The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 573 Peng Caixuan Was Forced To Marry

Chapter 573 Peng Caixuan Was Forced To Marry (Part [-])
Tianting, Nezha and other Transformers are upset, walking around in the mortal world.

"Why hasn't Xiaobai contacted me for so long? Is it because he dislikes the lack of demon spirit charms given to him?"

"Although the demon spirit talisman is not a particularly good thing in the heaven and the underworld, it is not bad, and the better the blood essence of the monster used for the demon spirit talisman, the stronger the monster summoned by the demon spirit talisman."

"Xiaobai is a very naughty kid. It's obvious that I want Transformers very much. It's also my fault for being too impatient."

"He wouldn't deliberately delay giving it to me, wanting me to add another demon spirit talisman?"

Nezha really looked at people through the cracks of the door this time, and underestimated them.

Although Ji Yang did trick Nezha in the matter of Transformers.

But since he agreed, Ji Yang will definitely not go back on his word. If Ji Yang in the mortal world knew that Nezha missed him so much, he would probably hit the wall depressed.

Just as Nezha was walking back and forth anxiously in the room, Nezha's WeChat finally rang.

Quickly took out his phone, Nezha smiled, and Xiaobai finally contacted him.

"Why so long, I thought you were going to go back on your word."

Nezha has a quick temper and is quite straightforward, and he expresses his doubts as soon as he speaks.

Seeing what Nezha said, Ji Yang was indeed a little depressed. Is he such a person?

"When a man speaks, he spits and nails. I promise you, and I will definitely not go back on my promise. The six Transformers will be sent to you."

Seeing Ji Yang speak like this, Nezha blushed.

Nezha also felt embarrassed about his own thoughts just now.

While Nezha was blushing, his phone vibrated, several lights flashed, and six Transformers had appeared in front of him.

How to distinguish between good and bad toys in the mortal world, Nezha doesn't know.

But these six Transformers are exquisite and beautiful at first glance, and they look better than the ones he bought for Li Huzi.

Pay in one hand and deliver in one hand.

Now that Ji Yang's Transformers are in place, it's time for Nezha to give Ji Yang the demon spirit talisman that he promised Ji Yang.

"These Transformers are good, and Xiaobai is quite interesting. I misunderstood him just now, so I can't be too stingy."

While speaking, Nezha made a palm move, and three demon spirit talismans appeared in his hand.

Three demon spirit talismans, two white and one red.

The demon spirit talisman appeared in his hand, and Nezha sent it directly to Ji Yang.

"Two white and one red, three demon spirit talismans, these are what I promised you before, you keep them."

"One of the white demon spirit talismans is made from 300-year-old anaconda goblin blood, and the other is made from 400-year-old colorful tiger goblin blood."

"Red is made from the blood essence of a 600-year-old flying eagle. The demon spirit talisman made from the blood essence of 600-year-old monsters is very precious, so don't use it indiscriminately."

"In addition, you have to remember that the monsters summoned by the demon spirit talisman are not permanent. They can only last for twelve hours at most. If they die and disappear halfway, they will disappear completely and cannot be summoned a second time."

The three demon talismans have different colors, which also represent the strength of refining blood-stained monsters.

The spirit talismans refined by the blood of monsters less than 500 years old are all white, and those that are more than 500 years old will turn red.

Originally, Nezha only wanted to give Ji Yang three demon spirit charms refined by monsters less than 500 years old.

But because of the previous misunderstanding of Ji Yang, he can be regarded as compensation to Ji Yang, so he took out this 600-year-old demon spirit talisman refined by the blood of the flying eagle.

Monsters have been around for more than 500 years, and their strength is quite terrifying.

This 600-year-old demon spirit talisman, which was refined with the blood of the flying eagle, is a very rare demon spirit talisman in Nezha's hands.

"I see, thanks."

Ji Yang also knows what the meaning of 600 years represents.

Zhu Jiumei is a 600-year-old monster. Her strength is so strong that it is difficult for Ji Yang to defeat Zhu Jiumei.

Although the monsters summoned by the demon spirit talisman can only last for twelve hours, that is, 24 hours, but it is enough.

Zhu Jiumei fights with a country-R monster of Phoenix Fire's level in minutes.

24 hours is enough for Ji Yang to do many things.

Ji Yang would definitely not use these three demon spirit talismans casually, so he put them away carefully.

The little kids in Heaven and Hell, because it's going to be Children's Day, received toys from the mortal world as gifts, so they are very happy today.

Ji Yang is also very happy today. Today, he has earned 10,000+ merits from the sales of other products in the WeChat store and toys.

I also got three additional demon spirit talismans from Nezha, which is really cool.

Ji Yang was in a better mood. Not only did he personally cook a big meal for Mu Hong and the others tonight, but he was also extraordinarily powerful when he had sex at night.

Zhu Jiumei has already learned her lesson.

At night, she would never live in Ji Yang's villa, the sound was too much torment for her.

Mu Hong's three daughters kept screaming all night, and the next morning, the three women were completely paralyzed.

"Caixuan, what's wrong with you kid, did you do something bad last night?"

After Ji Yang got up, Peng Caixuan and Zhu Jiumei came to his villa.

Seeing that Peng Caixuan had two giant panda eyes, and there was something wrong with his spirit, Ji Yang said with a smirk.

When Zhu Jiumei was in human form, she was definitely a stunner, the kind that could easily make people commit crimes.

Zhu Jiumei doesn't live in Ji Yang's villa at night, so she naturally goes to live with Peng Caixuan.

The lonely man and the widow live in the same room, at Peng Caixuan's age, he is also young and impulsive.

Ji Yang said that when Peng Caixuan did something bad, he deliberately swept his eyes at Zhu Jiumei, and there was a smirk on his face, he was implying something.

"Ji Yang, don't think that I'm afraid of you because your immortal status has been improved. Believe it or not, I will poke your butt with a knife right now."

"He dared to do bad things to me, can he still stand here now?"

Zhu Jiumei's eyes turned cold, and she said threateningly.

Although Peng Caixuan is at the early stage of Tianjie, in the eyes of Zhu Jiumei, he is no different from Huangjie.

Zhu Jiumei wanted to take care of Peng Caixuan, and it was a matter of minutes.

Seeing Zhu Jiumei's eyes, Ji Yang smiled awkwardly, and looked at Peng Caixuan again.

"I guess you don't have the courage, kid. Let me tell you, masturbation will hurt your body."

When Ji Yang said these words, Peng Caixuan, who was a little sluggish, instantly regained his spirits, and Ji Yang almost spit out his mouthful of old blood.

"Boss, I'm not in the mood to joke with you right now, and I'm not interested in using Five Finger Girls either."

"I'm annoyed by something."

"Annoyed by things? Tell me what's going on. The younger brother has something to do. How can the boss not care about it?"

"Is someone bothering you, I'll clean him up for you!"

Ji Yang looked at Peng Caixuan with a straight face, and patted his chest.

Peng Caixuan almost lost his life because of Ji Yang, if something happened to Peng Caixuan, Ji Yang would definitely help.

Even if he can't help, he has to find a way to help.

"Someone is making trouble for me, but boss, you really can't deal with her."

"Because she is my fiancee, I was forced to marry!"

 One update is coming, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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