The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 565 Toyotomi Seimei

Chapter 565 Seimei Toyotomi (Part [-])
The flames of the Phoenix Fire spread in his body, and Ji Yang's whole body turned red and purple.

The body was filled with the flames of the Phoenix Fire, and Ji Yang felt that the flames of the Phoenix Fire would burn his blood and immortal energy from his body.

The scorching pain radiated from the inside out, and Ji Yang's painful forehead was dripping with sweat.

Without giving, there will be no return.

The process of devouring the flames of the Phoenix Fire is a very painful process. If you want to have the flames of the Phoenix Fire in your body, you must endure the test of the flames on your body.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Ji Yang at this moment was like a big furnace.

The temperature around his body has risen to a terrifying level, and amidst the high temperature, there is also a weird sense of coldness.

The little dragon girl watching from the side stared wide-eyed, with a bit of vigilance in her eyes, she was always paying attention to the change of Ji Yang's breath.

As long as she feels something is wrong with Ji Yang, she will take action at any time to help Ji Yang tide over the difficulties.


I don't know how much time passed, Ji Yang's closed eyes suddenly opened, and he let out a loud drink.

Ji Yang's eyes were no longer black and white, but purple.

The purple was like a burning flame dancing in his eye sockets.

With a loud shout from Ji Yang's mouth, Ji Yang's palm slapped out violently.

With a palm shot, a group of purple flames flew out of his palm. Wherever the purple flame passed, the temperature suddenly increased, and the floor on the ground was burning.


The flame hit a mahogany chair, and the chair was instantly ignited with flames, and in the blink of an eye, the chair was burnt to nothing.

"I succeeded."

The flame that Ji Yang fired was the flame after he absorbed the flame of the Phoenix fire.

The current Ji Yang has a strange purple air flow in his body, and this air flow belongs to the purple flame.

Even if he didn't use the Earth Fire Jue, Empress Ji Yang could still use the fire attack.

If the Earth Fire Jue is used, the power of the fire will naturally be even more terrifying.

When Ji Yang was happy because of the flames devouring the phoenix fire, some people were depressed, and these depressed people were members of the Onmyoji Alliance of Country R.

Onmyoji Shrine in Country R, ​​this is the headquarters of the Onmyoji Alliance in Country R.

In a room in the shrine, several onmyojis in hunting clothes were sitting together, and there was a tea table in the middle of them.

The tea on the tea table exudes heat, and each cup of tea is poured for only seven cents.

As the saying goes, seven points of tea, eight points of wine, wine is full of respect, tea is full of deceit, and tea keeps three points is human favor.

With the development of the times, onmyojis not only need to understand divination, spells, and driving ghosts in the Onmyoji.

They also need to be familiar with elegant things, understand songs, poems, pipa, flute and incense or tea ceremony, etc., all of which must be involved.

From this point of view, Onmyoji can also be regarded as an all-round talent, and his daily life is not ordinary.

Among the onmyoji sitting together, a middle-aged onmyoji wearing a white and blue hunting uniform picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip, and asked with his eyes slightly closed.

"Is there no news from Vice President Yamamoto and the two elders who went to Huaxia?"

The hunting uniform of the middle-aged man looks simple in color, but the workmanship is very meticulous, and the material looks very unusual. When worn on him, there is a special temperament.

When the middle-aged man opened his mouth, the expressions of the other onmyojis in the room changed, and they all looked at an onmyoji who was seven or eighty years old and the oldest among all the onmyojis.

Everyone looked at him, and the old Onmyoji frowned.

These guys never think of themselves when doing good things. They only think of him when it comes to things they don't want to do.

In the Onmyoji Alliance, age does not determine status, high cultivation is the guarantee of status.

Although because of his age, other onmyojis usually respect him out of politeness.

But at some point, some of the onmyojis in the room who had status in the Onmyoji Alliance could listen to him.

Although he was unhappy, the old Onmyoji spoke hoarsely.

"Report to the lord, not yet."

It turns out that the middle-aged onmyoji wearing the blue and white hunting uniform is Seimei Toyotomi, the leader of the Onmyoji Alliance in Country R.

When Toyotomi Seimei heard the old Onmyoji's words, he opened his closed eyes, and there was a bit of chill in his eyes.

The surface of the teacup in his hand was covered with a layer of frost, and the tea that was still steaming just now turned into ice cubes.

A cold current emerged from Toyotomi Seimei's body and spread to the surroundings.

The temperature of the whole room dropped instantly, and the bodies of the onmyojis sitting around were cold, and their bodies trembled unconsciously.

"It looks like they won't be coming back."

Looking at the trembling onmyoji around him, Toyotomi Seimei closed his eyes again, and the chill around him disappeared immediately.

Toyotomi Seimei shook his head, put the hot tea in his hand on the tea stand, and said in an indifferent voice.

It has been a long time since Nigoro Yamamoto went to China. In the beginning, Nigoro Yamamoto would report the situation to the Onmyoji Alliance every day.

Since Nigoro Yamamoto asked the Onmyoji Alliance to provide personnel support, and reported to the Onmyoji Alliance that he wanted to capture Ji Yang's woman as a bargaining chip, there has been no news.

There has been no news for so long, and Seimei Toyotomi has basically confirmed the situation of Nigoro Yamamoto and the other three.

They have two results now, one is to be arrested by Huaxia, and the other is to die.

No matter which of the two results, one thing is doomed, that is, they will never be able to return to the Onmyoji Alliance of Country R.

Toyotomi Seimei said these words, but there was no special change on the faces of the other Onmyoji.

Because they also thought of this. After all, they haven't seen any news from Nigoro Yamamoto and the others for so long, and the last news is that they are going to arrest people.

In the end, there are only two results in arresting people. One is to successfully catch the opponent, and the other is to be caught or killed by the opponent.

The Huaxia Xuan Group and the Onmyoji Alliance of Country R are deadly rivals, and the meeting between the two parties has always been a life-and-death struggle.

It's not uncommon for Onmyoji to be killed in China, just like people from Xuanzu being killed in Country R, ​​it's very common.

In the past, onmyojis went to China to be killed, and the Onmyoji Alliance would not go to China to trouble the Xuan Group, because if anyone with a Xuan Group came to country R and was informed by the Onmyoji Alliance, they would also send Xuan Group of people get rid of.

This is a tacit understanding without words.

But this time I don't know what happened. Toyotomi Seimei learned that an Onmyoji had died in Huaxia, so he even sent Nigoro Yamamoto to trouble the Genzu, and asked them to hand over the murderer.

At that time, the members of the Onmyoji Alliance were in a daze.

"Leader, Deputy Leader Yamamoto must have had an accident in China, what shall we do next?"

Now even Nigoro Yamamoto, who was looking for trouble, has an accident. How the Onmyoji Alliance handles this matter still depends on Toyotomi Seimei's attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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