

After experiencing the incident of Jiang Chen's zombies, Qi Wei has been more polite to Ji Yang.

One is because Ji Yang is the key to her current state, and the other is because she admires Ji Yang's strength.

Sitting in Qi Wei's car, Ji Yang had a brief understanding of Qi Wei's recent situation.

Although Zhang Daoling said that his method is effective, Ji Yang still needs to ask before he can rest assured.

According to what Qi Wei said, her condition was very stable during this time, and she didn't show any abnormalities, she really looked no different from ordinary people.

But her current strength, speed, and various reactions are several times stronger than before.

A few days ago, she fought against several male soldiers for training. She felt that she did not use her full strength, so she sent several male soldiers to the hospital.

These male soldiers are all elites in the army, even her father Qi Longfeng was taken aback.

Although the previous Qi Wei was also very powerful, compared to now, he is still far behind.

"Although you usually look like a human, your strength and other aspects are still like a zombie. How can ordinary people be your opponent?"

"Even the elites of the army are better than ordinary people. They are not enough to face zombies."

"So in normal times, you must pay attention, and don't fight with others easily."

"It's lucky that you didn't directly kill those few people this time."

The current Qi Wei is no longer an ordinary person.

Her strength is so great that it has reached the level of a blue-eyed zombie, and even started to break through to the yellow-eyed zombie.

With one punch of Qi Wei, he can easily break a rock and break a tree as thick as a man's waist.

Needless to say, Ji Yang, Qi Wei is also aware of this now.

Now she won't easily fight with others, and now no one in the army wants to torture her.

Qi Wei did not bring Ji Yang back to the Qi family, but brought him to a seemingly ordinary neighborhood.

Qi Wei said that this is where she usually lives alone.

The members of the Qi family were very optimistic about Ji Yang, and when Qi Longfeng went to pick up Qi Wei that day, Qi Wei and Ji Yang's words when they parted caused Qi Longfeng to misunderstand.

Qi Wei didn't dare to bring Ji Yang back to the Qi family, otherwise he wouldn't know what the Qi family would say.

She said that she likes to be low-key, so the house she bought is not big, and the community is very average.

When Ji Yang heard the word low-key, Ji Yang smiled unnaturally.

It's too low-key for you to wear this suit and drive a military car brand.

Having had the experience of injecting immortal energy last time, although this time it still needs to be naked, Qi Wei and Ji Yang didn't have too many psychological changes, and they seemed very calm.

The process of injecting the immortal energy was very fast, Ji Yang injected the immortal energy into Qi Wei, and it didn't consume much of his own immortal energy.

But this time Ji Yang discovered one thing, that is, after he injected Qi Wei with immortal energy, Qi Wei's breath was obviously stronger than before.

It seems that infusing Qi Wei with immortal energy will not only allow her to change freely between humans and zombies, but also enhance her cultivation.

I didn't expect that injecting immortal energy would have such benefits.

Think about it, you have to earn a lot of merit to promote yourself to the rank of immortal.

Qi Wei is much happier than herself.

"After you came to Kyoto by plane, you came here with me. You must be hungry too. Shall I treat you to dinner?"

After injecting immortal energy, some dirt appeared on Qi Wei's body, after taking a shower and getting dressed, Qi Wei said softly to Ji Yang.

The plane meal was not enough for Ji Yang. Injecting immortal energy not only consumed immortal energy, but also consumed some physical strength. Ji Yang was really hungry.

Hearing that Qi Wei wanted to invite him to dinner, Ji Yang originally wanted to agree directly.

But before Ji Yang could speak, his cell phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, it was Peng Caixuan calling.

Peng Caixuan called himself at this time, could it be that the matter of country R has not been settled?
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(End of this chapter)

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