The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 530 The Lover Smells The Hate The Smell

Chapter 530 The Lover Smells The Hate The Smell (Part [-])
When it comes to food in the mortal world, Monkey King opens Ji Yang's WeChat store again.

Sun Wukong didn't visit Ji Yang's WeChat store very often. When he was buying ice cream just now, he noticed that Ji Yang's WeChat store had a lot of food that he had never seen before.

After clicking on the WeChat store, Monkey King bought all the food in Ji Yang's WeChat store.

If Sun Wukong doesn't sell it, it's all right, but if he buys it, it's absolutely amazing.

He actually bought all the edible things in Ji Yang's WeChat store.

"Children, try these things, these are good things in the world now."

Sun Wukong takes absolute care of his monkey grandchildren.

Eating it by himself is not counted, he still remembers to share it with his monkeys and grandchildren.

Zhu Bajie was also touched, and he did not eat less of what Sun Wukong bought.

"You idiot is a standard foodie. It's the first time for my monkeys and grandchildren to eat these, so you will follow suit."

Zhu Bajie likes to eat, and eats quickly.

He followed suit, and the monkeys around couldn't snatch him.

Seeing that the monkey and monkey grandson couldn't grab him, Sun Wukong grabbed Zhu Bajie by the ear and dragged Zhu Bajie aside.

Zhu Bajie was pitiful, reluctantly looking at the food on the ground, drooling all over his mouth.

"My lord, my lord, this mangosteen is delicious, and the flesh looks like a head of garlic."

"My lord, my lord, the wafers are so fragrant, so sweet and so crisp."

"It's so spicy, so spicy, pickled pepper chicken feet are so spicy..."

Without Zhu Bajie grabbing food from the monkeys, the monkeys sighed while eating.

Seeing his monkeys and grandchildren eating happily, Sun Wu looked very happy.

Judging by the reactions of my monkeys and grandchildren, this mortal food can indeed be messed with.

Monkey King picked up an old yogurt and took a bite.

"Bah, bah, is this milk broken? Why does it smell like this?"

As soon as the old yogurt was in the mouth, Monkey King vomited it out. He felt that it had gone bad.

"Brother Monkey, this is the taste of old yogurt. It's not bad. I also felt strange when I ate it for the first time."

"When I went to the mortal world, I also asked Xiaobai. Xiaobai said that eating some old yogurt is good for your health. It can promote the secretion of gastric acid. After eating it, you will not be flatulent or diarrhea, and you will ventilate and digest food."

"If you don't eat it for me, don't waste it."

Sun Wukong doesn't like it, but Zhu Bajie doesn't like it.

He snatched the old yogurt from Sun Wukong's hand and ate it all in one bite.

"Idiot, you only know how to eat."

"These foods in the mortal world are good, but these foods have been sold on the WeChat store for a while, and many gods have eaten them, and they are not fresh when they get the flat peach meeting."

"It seems that we still need to find Xiaobai and ask him to provide some fresh food, something that everyone has never eaten before."

After tasting the items in Ji Yang's WeChat store, Monkey King is very satisfied with the mortal items.

Especially mangosteen, which is the only fruit in Jiyang's WeChat store.

In terms of fruit, Monkey King has the absolute right to speak.

There are many kinds of fruits on Huaguo Mountain, but I have never eaten mangosteen. It was the first time I ate mangosteen, and Monkey King liked the taste very much.

The mortal Ji Yang was also dumbfounded at this moment.

Most of the items in my WeChat store were sold out, and they were all bought by Monkey King.

Ji Yang didn't know the real purpose of Monkey King buying these things, he thought it was a kind of expression of Monkey King's gratitude to him.

"The merit is good, but it would be even better if Sun Wukong could teach me a few sets of immortal techniques and give me two magic weapons."

Although Ji Yang urgently needs merit to advance to the rank of immortal, he is more eager for immortal arts and magic weapons.

Immortal methods and magic weapons are hard to come by, and merits can be accumulated slowly over time.

To be promoted to the sixth-rank immortal rank, Ji Yang is only short of more than 100 million merits. According to the normal sales speed, it will take less than a month.

Monkey King bought all the food in Ji Yang's WeChat store, Ji Yang instantly gained hundreds of thousands of merits, and his merits reached 900 million.

Ji Yang felt a little regretful now, he should have talked more with Sun Wukong just now, maybe Sun Wukong could really teach him some immortal techniques and give him two magic weapons.

Just when Ji Yang regretted not being able to chat with Monkey King for a while, Ji Yang's WeChat rang.

When I saw the person looking for me, it was the Monkey King I was thinking of.

It was a pity that I didn't get to chat with Monkey King just now, but now that Monkey King is looking for him again, Ji Yang can't let go of this opportunity.

I just solved the problem for Monkey King, and now Monkey King is looking for me again.

Do you want to thank yourself?

Thinking of this, Ji Yang clicked on WeChat excitedly.

"Xiaobai, my grandson likes the food in your WeChat store very much. The Queen Mother asked me to prepare some food for the Pantao Festival. I want you to help me prepare some mortal fruits like mangosteen."

It turned out not to be grateful, but to ask for help.

But when Sun Wukong spoke up, Ji Yang definitely wanted to help.

Mangosteen is not a native fruit of China, and China did not have it in ancient times.

It seems that Sun Wukong has never eaten it before. The mangosteen-like fruit he refers to is a fruit that did not exist in ancient China.

Now that the transportation is well developed and there are countless foreign fruits in China, this is not difficult.

"My lord, have you ever eaten durian?"

Although there are many foreign fruits, not all of them are delicious. Anyway, some fruits Ji Yang is not used to.

Although some fruits are said to have very high nutritional value, Ji Yang always feels weird eating them.

The smell of durian is not very pleasant, but it smells bad and tastes delicious.

Li Zixuan, Mu Hong and Huang Xiaoxin also like it very much.

Ji Yang has been with them for a long time, and he also eats durians, and he likes them very much now.

"Durian? Is there such a fruit?"

Sun Wukong's answer already shows that he has never eaten durian.

Seeing Monkey King's answer, Ji Yang introduced some information about durian to Monkey King.

"Durian is not a local fruit in China. Its origin is Southeast Asia. It is known as the "king of fruits" in the world today. Durian entered China during the Ming Dynasty, but the number was very small, so Dasheng has never seen it."

"Because durian is ripe once a year, it is called nostalgia, and later generations take its homonym as durian."

"Durian has a strong smell, those who love it praise its fragrance, and those who hate it complain about its smell..."

"People who love it praise its fragrance, and those who hate it complain about its smell. What does this mean? Fruits are sweet and juicy. Is durian stinky? Can you eat stinky fruit?"

After Ji Yang introduced durian to Monkey King, Monkey King asked a little strangely.

How many kinds of fruits Monkey King has eaten, Monkey King himself can't remember.

But in his memory, he had never eaten any smelly fruit.

But thinking of the old yogurt I ate before, the taste was indeed a bit strange, but Zhu Bajie's taste was delicious.

This can be regarded as a category where lovers praise its fragrance and those who hate it complain about its smell.

(End of this chapter)

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