Chapter 549 The Injury Is Seriously Difficult to Treat (Part Three)
In the battle of life and death, life is at stake. If you lose, it is not your face and reputation that you lose, but your own life.

Although some people are always said to value face more than life, if they were really asked to choose between face and life, would they really choose face over life?
If the battle of life and death still talks about routines, rules, and whether they are mean or not.

This kind of person is basically looking for a dead end, sending himself to the other party to kill him.

When Ji Yang came here, he didn't see the male Phoenix Fire, he only saw a ball of flames confronting Zhu Jiumei.

On Huo Huo's body, he felt a powerful aura, which was very similar to that of the male Phoenix Fire, only stronger.

This powerful flame similar to the male phoenix fire reminded Ji Yang of the real body of the ghost.

Thinking that this flame might be the real body of the male Phoenix Fire, Ji Yang was very angry.

A pig demon was killed by the male Phoenix fire because of himself, and Peng Caixuan was also injured by the male Phoenix fire.

Ji Yang had just checked Peng Caixuan's injuries, and Peng Caixuan's injuries were very serious, with extensive burns on his body, and his breath was so weak that he almost disappeared.

Although Ji Yang temporarily controlled the spread of the injury with silver needles for him, Ji Yang couldn't guarantee whether he could save his life.

And even if it wasn't because of the dead Zhu Yao and Peng Caixuan, Ji Yang didn't want Zhu Jiumei's life to be threatened.

So as soon as he arrived here, he did not hesitate to use the Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique to help Zhu Jiumei deal with Phoenix Fire.

Ji Yang is not the kind of person who cares about face rather than his life. He only knows that only the person who wins in the end can live.

In the stalemate between Fenghuanghuo and Zhu Jiumei, neither of them should be distracted from each other. If they are distracted, they may lose, and if they lose, they will lose their lives.

Ji Yang's Nether Wind and Thunder sword technique was used, and the lightning hit Fenghuanghuo's body, and it was difficult for Fenghuanghuo to be distracted.

When Fenghuanghuo screamed angrily, Zhu Jiumei would not miss the opportunity, the evil energy in her body seized the opportunity and circulated rapidly instantly, and the powerful evil energy suddenly increased sharply.

This made the flame full of loopholes when Fenghuanghuo was distracted, become vulnerable, and was directly collapsed by Zhu Jiumei's demonic aura.

Fengming Fury Flame is the real flame of Phoenix Fire, the flame collapses and does great damage to Phoenix Fire.

If Phoenix Fire is like an ordinary monster, it must be a mouthful of blood spurting out at this time, and all internal organs are injured.

Although the Phoenix Fire didn't have these things, the remaining flames, which were far larger than two meters square, were less than one meter square. Just by looking at this, one could tell that the Phoenix Fire was seriously injured.

The flame aura of the Phoenix Fire became even weaker, and the flames flickered in the air, looking like they might fall to the ground at any moment.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Phoenix Fire's aura is weak, this is the best time to kill Phoenix Fire.

Zhu Jiumei didn't want to miss this opportunity, just now she used her monster energy to fight against the flames of the Phoenix Fire, which consumed a lot of monster energy in Zhu Jiumei's body.

But even so, it was very easy for the remaining demon energy to kill Phoenix Fire.

Zhu Jiumei was surrounded by pink mist, she raised her two knives in her hands, and the two knives were full of demonic aura, if these two knives go down, they will definitely kill Fenghuang Huo.

Just when Zhu Jiumei was about to take Phoenix Huo's life, Ji Yang stopped her.

"Zhu Jiumei, don't kill him, capture him alive!"

Zhu Jiumei frowned when she heard Ji Yang's words. She didn't know why Ji Yang chose to capture Fenghuanghuo alive instead of directly killing Fenghuanghuo.

But Ji Yang should have his reasons for speaking up, and Zhu Jiumei followed suit.

