The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 552 Asking for Shikigami

Chapter 552 Asking for Shikigami (third shift)
King Qin Guang went to contact Taishang Laojun, and Hei Wuchang went to contact Ji Yang.

According to what King Qin Guang said, Hei Wuchang asked Ji Yang to go to the Taishang Laojun for the Soul Healing Pill.

Seeing Heiwuchang's WeChat, Ji Yang was very excited.

"Caixuan, you are saved."

With Peng Caixuan saved, he can let go of the big rock in his heart and reduce the guilt in his heart.

"It's saved, how can I save it?"

Ji Yang opened his mouth excitedly, Zhu Jiumei asked curiously.

"King Qin Guang said that the Taishang Laojun's Soul Healing Pill can heal soul injuries, as long as Caixuan eats the Soul Healing Pill."

"I'm going to send Taishang Laojun a WeChat message right now, no matter whether Taishang Laojun gives it away for free or wants me to exchange it with merit, I will order this Soul Healing Pill."

As long as Peng Caixuan can be cured, even if Ji Yang is asked to take out all the merits in his hands, he will agree now.

Ji Yang sent a WeChat message to Taishang Laojun, but Taishang Laojun did not reply to himself.

Ji Yang sent several messages in a row, but the Taishang Laojun didn't reply.

Could it be that the time I sent the WeChat message was wrong, Taishang Laojun was busy with something at this time, so I didn't see my WeChat message?

Seeing that Taishang Laojun didn't reply to WeChat, Ji Yang felt anxious, so he simply clicked on Taishang Laojun's WeChat store, hoping that there would be Healing Soul Pill for sale.

It's a pity that there is no Soul Healing Pill for sale in Taishang Laojun's WeChat store at this time.

This made Ji Yang anxious, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't fly to Heaven to find the Supreme Lord, so he could only wait for the Supreme Lord to reply to himself on WeChat.

"Caixuan, you have to hold on, as long as you have the Soul Healing Pill, you will be saved."

Ji Yang said silently in his heart.

Taishang Laojun saw Ji Yang's WeChat, but he just didn't have time to reply to him, because Taishang Laojun was chatting with Qin Guangwang.

"If it is true as you said, the enemy that Xiaobai encountered this time came from the underworld of country R, ​​that would be great."

The content of the chat between Qin Guangwang and Taishang Laojun was nothing more than Ji Yang and Fenghuanghuo.

They have already set their sights on Phoenix Fire, hoping to get more news about breaking the law of the Three Realms from Phoenix Fire.

"There shouldn't be any mistakes. Except for the flames in places like the underworld, I have never heard of any kind of flame that can hurt a person's soul."

"Even the Samadhi True Fire in your gossip furnace, Laojun, doesn't have this ability."

In King Qin Guang's perception, only the flames of hell can burn a person's soul.

"That's true. I know about it. I know what to do. Xiaobai has already contacted me."

"It is estimated that he is also waiting anxiously. If I don't reply to his message again, maybe he will go crazy."

"I just hope that Xiaobai didn't kill the guy from Hades because of his anger."

Taishang Laojun still knew that Ji Yang was anxious, so after finishing chatting with King Qin Guang, he directly replied to Ji Yang.

"Xiaobai, do you want the Soul Healing Pill? I can give it to you, but there is one thing I want to ask you?"

Taishang Laojun finally answered himself, don't say one thing, even if it is ten things, Ji Yang will definitely answer everything now.

"What's the matter, you say, my friend's situation is not good now, please ask quickly."


As soon as Ji Yang's words came out, Taishang Laojun didn't say what he asked, but directly sent an elixir to Ji Yang.

Starting with the elixir, Ji Yang felt a powerful energy fluctuation from the elixir.

This energy fluctuation made Ji Yang's soul tremble.

"Is this the Soul Healing Pill?"

"That's right, it's the Soul Healing Pill. You should take the Soul Healing Pill to your friend first. Let's talk about other things later."

After receiving the affirmative answer from Taishang Laojun, Ji Yang stuffed the Soul Healing Pill into Peng Caixuan's mouth without any hesitation.

The Soul Healing Pill melted in the mouth, and entered Peng Caixuan's body along his throat.

Ji Yang has been observing the changes in Peng Caixuan's body after taking the Soul Healing Pill.

As the Soul Healing Pill entered his body, Peng Caixuan's face immediately turned rosy, and his breathing was much stronger than before.

The most surprising thing was that Peng Caixuan's soul injury began to subside, and the Soul Healing Pill really had an effect.

"The Healing Soul Pill is effective, it's great, Zhu Jiumei, help me take care of Caixuan."

"Call me if anything happens, I'm going to talk to Taishang Laojun about something now."

Ji Yang asked Zhu Jiumei to take care of Peng Caixuan, and he left the room and went to the living room.

"Taishang Laojun, the Soul Healing Pill is indeed effective for my friend's soul injury. I really want to thank you this time."

"That's natural. How could the elixir I refined, old gentleman, be fake? When I sold the Soul Healing Pill, it cost 300 million merits for one."

Ji Yang didn't know about the 300 million Soul Healing Pills.

Hearing what the Supreme Lord said at this time, Ji Yang's mouth opened wide, and the Supreme Lord gave him 300 million Soul Healing Pills for nothing, which is too generous.

If you don't get paid for nothing, you won't get paid if you don't benefit.

Since Taishang Laojun gave himself such a precious elixir, it must not be for nothing.

"Don't you have something to ask me, what is it?"

Taishang Laojun once said that if he asked himself something, he would give him the Soul Healing Pill for free, so it must have something to do with the question.

It's just that I don't know how big it is, but it is worth 300 million merits.

"You don't need to be nervous, I just want to ask what kind of shikigami you are fighting this time. Is the shikigami dead or alive now?"

That's it?
Ji Yang didn't expect Taishang Laojun to just ask this.

Ji Yang didn't hide anything, and told Taishang Laojun about his previous battle with Yamamoto Nigoro and his gang.

At the same time, he also told Taishang Laojun that Fenghuanghuo was locked up by him in a spirit lock cage, and he did not kill the other party.

"Xiao Bai, you did a good job this time. It's really great that Shikigami is still alive."

"Can you give me the shikigami, and I'd like to give you another elixir."

Hearing that Phoenix Fire was still alive, Taishang Laojun seemed very excited.

Logically speaking, it is useless for Ji Yang to keep a shikigami, the Taishang Laojun gave him a Soul Healing Pill, which is enough.

But Ji Yang didn't kill the phoenix fire because he fell in love with the flame of the phoenix fire.

Now the Taishang Laojun wants the phoenix fire, so the matter of wanting the flame will be in vain.

Whether to give it or not, he began to struggle in his heart.

"Why, if you don't want to, how about I give you two more elixir, or, if you have any request, why are you willing to hand over the shikigami to me?"

Ji Yang didn't answer, Taishang Laojun was a little anxious and asked directly.

Seeing what Taishang Laojun said, Ji Yang told Taishang Laojun that he wanted to devour the flames of the Phoenix Fire and strengthen the Earth Fire Art.

"Oh, that's all. It's very simple. I have a solution."

Taishang Laojun learned of Ji Yang's thoughts, and said simply.

"Really, that's great, as long as I can devour the flames to enhance the power of the fire art, I'm willing to give you the shikigami."

He can devour flames by himself, and Taishang Laojun can get Phoenix Fire.

Ji Yang has no reason to refuse such a good thing that has the best of both worlds.

 The third update is here, the update is over today, and will continue tomorrow, thank you for your support, please recommend, reward, monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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