Her two knives still slashed on the flames of Phoenix Fire's real body.

The strength of these two knives had already weakened, so they wouldn't kill Fenghuanghuo, but they seriously injured Fenghuanghuo again.

The Phoenix Fire let out a scream of pain, and the flames of the real body shrank again, and now only half a meter square remained.

A circle of pink mist enveloped the Phoenix Fire, and Zhu Jiumei temporarily controlled the Phoenix Fire.

"Why didn't you kill this guy?"

After controlling the Phoenix Fire, Zhu Jiumei descended from the sky.

Looking at Ji Yang suspiciously, Zhu Jiumei asked.

"This guy might be useful to me?"

Ji Yang wants to kill Fenghuanghuo more than Zhu Jiumei. He doesn't kill Fenghuanghuo because Ji Yang takes a fancy to Phoenixhuo's real flame.

This flame is now not only the mortal flame left by the Phoenix, but also the underworld fire of R country's underworld.

There is such a sentence in Ji Yang's Earth Fire Jue, which roughly means that practitioners can increase the power of the Earth Fire Jue's flames by devouring other flames.

When Ji Yang saw this sentence before, he didn't pay much attention to it.

When he fought against Phoenix Fire today, when the flames of Phoenix Fire broke through the wall of flames condensed by Ji Yang's Earth Fire Art, he remembered this sentence.

At that time, Ji Yang became interested in the flames of the Phoenix Fire.

"You control him first, I'll ask Zhu Bajie to borrow a magic weapon and lock him up first."

While Ji Yang was speaking, he had already pulled out his mobile phone.

What Ji Yang wants to borrow is the spirit lock cage that Zhu Bajie used to lock up Ibaraki Doji.

When contacting Zhu Bajie, Ji Yang didn't talk nonsense, and directly stated his purpose.

Zhu Bajie was not hypocritical, so he simply lent it to Ji Yang.

The spirit lock cage with 500 million merits is a rare magic weapon in Ji Yang's eyes, but it is like a rotten street in Heaven.

All the gods with some status, no one has one in their hands.

After getting the spirit lock cage, Ji Yang directly locked Phoenix Fire inside.

After entering the spirit lock cage, Fenghuanghuo still wanted to escape, but the result could be imagined, it was made even worse by the spirit lock cage.

With the current situation of Phoenix Fire, it is impossible to escape Ji Yang's spirit lock cage.

Ji Yang has no time to take care of the Phoenix Fire for the time being, and it is impossible for him to swallow the Phoenix Fire right now. He just puts the spirit lock cage that locked the Phoenix Fire into the Qiankun storage ring.

There is only one sentence in the Earth Fire Jue about devouring flames and enhancing the flame power of the Earth Fire Jue.

How to devour it is not described in the Earth Fire Jue.

If Ji Yang wanted to devour the Phoenix Fire, he had to ask Taibai Jinxing who gave him the Earth Fire Art at that time.

"Zhu Jiumei, blame me this time, if I use the Summoning Jade in time, your subordinates will not die."

Ji Yang was responsible for the pig demon's death.

Ji Yang is not a person who shirks responsibility, his own problems must be said.

"Hey... when they were sent to protect you and your woman, they were already prepared to sacrifice."

"My subordinate is dead, and I feel uncomfortable, but he is already dead, so I can't take you to be buried with him, can I?"

Although Zhu Jiumei said it easily, there was obviously a bit of discomfort in her eyes.

"How is his injury, is there any help?"

Zhu Jiumei looked at Peng Caixuan and asked Ji Yang softly.

As soon as Peng Caixuan was mentioned, Ji Yang's guilt-ridden face became even uglier. He glanced helplessly at Peng Caixuan and said.

"The injury is serious. I can only temporarily control his injury. It is very difficult to save him."

 The third update is here, the update is over today, and it will continue tomorrow, thank you for your support and encouragement, please recommend, monthly pass, and reward

(End of this chapter)

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